Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 75 This is not the point

Looking at Lin Xiaomei's smiling face, Ye Chong roared silently in his heart:

"It's you! You bought me so many oil bottles, do you think you are participating in a beauty pageant?"

"Now you still say that your vision is accurate?"

"Mass egg!"

"Which eye is right?"

"Believe it or not, I took it as a trophy?"

"It's just a shame!"

Seeing the other party's unkind expression, Lin Xiaomei immediately jumped aside with a chuckle, and hurriedly began to collect the spoils.

At this time, Lin Xiaonuan came up again, and said with a sweet smile: "Brother Chong, how did you catch Gao Shuang, hehe, that hug is so tight, isn't it delicious?"

"Go away, you little girl, let's go to cool off." Ye Chongzheng was upset, and couldn't help but said with a straight face: "By the way, don't call me Brother Chong, call me Captain!"

"Captain Ye Chong, you can't do this, I'm here to greet you on behalf of all the members of the 00 team," Lin Xiaonuan pouted, "But you're going to kill me with your mouth, and let the little girls..."

As he spoke, Lin Xiaonuan's tears began to roll, and even his body began to tremble non-stop. Seeing that he was about to let out his voice, Ye Chong's head grew big all of a sudden, and he immediately smiled and said:

"Okay, okay, that... Lin Xiaonuan, hurry up and collect the spoils, see if you see, the airship will be here soon, hurry up, don't delay."

"Cut!" Lin Xiaonuan turned and walked aside, pouted, "I don't want to talk to you."

"Thank you!" Ye Chong responded subconsciously.

"You!" Lin Xiaonuan's pretty face flushed, looking at Ye Chong, tears fell down her cheeks.

"Hehe, by the way, Xiaonuan, there is actually something I wanted to tell you a long time ago," Ye Chong scratched his head, "I found a problem when you performed body skills that day."

Seeing that the other party wiped away his tears and showed interest, he continued:

"Shenfa is different from dancing posture. The emphasis is on practicality, not beauty."

"Xiao Nuan, your agility and lightness of footsteps are your advantages, but if you want to turn them into a winning force, you must discard some flashy things."

"Otherwise, there will be many crises at the time of life and death."

"Captain, can you teach me?" Lin Xiaonuan leaned forward with her mouth pouted.

Seeing that a collision was about to happen, the other party was still unable to stand, Ye Chong turned slightly to one side, clinging to the other party's body, and walked around behind her, then smiled and said: "Did you see, use the simplest and most powerful Practical way to achieve the desired purpose.”

"Cut! Then what's your purpose?" Lin Xiaonuan laughed through tears, "Is that just standing behind him like this?"


Ye Chong coughed and said with a smile: "That's not the point!"

"Then what's the point?" Lin Xiaonuan turned around and looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Where should I be lighter?"

"I'll go!" Ye Chong's head got bigger, he was kind enough to teach the other party the essentials of agility, but he just didn't make the point, "Okay, Xiaonuan, you are a good seed for practicing agility."

"Although I don't have the level to teach you, after all, bystanders are clear, and I can give you some advice - don't be a dancing butterfly, but a little sparrow that comes and goes quickly."

"Hee hee, then Captain Ye Chong is the little sparrow?" Lin Xiaonuan's eyes were still wet from tears, but his face was smiling like a flower, showing a different kind of beauty, full of fatal temptation and attraction.

"..." Ye Chong smiled wryly, speechless.

However, his heart roared silently:

"Damn! Hooligan!"

At this moment, Gao Shuang called out softly.

Everyone looked up, only to find that the airship numbered 7 had already hovered at a height of 20 meters above the platform.


A rope ladder braided with thick hemp rope hung down.

Ye Chong couldn't help smiling slightly, and thought to himself, it's very thoughtful to use hemp rope when going down and a rope ladder when going up, is it because he is afraid that someone will get hurt?


All the members of the 00 team boarded the airship, but it was a little trouble for the two expatriate girls to board the airship, and during the process, the two of them were questioned several times.

Of course Ye Chong didn't bother to pay attention to these messy things, but as soon as he boarded the airship, he hurriedly found a place and closed his eyes.

no way.

For so many days, he hadn't really had a full night's sleep.

The longest time was probably more than an hour of sleep.

Just like that, he was almost made dumplings by a group of unnamed mutant beasts.




bloody battle.


hunger and thirst.


No one can bear such a life for ten days.

Once in a safe environment, the first thing to do, of course, is to sleep.


Ye Chong snored as soon as he touched the backrest.

Lin Xiaomei and the others tiptoely sat on the seats next to him, surrounding him in the middle.

Even when the tall and thin middle-aged man and the bearded middle-aged man wanted to come over for a chat, they were stopped by all the members of the 00 team.


They knew that their captain was really tired.

Although they may not have spent more than a day with him, he has become the most trusted old friend of all 008 members.

This feeling seems a bit abrupt, but it is very real and wonderful.

For some reason, everyone has a strange urge.

No one can harm their captain.

Otherwise, they will definitely make each other pay with their lives.

In the next few hours, airship No. 7 picked up four more waves of people on several nearby islands, a total of 28 people.

However, on the last relatively large island, the airship hovered for nearly an hour, but no positioning flares were found.

Everyone understands that the trial team on this island is likely to be wiped out.

Lin Xiaomei's face was ugly, but when she looked at Ye Chong who was sleeping soundly, there was a touch of complicated emotion in her eyes:

"If our 008 trial team didn't have him, the final result would be the same as the team on the island just now. The whole army would be wiped out, right?"

"Ten days ago, six trial teams were transported on the No. 7 airship. Now there are a total of 6 people who survived, and 38 people were reduced."

"Among the 38 people who survived here, except for our 00 team, everyone else was injured, and there were as many as 10 seriously injured people, and the only person in our team who was really injured was Gao Shuang, which was not considered a serious injury. "

"Also, we brought back two expatriate girls."

When thinking of this, Lin Xiaomei looked at Ye Chong with a little more tenderness and excitement. Without a sound, she smiled sweetly:

"Is he enough to be called a great captain? And for me, being the deputy of such a captain is an honor worth showing off in my life!"

The airship went all the way west without incident, until the next morning, it landed at the airship airport of the Coast Guard.

When Ye Chong woke up with a yawn, he was taken aback.

He found a bunch of heads looking down at him.

At any rate, although these heads look different, each one looks better than the other.

Otherwise, I would really be scared to death.

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