Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 716 Leaderboards

Nothing happened on the train.

Wei Hao came to disturb him from time to time, and it was always before and after meals, mainly because of sexual intercourse.

From his mouth, Ye Chong learned a lot of news.

The Martial Arts Conference, a little-known martial arts exchange conference at the beginning, really became popular, and it was still a mess.

Basically, it can be said that everyone knows it.

In fact, think about it, now is the era of martial arts for all, and the martial arts exchange conference is the selection of martial arts stars. While appreciating the competition, every audience is also chasing the stars in their hearts.

According to Wei Hao, ten new stars have emerged from the Martial Arts Conference, and among these people, there are three people who are mainly enthusiastically sought after.

One is Michonne, a little girl with dreadlocks.

One is the smoker Komori who narrowly lost in the final.

The other is the birdman Ye Chong who brutalized the desolate warrior Wubashan in the third place battle.

Ye Chong smiled when he heard this, even if Wei Hao didn't say these things, he could guess about them.

Then he asked about the situation of the Wu Yang ranking list, and the result was as expected, basically according to the ranking of the Wu Yang Conference.

No.1, the little girl Michonne with dreadlocks.

No.2, Smoker Gongsen.

No.3, Birdman Ye Chong.

No.4, Wubashan, the wild warrior.

No.5, fat girl Sun Wukong.

No.6, Jin Shiyi, a homeless brother.

No.7, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng.

No.8, Little Yellow King Leopard Gun.

No.9, Xiahou Bao, the big hammer.

No.10, Tobu Mo Jinghong.

It should be said that there is basically no problem with the top eight. However, it is indeed a bit of a surprise that Xia Houbao, who was eliminated by Ye Chong early, was selected.

As the veteran evildoer with the highest voice to win the championship before being eliminated, Xia Houbao's strength is beyond doubt. It is estimated that if he hadn't met Ye Chong, he would have a high possibility of successfully advancing to the finals.

Therefore, the organizers should have considered this aspect when they ranked him in the top ten.

After all, Ye Chong's strength lies there. Judging from the process of the semi-finals, if he really plays well and eliminates the little girl with dreadlocks Michonne, it is very likely to enter the finals.

You know, Michonne is the champion of the martial arts competition.

This shows what?

There is no doubt that Ye Chong has the strength to win the championship.

Xiahou Bao, who was the most popular champion before the match, lost to such a person with the ability to win the championship does not mean that his strength is weak, but only that the opponent's strength is too strong.

Therefore, in terms of strength, there is indeed nothing wrong with ranking Xiahou Bao in the top ten.

Another surprise is that the No.10 Mo Jinghong in Yangwu rankings.

Speaking of which, the battle between Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng and Tobu Mo Jinghong was indeed soul-stirring, and there were a lot to watch.

In that battle, Mo Jinghong showed amazing fighting power, and even had the possibility of knocking Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng off the altar in one fell swoop, but it was a pity that the success fell short and failed.

This time, Mo Jinghong, who is so powerful, is ranked No. 10. From the perspective of combat effectiveness, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, Lin Yuanba, Luo Yin, Ba Zhan, Gu Nana, and Long Feifei, who are equally strong, did not make it into the top ten, which is somewhat of a pity.

As for the ranking of personnel after the top ten, Wei Hao didn't remember very clearly.

In fact, there is a computer in the premium soft sleeper private room, but there is no Internet on the train, and no relevant information can be found.

Ye Chong didn't care about that either.

Even the top ten rankings, he is not very concerned.

Warriors pay attention to a low-key and pragmatic attitude. In fact, what they fear most is that their reputation will affect their development in the martial arts.

However, another thing Wei Hao mentioned made Ye Chong suddenly interested.

There are reports on the Internet that on the last day of the Yangwu Conference, a group of SS2-level black monsters led a group of beasts to attack the first stadium of Yangwu, and launched a siege to Ye Chong. In the end, Ye Chong escaped with his extraordinary ability and courage. birthday.

In fact, all of these are broadcast live, whether it is the audience at the scene, or the audience in front of the TV or the live broadcast platform, they can all see clearly.

What is strange is not this, but that SS2 level beast is missing.

The human race does not know its whereabouts, and the beasts waiting in the sky do not know its whereabouts.

There is also an internal news that the strong human race discovered a feather left by a SS2-level black monster bird in the nuclear defense project.

However, this feather was withered and dry, as if it had been exposed to wind and sun for countless years.

Based on this, some people speculated that the SS2-level black monster bird had already died, and died miserably, otherwise, the matter of the withered feathers could not be explained.

Some people speculated that there must have been a shocking war in the underground nuclear defense project, so that even the feathers of SS2 level animals fell off and withered.

Some people think that the SS2-level black monster bird did not die, nor did any earth-shattering battle take place, but it was captured by a shocking human warrior and became a prisoner.


In short, there are quite a few different theories, each of which is well-founded, and people can't help but think about it.

However, everyone also has a unified point of view, that is, if you want to know the truth of this matter, you can only ask Ye Chong.

When Wei Hao said this, he also looked at Ye Chong eagerly.

But Ye Chong just smiled, shrugged, shook his head and spread his hands.

What else?

Tell him the truth?

The key point is that there is no truth to this matter, and it is impossible to have the truth.

What is the truth?

Small golden fishing nets?

Ye Zhi's absent-minded slash?

Combat points column?

Or a little rascal?


None of this can be said.

As soon as he said it, Ye Chong would go to hell.

Maybe, it will be sliced ​​to study what's going on in the combat achievement point column?

But if you don't say it, what is the truth?

Where did the SS2 beast go?


How did you die?

It is understandable that a small junior martial arts warrior with an initial level of cultivation, with his rich combat experience and good agility, has achieved certain achievements in the human race of the martial arts fighter level, and there is nothing serious about it.

Ye Chong is not the only one who can do this kind of thing.

In the big realm of martial arts fighter level, the difference between junior martial arts fighters, intermediate martial arts fighters and advanced martial arts fighters is not as big as imagined, after all, it is the gap between small realms.

Speaking of which, those veteran evildoers have done it before.

When the big hammer Xia Houbao was a junior martial arts fighter, he was known as the No. 1 martial arts fighter, sweeping countless opponents, including many advanced martial arts fighters.

Fat girl Sun Wukong was also very strong when she was a junior martial arts fighter. Basically, she killed one when she saw one, and she had a lot of critical strikes. She gained a great reputation and strength.

Not to mention the smoker Gongsen and Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng.

If it really counted, the two of them became famous even earlier than Xiahou Bao, the big hammer, and they would definitely become unrivaled powerful existences at the same level as soon as they broke through to become warriors.

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