Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 718 Here Comes Again

Ye Chong couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene when he invested.

Limp on one leg.

Leaning on a willow stick.

It wobbled and wobbled as it walked, looking as if it would fall when the wind blows.

"Ha ha.

am i easy?

It is estimated that I was like that at the time, and everyone believed that I would definitely lose.

Comminuted fracture of right calf.

The rotten kind.

The key is that there is no effective treatment, so the circulation of Qi and blood cannot be carried out.

What does it mean for a warrior not to be able to use Qi and blood?

Of course, he lost his combat effectiveness, basically no different from ordinary people.

Then how to fight?

Of course there is no doubt that you will lose.

It is estimated that there were no people who invested in me at that time.

Who is stupid?

Take money for nothing.

Although the rate of return on investment looks quite high, everyone knows that it is meat buns beating dogs, and there is no return, and the risk is too great.

Ah bah bah!

It is not appropriate to say that.

Anyway, that's what it means.

The results of it?

Let me pick up a great bargain.

no way.

The person who knows you best is yourself.


Ha ha.

I went all the way to participate in the Yangwu Conference, and I was notorious at the very beginning.

If compensation cannot be compensated in money, then it is not a human thing.


Double Eleven?

singles day.

Ma Dan.

what does it mean?

God willing?


I think I think I make too much money, right? "

Ye Chong now has no interest in continuing to surf the Internet.

no way.

Head fever.

Then I couldn't sleep.

Always laugh out loud.

It is estimated that everyone is like this.

11.11 billion.

It is not easy to have 11 small goals for seriousness and odds.

As a result, I was in a daze, and the night passed like this.

Ye Chong slept late.

Early the next morning, he was soundly asleep.

He couldn't hear himself, but if anyone else was present, he would certainly be able to hear his snoring.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Chong grunted, then turned over and continued to sleep.

But what I didn't expect was that I don't know which dead guy is ignorant, and he knocked on the door endlessly.



咣 咣 咣!


It is estimated that if you don't open the door again, it is definitely not knocking on the door, but kicking the door.


"I'll kill you and me."

Ye Chong mumbled and stretched, then turned over, his face full of anger, but when he thought of Double Eleven lying in his account, his mood immediately improved a lot.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong smell of smoke rushed in.

"Hey, Chong, are you still at home?" Walter White gave him a big hug as soon as he entered the door.

Ye Chong was caught off guard and didn't even have time to dodge. While pushing hard, he said angrily: "Old Huang Mao, I told you before, don't tell me to rush, I hear a toothache.

and also.

Take advantage of me less.

My body is not for you to hug.


How do you know I'm back? "

"I didn't know you were back." Walter White grinned, "Ye, if I knew you were in the house, how could I knock on the door so loudly? How bad is it that you overheard me?"

"What?" Ye Chong was a little confused, "What... what do you mean? I said Mr. White, can you stop talking about what you said early in the morning?"

"Hahaha, Ye, I'm sorry, if I knew you were at home, I would knock on the door softly. You know, I'm an elegant man." Walter White grinned, "I was just looking for inspiration."

"What the hell?" Ye Chong curled his lips, "I can feel that you are a man, but elegance is fine.

Also, if you look for inspiration, you look for inspiration. Does it have anything to do with knocking on my door? "

"Well, Ye, you don't know about this, I forgive you." Walter White snapped a cigarette and took a puff, "Ye, you know, you are my best friend.

If I don't see you for a day, I feel like the world is dying.


Yeh, I have to admit.

After you leave here, I will knock on your door every day.

It feels good.

Just like you are still by my side, it will inspire me infinitely. "

"Cough, cough, stop!" Ye Chong took a step back, looking very upset, "Old Huangmao, I'm still alive, don't read me the eulogy.


You said you were about to knock the door down, so why just knock lightly?

How heavy is your paw knocking on the door, you elegant old yellow hair don't make it yourself? "

"Ye, we are all people in the civilized world, and we can't speak so rudely." Walter White shrugged, "Well, I admit that the knocking on the door is indeed a bit heavy for inspiration today, but I see you I'm really glad, Ye, that you've lost weight."


Ye Chong shook his body, covered his mouth with his hand, so as not to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Now he understands that the old yellow-haired Walter White's knocking on the door is not seeking inspiration at all, but to come to see if he is back every day.

If you come back, well, let's meet.

It is estimated that the courtesy is over, and I will immediately reach out for something.

If you don't come back, then vent your anger on the door, and you won't suffer no matter what happens.

"Mr. White, you are a world-renowned toxicologist, and you spend all day doing nothing on the Jiuwu campus. Isn't that good?" Ye Chong said angrily, "Now the pressure of mutant beasts on the human race is getting bigger and bigger. Now, you should also do your best for the future development of the human race, instead of thinking about coming to harass me all day long."

"Ye, very good, your idea is exactly the same as mine." Walter White smiled and blew on the cigarette ash, "Let us join hands, share our hearts, and work together for the future development of the human race."

"..." Ye Chong put his hands behind his back, took a step back with a vigilant look on his face, "Dear Mr. Walter White, you'd better speak clearly.

It's really inappropriate to apply it to the two of us.

and also.

I'm not a messy person. "

"Haha, dear Ye, I really like you so much." Walter White grinned and took a step forward, "I'm serious, I won't mess around."

"I'll go! Wait. Don't come forward. What's the matter? Tell me clearly." Ye Chong's head is really a bit big.

It's so early in the morning, how did you come across such a guy?

Is the local culture so messy?

If you don't know how to pretend to know, it will kill you.

"Ye, I'm here to deliver something." Walter White took out a nano bag from the bag he was carrying, and handed it forward, "This is the latest third-level animal repellent powder, take it, Ye, It's all prepared for you."

"That's all?!" Ye Chong couldn't help but smiled, grabbed the bag, weighed it up and down, then shook his head, "Haha, that's not right.

With Mr. White's ability, it has been such a long time, shouldn't he have produced the fourth-level animal exorcism fan earlier?

How did it take so many valuable mutant beast materials to make these things?


Mr. White, I will leave you alone.

You'd better hurry up and go. "

After speaking, Ye Chong stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

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