Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 713 I Don't Want You

When the rainstorm was approaching, the basement was dark, but it was not as dark as in the dark hall where the masquerade was held.

In the shadows, Ye Chong could see that the small golden fishing net was wriggling.

But to be precise, it should be the white-winged bird in the small golden fishing net that is moving.

If it is more accurate, it is actually the belly of the mealybird that is shaking.

And the rustling rustling sound obviously came from inside.

It bulged and swelled, as if something was arching around in its stomach.

From time to time, amidst the creepy and weird noises, there would be a bang.

That sound is a bit like kissing and snorting, and it's a bit like sucking bone marrow.

However, these are not the scariest.

The most frightening thing was that the SS1 white-winged bird was watching him.

Those gazes were extremely complicated, and it was impossible to see whether it was fear, despair, regret, regret, or a deep nostalgia for this world.

What's more, its beak is still opening and closing. It doesn't know if it's thirsty, hungry, or can't breathe at all, or wants to say something.

Ye Chong couldn't help covering his mouth.

He knew that this was a common action for girls, and men shouldn't do it.

However, he not only covered his mouth with his left hand, but also covered his right hand.

no way.

Otherwise, he really couldn't restrain the strong urge to spit out.

The smell of blood is too strong.

It's so disgusting.

And it's horrible.

But he dared not make a sound at all.

He was afraid that the guy in the belly of the SS1 powder-winged bird would also be executed on the spot because of the disturbance.

Especially when he thought that that guy might be a little villain who was wearing a military vest all day long, he couldn't help shivering.

"never mind.

Otherwise, why not run?

I don't want this little bastard anymore.

As it is now, it can be proved that it is alive, and it is very cruel, terrible and disgusting.

All SS1 white-winged birds were eaten by it.

and also.

The SS2 beast should have been eaten by it too, and there was nothing left.

I take it with me?

Ha ha.

In case this guy doesn't like me one day, he can chew me too, and I will disappear forever between heaven and earth.

How many people must miss me...

In case anyone can't figure it out...


For the motherland, for the people, for the whole world, I... have to work hard to live.

The key is now...

My legs are so weak, do I dare to run? "

Ye Chong leaned against the wall, his throat was dry, and he remained motionless, as if petrified.

He looked at the small golden fishing net with a look of disbelief.

Time just disappeared little by little.

At the same time, the body of the SS1 pink-winged bird is also disappearing bit by bit.

The first thing to disappear is its belly.

Then there are the legs and claws.

Then the lower body was gone.

Immediately after, the upper body also began to disappear.

The last thing left is its head and mouth.

The key is at this time, and the eyes of the dead bird are still blinking.

Just staring at Ye Chong, I don't know what it means.

Moreover, the bird's beak is also moving, ho ho ho ho ho, as if to say something, but it just can't come out.


"This bastard really has a mouth?!"

Ye Chong muttered.


The little villain the size of an egg stopped immediately, and a thin crack on its surface disappeared quietly.


The scene suddenly fell into silence.

However, the movement outside is not small.

Lightning and thunder, howling wind, and chirping and croaking sounds came and went one after another.

Ye Chong couldn't help cursing inwardly, wishing he could slap himself with big ears.

However, he has also figured out one thing now, the little villain can hear voices.

This made him even more awkward.

Can eat, drink, sleep, and listen to music, what the hell is this?

The situation before Ye Chong is a bit embarrassing.

He wanted to leave, but the little villain was at the door.

Seeing the bloody scene just now, he was afraid that when he walked from there, that guy would jump up and get into his stomach.

Not impossible.

Since the new era, there is nothing impossible in this world.

But it doesn't look like the same thing if you don't leave.

So he is really a little embarrassed now, in a dilemma.

But soon, a scene appeared that made him make up his mind.

The little villain actually started to spin on the dead bird's head again, and then the rustling sound came out again.

It sounds like I have been holding back for a long time, and I can't wait.

At the same time, the head of the SS1 pink-winged bird began to disappear bit by bit.

At the same time, its eyeballs widened, and its mouth opened, as if it wanted to perceive the world for the last time.


After a soft sound, the last remnant of the SS1 pink-winged bird completely disappeared.

At this time, Ye Chong rushed out automatically without wind, like lightning and thunder, out of the basement.

Immediately after the next moment, he stepped on the ground with one foot and flew into the air.

Little villain?

Shit fart little villain.

Fuck off you.

I don't want you anymore.

Bringing such a creepy crap with you, why don't you let people live?



Amidst the loud thunder, a bolt of human-shaped lightning struck down his head. Ye Chong was so frightened that he turned around, turned around and ran back into the basement.

"I'll go, I didn't do anything bad, why hack me?"

Ye Chong muttered.

no way.

He has been afraid of thunder and lightning since he was a child, and always feels that those things always appear around him, and the goal is his own life.

In addition, it is said everywhere to stay away from places where thunder and lightning strike, so he is very afraid of the environment of lightning and thunder, if he can avoid it, he will avoid it, if he can't avoid it, then he will hide.

The only option before him now was to enter the basement.

This made him have to face the scary little villain again.

At this moment, he glanced at the motionless thing on the ground, and couldn't help but frown: "You'd better stay here and fend for yourself, I don't want you anymore, and I'll leave when the thunder stops."

Soon, he released a little of the small golden fishing net on his left wrist, and checked it carefully.


There is nothing bad about it.

This made him feel a lot better all of a sudden, but he was even more disgusted with the little villain in his heart.

A golden yellow color is beautiful to look at and has a great effect.

One is dingy and eats randomly, which is very creepy.

Ye Chong became more determined not to be a villain.

In fact, he was a little bit reluctant in his heart. For a while, he even called the little villain a little good guy, and he also had feelings.

However, it's really not the case to have such a guy who can move, eat and sleep with him.

Not to mention anything else, after the recovery of spiritual energy, the changes in the world and everything beyond people's imagination.

No matter what kind of situation and phenomenon occurs, in the eyes of people nowadays, it is very normal.

Therefore, there is a high possibility that the little villain is a very abnormal thing, which is normal.

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