Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 712 The Key 1 Ring of Critical Strike

Ye Chong was able to accelerate suddenly at the last moment, not that his body had achieved a breakthrough in the limit, but that his comprehension of flying skills had reached a new height.

Every pore of the body is an engine, and every hair is a balancer.

Comprehending and understanding this point is actually mastering the flying skills.

These are all the things I gained while watching the battle between the homeless brother Jin Shiyi and the little girl with dreadlocks Michonne.

This is also the purpose of holding the Yangwu Conference.

Let all the contestants, the audience at the scene, and the hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the TV and live broadcast platform experience something valuable from every game.

Of course, everyone's value points are different, and the things they experience are also different.

But these don't matter, as long as you understand it, it is a harvest and a success.

What Ye Chong experienced - the pore engine and hair balancer are the essence of flying skills.

Although he understands the truth, he is not proficient in using it.

However, if it is only used for acceleration, it is definitely a piece of cake and there is no difficulty.

Just let the pore motors spray out.

The harder you spray, the faster the speed.

As for the balance, it's actually quite simple.

For a person with perfect physical skills in actual combat, he is also perfect in terms of balance.

The fine hairs acted as balancers, but the icing on the cake for his perfect sense of balance.

Swish swish!

Once Ye Chong has mastered the essentials, his speed is really too fast, and in order to escape for his life, his speed is unbelievably fast.

When the SS1 pink-winged bird saw that something was wrong, it immediately became a little confused.

As soon as the opponent accelerated, the speed was unbelievable for the bird. As soon as he went out, the speed soared a lot. This is the appearance of a successful escape.


The SS1-level pink-winged bird directly turned into a fig leaf, and then pounced on it silently.

At this moment, Ye Chong quietly flicked his left wrist back, and immediately a large golden net was placed under his hood.

Before the SS1 pink-winged bird had any reaction, its eyes froze for a moment, and its body trembled.

At the same time, the golden light in Ye Chong's eyes dissipated, and then he turned around, swishing the net with his left hand, his right fist had already struck.

Not having the Starry Sky Blade doesn't mean doing nothing.

His fists may be almost useless against SS2-level black monster birds, but they may not be weak against SS1-level pink-winged birds.

The key point is that this guy has just been hit by Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash, and his mind is in a state of confusion. He should not be able to deal with the sudden blow at all.


Ye Chong's right fist collided with the SS1 powder-winged bird in the net, making a strange noise.

"I go.

What happened?

Broken right hand? !

Do not!

Ma Dan.

It's so rotten!

The beak of this dead bird is definitely comparable to the weapon of a junior middle-grade warrior.

Moreover, this guy reacted quickly. As soon as he was covered, he immediately returned to his original state, which made my wishful thinking miscalculated.

But no matter what, today is either you die or I live, there is no second choice. "

Ye Chong's left hand suddenly glowed red, his vitality soared, and even the threads on the small golden fishing net seemed a little thicker.

At the same time, the SS1-level pink-winged bird trapped in the net gave a strange squawk, and the surface of its body was also glowing red. A sharp sword.

"I go!"

"Is Qi and blood so powerful?"

"This is not what an SS1 beast should look like."

"Damn, I understand, this bastard has exploded his eye crystals and gone berserk."

"How to do?"


"Or escape?"

When Ye Chong thought of this, the qi and blood in his left hand soared by three points again, and then he swished, carrying the small golden fishing net and rushing straight into the basement, and then touched the little villain with his right hand, and threw it down desperately.

It's about time, so what?

The little golden fishing net was rotten, and it wasn't his property anyway.

and also.

Since there is no weapon and fists are not good enough, then it is better to use the little villain to hit it, anyway, it will be hard?




quack quack~

For a while, the sound of a hard object entering the body and the scream of a SS1 pink-winged bird sounded one after another.

Ye Chong was overjoyed, so he naturally exerted more force on his hands.

The feeling it brings to him now is similar to the situation in the dark hall of the Masked Martial Arts Association, a bit like smashing a watermelon with a hammer.

However, he is really getting more and more afraid now.

Because the sound of the SS1 pink-winged bird is too miserable, it is not like a bird at all, but the sound of a sheep when it is slaughtered.

In fact, it is not crying, but crying.

Helpless, desperate and miserable crying.

However, Ye Chong didn't dare to stop, fearing that the other party would have a chance to breathe, and it would not be the beast that screamed, but himself.

There was one more thing that made him a little creepy too.

The little villain seems to be moving.

It's hard.

This is correct.

But it does move, too.

It was trembling at first.

Then there is the creep.

Next is wiggle.

Then there's the shaking.

Then there is expansion.

As if this guy was going to explode.

This situation made Ye Chong immediately think of snakes.

Then, he thought of many more terrifying things.

But what the hell it was, he couldn't tell.

Anyway, the back of his neck is cold now, and he is sweating all over, he is really scared to pee.

Soon at the next moment, he jumped up and hid by the wall.

Just now, he originally wanted to put the little villain away, but he failed.

Even his right hand seemed to be bitten by something. Although it didn't hurt very much, it was so frighteningly frightening.

He didn't know what he was bitten by, but he was so frightened that he let go and ran until he hid by the wall, still terrified and trembling all over.

In fact, Ye Chong is really not a coward. He often goes to the toilet by himself, and he never asks anyone to do it for him.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

Rustle rustle.

He had heard this sound in the dark hall where the masked martial arts competition was held.

did not expect.

Now it's ringing again.

Almost similar scenes, almost similar scenes, as if God was suggesting something.

If there is any difference between the two times, it is that the little villain is actually moving.

it is alive

Should not be ah.

It can absorb and absorb the materials of mutant beasts, many things can be done, such as meteorites from the sky, but this does not mean that it is alive.

But at the next moment, Ye Chong suddenly thought of the incident that the black strange bird disappeared in the dark hall.

At this moment, he suddenly had a terrible idea, that SS2 beast was probably eaten by the little villain, and it was eaten so that there was not even a hair left.

It's just that the environment at that time was too dark to see anything, but this does not mean that the facts do not exist.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong suddenly looked at the small golden fishing net, and his expression changed drastically.

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