Ye Chong was very clear about some things.

Experience is different, natural experience is also different.

It is precisely because of his experience and lessons that he sometimes seems restrained, not daring to make mistakes like a headless chicken, but to judge the situation and act cautiously.

Anyone can have shit luck, but it is impossible for a person to spend his whole life in the halo of shit luck.

Even if you can really get lucky, real warriors value their own strength more.

What they want is to let fate be in their own hands, not shit luck.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles.

Ye Chong not only knows himself and the enemy, but also knows the way of martial arts.

He is very clear that there is nothing wrong with a master of martial arts fighter level being king at this level, but if he wants to cross the big realm and pretend to be aggressive in front of people at the level of martial arts fighters, he will definitely die a miserable and pure death.

This is like a fight between elementary school students and junior high school students, basically there is no chance of winning.

Unless it is a peak senior martial arts fighter who is about to break through to become a martial arts fighter, and fights with someone who has just broken through to become a junior martial arts fighter, there will be a slight possibility of victory, but even so, the chance is very slim.

For martial arts, the gap between each big realm is like a natural chasm, which is difficult to overcome. It is not possible to win only by courage and fighting will.

Therefore, Ye Chong couldn't give a reasonable explanation for the death of the SS2-level black monster bird in the nuclear defense engineering hall.

The only thing he could do was run into the lobby of the expert's apartment and shouted that the SS2-level black monster bird was still chasing him.

In addition, he didn't want to stay in Yangwu campus or Yangcheng. In fact, there was a big reason, that is, he didn't want to explain too much about the nuclear defense project.

As soon as he explained it, he gave away his feet.

The more you explain the more problems you have.

Nobody is a fool.

In particular, Chu Xunhuan, a senior martial arts fighter of the National Martial Arts Department, is a powerful old fritter.

It's not for nothing that he appreciates another old fritter, Zhang Mingyang.

This is called sympathy.

If you open your eyes and talk nonsense in front of the old fried dough sticks, you have to be prepared to be slapped into meatloaf.

Ye Chong is not stupid either.

He couldn't tell Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash, he couldn't tell the little golden fishing net, and he couldn't tell the little villain, especially after he knew the truth of everything, he couldn't tell.

However, the last thing he can say is, of course, the secret of the combat achievement points column.

So, all he could answer was, "My God, I don't know anything, but I think I hear fighting behind me."

Later, he explained it to Wei Hao in the same way.

At that time, Wei Hao had a look of sudden realization: "I knew that there must be a mysterious human strongman who made a move. Otherwise, General Chu Xunhuan might not be able to kill the black monster bird easily."

Of course Ye Chong smiled and nodded.

When we returned to Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, it was late at night.

The campus is quiet and quiet, looking a little deserted and empty.

But he was so excited that as soon as he entered the dormitory, he clenched his hands into fists and roared violently.

Anyway, I can’t hear you from outside, so it’s okay to yell and scream, just don’t smash the walls.

Then he couldn't wait to pick up the Starry Sky Blade standing by the wall.

It's really hard to think that we haven't seen each other for such a long time.


He drew his sword out of its sheath and showed its sharpness.

The magic liquid dripped in before leaving has been absorbed completely.

At this moment, the blade seems to have starlight flowing, and the blade is shining with cold light, as if it is waiting for the infusion of blood.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up involuntarily, and he felt it slightly.

I saw the three little golden tadpoles transformed from the pattern of law in the blade, obviously grown up a little bit, and each of them was full of vitality, while the other two little golden tadpoles with incomplete looks seemed to have no complexion. Yes, the scope of activities has expanded a circle.


Ye Chong slashed casually, and the air exploded suddenly, which was at least three points stronger than the previous slash.


The effect of Shenbing liquid is still there.

Then continue nourishing first.

and also.

The small golden fishing net is also soaked in the magic weapon solution.

Anyway, there are still a lot of ordinary magic liquid, and it is a waste to not use it.


Calculated according to the date, my high-level magic liquid should also arrive, right?

Ha ha.

Check out the armory tomorrow.

Even if there is no high-level magic weapon liquid, add ordinary magic weapon liquid.

no way.

Open your mouth a lot now.

I can't be stingy about the nourishment and cultivation of the blade of the starry sky, and the same goes for the small golden fishing net.

They are all my babies.


I don't know if the little villain will eat Shenbing liquid...

Ah no.

If this thing really eats Shenbing Liquid, it will eat me to death with that amount of food, right?

Forget it.

It's better to let it eat that when there are mutant beast materials. "

Ye Chong walked around the room, washed up briefly, and then went to bed.

However, he always felt as if he had forgotten something and wanted to sleep, but he just couldn't sleep.

After tossing and turning for a while, Ye Chong couldn't help but slapped his head, muttering and turning over.

Soon he sat down at the computer desk.

He has always been fond of surfing the Internet, but he wants to sleep without surfing the Internet, it is simply nonsense.

However, Ye Chong was not in a hurry to read the news on the Internet, nor did he read the relevant news about the Yangwu Conference. Anyway, Wei Hao had said almost the same thing, and there was nothing to watch, a waste of time.

What he was eager to log into was his bank account.

As soon as he saw it, Ye Chong almost jumped up.

its not right.

something wrong.

What kind of broken number is this?

I saw in the bank account:

The first number is 1.

The second number is 1.

The third number is 1.

The fourth number is 1.

There is a dot between the two 11s, and at the end of the number is a hundred million.

11.11 million?


What do you mean?

Double Eleven?

Shouldn't the amount of the bank account be in yuan, with a long string of numbers in front?

How did I become Double Eleven with [-] million?

With so much money, someone is kidding me, right? "

In fact, Ye Chong is suppressing his excitement in his heart now.

He couldn't sleep just now because he couldn't let go of something.

That's right.

Of course it is because of money.

At that time, he invested 1000 million in himself.

He himself gave this investment a code name - shameless investment.

He always hoped that this shameless investment would bring him a shameless return.

Now, it worked.

Ye Chong quickly opened the detail record.

That's right.

There are two credits in total.

The first sum was more than 3000 million yuan.

The second sum is 2000 million.

A sum from Imperial Organic Spinach Development Ltd.

A sum came from the special account for raising martial arts at the Yangcheng Martial Arts Conference.

When Ye Chong saw this, his eyes widened, his eyes widened, and he was so happy that he couldn't express it.

Shameless investment.

Shameless return.

This is the demeanor that a birdman should have.

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