Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 735 Who Are You

Ye Chong's blood surged secretly, speeding up his escape.

His posture, however, remains harmonious and graceful.

As a birdman who can be pursued by beasts, these are what he should do.

It's just that he soon discovered that something was wrong.

The opponent's speed is really too fast.

Accompanied by the strange sound of croaking, eager and full of expectation.

"What's this all about?" Ye Chong muttered.

However, his face was obviously a little anxious.

no way.

The distance between the two is constantly shortening.

This means that the danger is getting closer.

Although he has the confidence to kill this beast, but he has no confidence to keep it from being discovered.

Think about it too.

In broad daylight, he was gliding through the air, followed by a croaking fat goose.

To be honest, I don't know how many mutant beasts are watching them on the ground and in the forest.

If the beast was chopped off with a single knife, the audience below would definitely find something unusual.

However, there should be no problem now.

Otherwise, there would not be only one beast coming.

Moreover, the voice is full of envy and ambiguity.


Ye Chong stood to one side, turned around and flew down.

Although there is still some distance from the location of the Wanzige Stone Forest, he can no longer fly in the air.

If a high-level animal sees it, it might guess his purpose.

If that's the case, it's not good.

Ye Chong landed suddenly, and the beast croaked and lowered its height.

However, he can fly, but he can't fly as fast as the beasts, but he can fall faster than the beasts.

It can even be said that Ye Chong is not falling down at all, but falling down.

It's like a big rock falling from the sky, the speed is incredible.

That is to say, within a short time, Ye Chong had plunged into the dense forest below and disappeared.

As a result, the beast that rushed over was circling and flying around Ye Chongzhuo's forest.

The constant croaking sound is full of infinite disappointment and nostalgia.

At this moment, Ye Chong was squatting beside a big tree, having fun while enjoying himself.

"It seems that no matter whether I am a human or a bird, I am so handsome that there is no reason for it.

You can tell by listening to its voice, it definitely means love at first sight for me.

Ha ha.


I go to meet it?

Just let it go?

Maybe we can still fall in love across races, so what if we have a love affair with each other? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but laugh, and made a sound that shouldn't be made.

As a result, he was so frightened that he immediately cleaned up, and then he turned around and disappeared into the depths of the dense forest.

After half an hour.

Swastika Stone Forest.

Ten S3 level big bad wolves guard the entrance.

The five heads were sleeping on the ground, two were staring at the entrance of the Wanzige Stone Forest, and the other three were rubbing together, and from time to time, they would bluff and open their mouths to bite each other.

At the same time, near the entrance of the Wanzige Stone Forest, a blood-stained man was looking out, looking nervous.

Judging from the person's figure and behavior, it is undoubtedly a woman, but it is not clear what she looks like.

At this time, there seemed to be a faint voice coming from the inside of the Wanzige Stone Forest. The woman who was looking outside agreed slightly, and then walked in.

Almost at the same time, there was a light sound outside the entrance, it sounded like a small stone fell on the soft ground.


The two big bad wolves who had been staring at the entrance of the Wanzige Stone Forest turned around in an instant, and roared straight at the place where the sound came from.

At the same time, the three S3-level big bad wolves who were playing were also looking at the place where the sound was made, with vigilant expressions on their faces.

At the same time, the five big bad wolves sleeping on the ground, although their bodies did not move, their ears were moving slightly.


The scene suddenly became quiet again.

As if nothing happened at all.

In fact, this is also the case. Where the sound was made just now, there is nothing.

The two big bad wolves that were close to the entrance turned around and stared at the depths of the stone forest again.

The greedy eyes in their eyes are filled with the color of impatient bloodthirsty.

The ears of the five big bad wolves who were still sleeping on the ground stopped moving.

The other three big bad wolves played a game of chasing their own tails.

From time to time, there was a low growl, as if he was about to bite his own tail.

At this time, one of the big bad wolves suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes, and then realized that he really bit his own tail.

It let out a cry of excitement, and then looked at the other two big bad wolves with its tail in its mouth.

What made it stunned was that the two guys actually grabbed their own tails.


It's not just the tail that's being held, there are also two hind legs and bloody things under the tail.

The first big bad wolf was stunned, and looked at the tail it was holding. When it saw that it was also holding the lower half of its body, it fell to the ground and twitched before it could howl.

At the same time, the two big bad wolves guarding the Wanzige Stone Forest seemed to have sensed something, and turned around almost at the same time, only to see that the five big bad wolves lying on their stomachs were all decapitated and their heads rolled on the ground.

Before they had any reaction, a black light suddenly flew down from the sky.

In the end, the two big bad wolves didn't even have time to roar, they felt half of their bodies cool down, and then felt empty, as if something was missing.

At the same time, Ye Chong descended from the sky, flicked the blade of the starry sky casually, and a stream of blood shot to the ground.

Immediately after the next moment, he quickly walked straight to the inside of the Wanzige Stone Forest.

Just at the right time, Ye Chong could not help but tremble when he heard a scream.

"What are you screaming?" Ye Chong shouted angrily, "Aren't you afraid of attracting wolves?"

"Who are you?" A crisp voice came from inside the Wanzige Stone Forest.

"Who am I?" Ye Chong heard the other party's voice was still loud, and immediately shouted again, "I'm Lao Ye, you pig, shut up quickly, you really attracted mutant beasts, no one can escape today .”

"..." The voice in the Wanzige Stone Forest lowered a lot, "Which grandpa? My grandpa doesn't swear."


When Ye Chong heard what the other party said, he didn't tense up all of a sudden, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Who said it was your grandfather?" Ye Chong continued to walk in, "What happened?

Are you Han Lina or Xin Xiaomeng?

Why does the voice sound weird, like a duck quacking? "

"You are the duck!" A blood-stained figure came out from the stone forest, "I am Zhou Xinxin from Jiuwu, and you are also from Jiuwu?"

"Who are you?!" Ye Chong suddenly petrified on the spot, really a little confused.

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