"team leader!"

"team leader!"

"team leader!"


Everyone, including Lin Xiaomei, was crying with the loudest voice.

"Follow me." Ye Chong put down Gao Shuang, and said in a deep voice:

"Now start killing!"

Swish swish!

All the mutated sea beasts turned to Ye Chong.

The sudden appearance of a human clearly attracted all of their attention.


The white-haired mutated sea wolf howled to the sky, and all the mutated sea wolves rushed over like crazy.

The four mutated four-legged snake lizards also blinked their eyes, full of sarcasm, pressing forward step by step.

"Sister, what should we do now?" Lin Xiaonuan bit her red lips lightly, "Should we go back to the financial office, or..."

"No, we're not going anywhere." Lin Xiaomei said calmly, "Rebuild the defensive formation."

"Vice Captain Lin, the captain and the others are too few, should we go up and help?" Tao Xiangru's voice sounded.

"No, we are going over now, not to help, but to cause trouble." Lin Xiaomei shook her head slowly, "Set up the formation!"

Ka Ka Ka!

Under Lin Xiaomei's command, the defensive formation constructed with alloy composite shields was formed again, and the 00 team stayed in place quietly without leaving.


Four mutated four-legged snake lizards and dozens of mutated seals trapped Ye Chong and Gao Shuang in the middle.

If you look down from a high altitude at this time, you will find a roof platform of thousands of square meters, like an eye.

The place where the beasts gather seems to be the iris, and the place where Ye Chong and Gao Shuang are located is the center of the eyes - the pupil.

A huge airship that did not know when it appeared was slowly hovering hundreds of meters above the sky, and a dozen men and women in uniforms were looking down through the lookout plate.

"This team is really stupid!" A middle-aged man with a beard frowned, "Since someone has attracted the attention of the mutant beast, why don't the rest leave? Do you want those two people to sacrifice bravely?" become meaningless?"

"What a group of poor fellows! After finally persevering until the day of victory, but being so careless, they provoked a group of difficult sea wolves, and... what are those guys? They don't seem to be from the Sea Clan, they seem to be... "A tall and thin middle-aged man shook his head.

"Sir, those four guys are probably the four-legged snake lizards native to the island. This kind of thing is not common, and they are generally small in size. I didn't expect them to evolve so fast!" A handsome young man approached and tall The thin middle-aged man continued to whisper:

"Sir, there is no mutation data for this species in the database, and the aggressiveness, defensiveness, intelligence level and living habits are not clear."

"Sir, do we need to land a little more and take a closer look?" The bearded middle-aged man looked at the tall and thin middle-aged man, "Well, maybe we should go down and help them disperse those damned guys, or else , they will all be finished."

"No," the tall and thin middle-aged man put his hands behind his back and shook his head, "You are the captain of airship No. 007. It is up to you to decide whether to land and whether it is safe to land now, but..."

"We can't rashly intervene in the trial process. This was specifically explained before I came here."

When it came to this, the tall and thin middle-aged man observed the situation on the observation plate again, and sighed:

"According to the rules, the trial team must get out of the predicament temporarily, and we will take them out under the premise of ensuring the safety of the airship landing."

"But now, well, unfortunately, they're still fighting."

"And, as you all know, mutant sea wolves are not afraid of death, they have strong jumping ability, if they catch the landing cable, the airship will be finished."

"Also... Those mutant four-legged snake lizards also look weird. We don't know if they will pose a threat to the airship, so... let's wait until the battle is over!"

"Okay, sir." The bearded middle-aged man nodded, "I think the safety of the airship comes first, and we need to bring more people home."

At the same time, the people around had different expressions, staring intently at the roof platform below.


what? !

There was a sudden exclamation around the observation plate.

The tall and thin middle-aged man stared at him, and couldn't help but his face changed drastically. Then he suddenly raised his head and said to the young handsome man:

"Find out who this person is right now? I want his details."

"Yes, sir." The young handsome man turned on the tablet he was carrying, "Team 00, male, with a long-handled saber...Report sir, this person should be the captain of Team 00, Ye Chong. (8), here are his detailed data."


Young handsome man handing tablet computer to skinny senior man.

At the same time, Ye Chong flicked the Dark Night War Knife lightly, and a few drops of blood on the tip of the knife fell to the ground.

Not far in front of him, two mutated sea wolves fell to the ground, one on the left and the other on the right.

Their bodies were neatly split in half from head to chest, and the ground was wet with blood.

"The knife technique is still a bit poor, and the use of power is also a bit unsatisfactory. It failed to completely split the mutant sea wolf." Ye Chong frowned, thinking to himself, "Gao Shuang was injured and couldn't move. By my side, I have to be distracted to take care of it, so that my hands and feet are tied up and I can't use it. Ten percent of the saber technique can only be used at most fifty percent."

Just when Ye Chong was guarding against the attacks of the beasts and thinking to himself, Gao Shuang said excitedly: "Captain, your sword skills are too domineering! Even a great martial arts master can't do it, right? !"

"Martial arts swordsmanship emphasizes stability, accuracy, ruthlessness, and speed. When we become warriors and learn martial arts techniques and skills, we won't look down on these things." Ye Chong looked around, the corners of his mouth curled up, "These variations The beast is very smart, unlike the wild beasts before the new era, which savagely bite and do not teach rules."

"If I'm not wrong, they will launch a full-scale attack soon, so we need to be ready for battle."

"Captain, please tell me, what do you want me to do?" Gao Shuang puffed out his chest, with blood in his eyes.

"Go back to the team." Ye Chong said calmly.

"What?!" Gao Shuang asked back slightly startled.

"Come on!"

As soon as Ye Chong finished speaking, he put one hand on Gao Shuang's waist. The latter reacted very quickly, flew up with one foot on the ground, turned around in the air, and flew directly towards the 00 team.


All the mutated sea wolves and mutated four-legged snake lizards are divided into five groups: front, back, left, right, and up. There are also a few strange scarlet long tongues in the middle. Leaving no semblance of escape room.

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