"Ye Chong, Jiuwu pays attention to unity and order, especially when it comes to missions, students must obey orders and listen to the teacher." Zhou Xinxin frowned, "Although I am not a teacher in the actual combat department, since now If we meet together, then we are a team, and I am the commander of the team.

I can tell you very clearly now that if you don't carry Teacher Gao Ang behind your back, it is a violation of school discipline and morality.

Lightly deduct your points and credits.

If it is serious, you will be directly expelled from your student status.

The possibility of sending you to a martial arts court is not even ruled out. "

"Who are you scaring? Restore morality? I have only heard of teacher's morality, and teachers with bad morality are not good at it." Ye Chong muttered a few words.

"What did you say?!" Zhou Xinxin put her hands on her hips, furious, "What's wrong with your classmate?!

How do you know me……


Disrespecting the teacher means disrespecting the school.

Believe it or not, let me educate you on behalf of the school? "

"..." Ye Chong scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

Judging from the thickness of Qi and blood circulating in Zhou Xinxin's body, she should be at the level of an advanced martial arts fighter. As for whether it is a beginner, intermediate, advanced or peak level, he still can't tell. When he reaches the stage of an advanced martial arts fighter , it will naturally be able to distinguish it.

Ye Chong felt a little funny now.

Normally speaking, a high-level martial arts fighter is indeed much higher than a junior martial arts fighter. He has stronger blood, more thickness and background, and even stronger body and spirit, and he can contact and practice combat skills. There are also many legal skills.

The problem is, he is not normal as a junior martial arts fighter.

If it was normal, they wouldn't have crushed senior martial arts fighters to the ground at the Martial Arts Conference and rubbed them casually.

Now that Zhou Xinxin said that he wanted to educate him, in fact, instead of having the slightest fear in his heart, he still had a little expectation.

Not to mention anything else, for some reason, both of his hands were itchy.

Especially when he thought of the obvious improvement of the Starry Sky Blade and the small golden fishing net, he was full of desire to try it on humans.

But speaking of it, at the opening ceremony, he still had a particularly good impression of Zhou Xinxin, a big beauty, and even had the urge to hug her, but now, he just wants to run, as far away as possible.

"Hehe, Ye Chong, don't be angry." Zhou Xinxin suddenly smiled again, "I can't help it if I do this.

Only if you carry Gao Gao on your back, can I do my best to protect you.

Otherwise, we might not be able to get out of the dangerous Leqing Mountains.

Especially you.

Not long after becoming a warrior, he is a rising star and a seedling that needs careful cultivation.

How great.

No one wants you to die young or wither so early.


You also do not fear and fear.

I believe that with our joint efforts, we will be able to return to school smoothly.

At that time, I will definitely apply to the school and give you a credit, and there will be reward points. "

"Is this a slap and two sweet dates?" Ye Chong muttered, "It seems like someone cares."

Speaking of which, Ye Chong is not unable to escape.

In fact, he could think of a thousand ways to get out.

However, he can't go now.

It's easy to leave, but the troublesome things left behind are not easy to deal with.

After all, Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang are members of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy. The two are in danger and will not save them, which is against the chivalrous spirit of martial arts.

Speaking of which, the illusory things like martial arts chivalry are not valued very much in the eyes of many people in martial arts, and they are even considered as a slogan to fool martial artists.

It's good for everyone to talk about it.

As for what do you think?

How to do it?

How do you behave when someone is around?

What about when no one is around?

That's all personal privacy and secrets.

Everyone was tacit, and no one was free to say anything.

However, in fact, the reference to the spirit of martial arts and chivalry is really significant.

Ye Chong once saw an internal class of a martial arts master on the deep web.

This expert specifically mentioned that if the martial arts chivalrous spirit cannot become the belief of people in martial arts, there will be no problems in the early stage, and there will be no big problems in the mid-term, but in the later stage, they will encounter difficult-to-break cultivation bottlenecks.

About why?

The great expert didn't explain in detail, but said that it has something to do with the way of martial arts and inner demons.

Everything in the world pays attention to the balance of positive and negative, and the balance of yin and yang.

In the process of martial arts cultivation, there are both gains and losses.

The result, of course, is the growth of Dao along the way of martial arts development.

What is lost is the breeding of demons in the process of martial arts progress.

It was fine in the early days.

After all, there is less of anything.

There is little accumulation of Taoism.

Demons breed less.

Can't see anything.

However, after the later period, the growth of Taoism reached an astonishing height.

At the same time, the breeding of inner demons derived from the development of Taoism has reached an unavoidable level.

In this case, the problem arises.

Every martial arts practice is accompanied by the wanton rampage of inner demons.

This kind of dark side opposite to Taoism is very scary to say the least.

The only purpose of its existence is to destroy the continuous improvement of Taoism.

Therefore, at this time, during the cultivation process, especially at the critical moment of promotion, if the cultivator is a little negligent, it is very likely that the inner demon will successfully invade and control the carrier of martial arts.

That is, the human body.

That's it.

Because that's what's called obsession.

From light to serious injuries, the path of cultivation has been cut off since then.

In severe cases, the body collapses and dies.

The situation is not serious, but it is also fatal.

Physically handicapped, insane, like a living dead.

Speaking of which, there are basically two ways to solve this major problem in the late stage of martial arts training.

One is right.

One is obsession.

The so-called gaining the Tao is to suppress the breeding of inner demons with an overwhelming advantage under the guidance of martial arts beliefs.

The so-called obsession is to take the initiative to fall into the embrace of the inner demon, so as to have a new understanding of martial arts, and to go all the way on this crooked path, and there is no way back.

This is the so-called crooked way of evil spirits.

As for the belief mentioned by Taoism, it is actually nothing but the spirit of martial arts and chivalry.

In fact, only this kind of belief in pursuit of light and justice can contend with demons.

In fact, not only the powerful person from Deep Web has expressed this view, but similar statements have also appeared in the relevant elaboration of the secret book of "Destroy the World".

Why is "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" so difficult to practice?

There is a saying that the further a cultivator goes back in cultivation, the more severe the backlash from the inner demons will be. This makes the cultivation process extremely difficult, and even later, it is simply one step forward and two steps back, which is full of crises.

Therefore, Ye Chong, who understands this truth, will stick to his beliefs not for anything else but to make a breakthrough in the cultivation of the secret book of "Destruction of the World".

The spirit of martial arts and chivalry.

Therefore, it is really impossible for him to disregard the life and death of the two young teachers Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang of Jiuwu.

In addition, he has other considerations.

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