Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 736 Martial Arts Court

"Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, Department of Martial Dao Alchemy, teacher Zhou Xinxin." The blood-stained woman in the [-]-word grid stone forest said every word.

"Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, Martial Arts Combat Department, student Ye Chong." Ye Chong's eyes were in a daze, and his voice was mechanical and dull.

"Who are you?! Ye Chong?" Zhou Xinxin looked surprised, "That birdman Ye Chong who won No.3 in the Yangwu Conference?"

"That's right, Teacher Zhou, it's me," Ye Chong came back to his senses, "I remembered, I saw you at the opening ceremony, Teacher Zhou."

On the day of the opening ceremony of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, there were many people who left a deep impression on Ye Chong, but there were only two people who impressed Ye Chong the most.

The first one is Yan Jinglei, the principal of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy. Ye Chong unconsciously admires his temperament, vigor and vigor.

The second one is Zhou Xinxin, a beautiful teacher from Kyushu Martial Arts Academy. Her beauty is indescribable and can only be imagined quietly in her dreams.

At this moment, although Zhou Xinxin was covered in blood and her voice became hoarse and unpleasant, her demeanor and appearance still exuded a unique charm.

"Ye Chong, come in quickly, it's dangerous outside," Zhou Xinxin stepped forward, grabbed Ye Chong's hand, and pulled it in, "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you, don't be afraid."

"..." Ye Chong was pulled in like a puppet, with a dazed expression on his face, thinking, as a bird man, and a male bird man, and met a female bird man, shouldn't he say this by himself? good?

"Are you injured?" Zhou Xinxin looked concerned, "Where's your companion?

You can't come alone, can you?

Too dangerous.

Ye Chong, you are the pride of Jiuwu.

It is my duty to protect you.

Come on.

come to me. "

"..." Ye Chong scratched his head in bewilderment, and pointed to a person lying beside him, "Who is he? He also belongs to Jiuwu?"

"Yes, he is Gao Gao, the teacher of our Nine Martial Arts Artifact Refining Department," Zhou Xinxin looked to the side with a worried look on his face, "He was injured and just fell asleep."

"Is it serious? Where did you get the injury?" Ye Chong couldn't help but frowned. Gao Ang was covered by his clothes, so he really couldn't see the injured part.

"Injury to his leg," Zhou Xinxin sighed softly, "When he broke through, he was bitten by a mutated anaconda."

"..." Ye Chong shivered secretly. An S1-level anaconda is also 20 meters long. The higher the level, the thicker the body. You can imagine how big the mouth is. Being bitten by this kind of thing, the feeling... Absolutely It is hot and sour.

"Ye Chong, don't be afraid," Zhou Xinxin saw that the other party's expression was wrong, and continued to comfort him, "This mutant stone forest beast can't get in.

Moreover, I found that there are much fewer mutant beasts outside than at the beginning.

It is estimated that they will be withdrawn in a short time.

At that time, it is the best time for us to leave together.

Ha ha.

Just now I was worried about how to take Gao Ang away.

Now that you're here, that's great.

When we withdraw, you carry him on your back, and I will kill and protect the enemy.

By the way, Ye Chong, are you really not injured? "

"No," Ye Chong smiled, "but I'm weak, so I'm really scared to see so many mutant beasts."

"It's okay, Ye Chong, don't be afraid," Zhou Xinxin said with a heroic expression, "Don't worry, as long as I live, nothing will happen to you."

"Oh, thank you Teacher Zhou, then I can rest assured," Ye Chong scratched his head, "By the way, Teacher Zhou, I am here to find someone this time, have you...have you met anyone else?"

"I saw a lot of them when I came here, and they were all on missions," Zhou Xinxin stroked back her beautiful hair on her forehead. It sounded a bit like a drake's voice, "Then a beast horde broke out suddenly, and I didn't see anyone else."

"Mr. Zhou, there is spring water over there, you can wash your face," Ye Chong pointed to the side, "beast blood has been on the face for a long time, it is not good for the skin."

"It's okay, Gao Ang told me to paint it with animal blood, saying it was safe," Zhou Xinxin smiled lightly, the white teeth exuded a crystal and warm light, "so as not to be attacked by animals."

"Which beast?" Ye Chong muttered.

Zhou Xinxin ignored him, as if suddenly remembered something, looked at him seriously and said, "How did you get in? Did they withdraw?"

Immediately after the next moment, she walked quickly towards the entrance and exit of the Wanzige Stone Forest.

Ye Chong followed closely behind, thinking:

It seems that the saying "beauties are brainless" is true.

The key is Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, one of the three major martial arts academies in China. What kind of teachers have they recruited?

Even if the Department of Martial Arts and Alchemy does not pay attention to actual combat, and there are more people engaged in pharmacy research, but this... isn't the response a little too slow?

No wonder the two of them were trapped here by ten big bad wolves and dared not leave.


At this time, Zhou Xinxin who had just arrived at the entrance let out a low cry, then turned around and said, "Ye Chong, the mutant beasts outside are all dead, did you see who killed them?"

"I," Ye Chong squeezed out a smile, "the smell of blood is so strong, I thought you had discovered it earlier."

"Ye Chong, now is not the time to joke." Zhou Xinxin looked serious, "I have rhinitis, so I can't smell it."

"..." Ye Chong scratched his head, "Well, when I came here just now, I found that they were all dead, and then I came in."

"It's strange," Zhou Xinxin frowned slightly, "Before you came in, I just observed it. Could it be possible that someone might pass by here?"

"What great power, it's obviously a birdman..." Ye Chong muttered.

"Hush," Zhou Xinxin looked around nervously, then looked at Ye Chong seriously and said, "Keep your voice down.

Do not talk nonsense.

Greatness is not something we dare to judge.

Especially when you scold people.

If you are heard by Da Neng, you may be punished. "

"I didn't scold anyone," Ye Chong said with a depressed look on his face, "I'm talking about Birdman, not Da Neng."

"You..." Zhou Xinxin frowned, but then shook her head and said, "Okay, don't talk about it.

You go on your back high, we set off now.

If the mutant beasts surround us, we won't be able to leave. "

"Teacher Zhou, I'm weak." Ye Chong's impression of the big beauty Zhou Xinxin has become very bad now, and even looking at Gao Gao is not pleasing to the eye. Of course he is not happy to let him carry others, "Besides, my feet hurt, Still have a stomachache.

Teacher Zhou, you are a beautiful woman, you may not have gone to the toilet.

Stomach trouble is stomach trouble, always thinking about squatting down for convenience.


"Shut up!" Zhou Xinxin yelled, "I order you in the name of the teacher of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, to carry Gao Gao on your back, otherwise, you will be punished by the Ten Great Disciplines of Nine Martial Arts!"

"Mr. Zhou, you... this is the overlord's attack." Ye Chong curled his lips, "I protest! I want to report to the school office that you are forcibly recruiting civilian husbands."

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