Judging from the TV news and related news on the Internet, not all mutant beasts are the result of mutations from the original creatures.

There are also some creatures that should have been legendary, and they also appeared in this world.

Such as Mothman, Lizardman, Mermaid, Manbear, Chupacabra, Godzilla, etc.

Relevant sightings emerge in endlessly, and some even have photos as evidence. Although most of them are considered to be false, there are also some people who are convinced.

Why not?

From a theoretical point of view, after the spiritual energy is revived, all changes are indeed possible.

Even if some incomprehensible strange creatures do appear, it is normal, and there is no need to make a fuss at all.

So, what about the little villain?

Could it be such a thing?

This is no guesswork.

Ye Chong had witnessed its brutality and bloodshed before, and when he thought about everything he had experienced before, his heart was really pounding.

"If this guy is really a weird mutant beast.

That also means that if I bring it with me, I probably won't know that one day, I will be completely finished without a sound.

So, I must not be stupid.

However, after all, there are feelings.

Just leave it in Biyuan community to fend for itself.


Now that it's been decided, it's not appropriate to stay with it anymore.

Now it's thundering outside, I can't go, but I can let it go.

it is good.

Then I'll give you a ride, little rascal, and we'll never see each other again. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong flicked his left wrist, and the small golden fishing net rushed out, covering the little villain in it.

In fact, Ye Chong wanted to take it directly with his hands, after all, it used to be like this, but he really didn't dare now.

no way.


Ye Chongti slipped the small golden fishing net to the door, there was thunder and lightning, and he didn't dare to go out, so he threw the small golden fishing net far away.


The little villain disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In fact, it didn't throw it very far.

There were lightning and thunder outside, the howling wind, the sky was dark, and there were a lot of vegetation around. If an object about the size of an egg was thrown out, it would definitely disappear.

"Sorry, little bastard.

Anyway, you are an egg, just get out, it’s really nothing.

farewell. "

Ye Chong muttered and shrugged, still feeling a little guilty in his heart.

But there is no way, the road to martial arts is still long in the future, and he can't always bring a source of danger by his side.

He thought about it too.

If the little villain is really a unique mutant beast, and now he has feelings, and he doesn't want to kill it, let it stay in its own world.

It can be regarded as the end of the relationship between them.

When there is a real chance to meet each other in the future, maybe it will be life and death, and each side will not give in.

If it is not a mutant beast, but a weird existence, such as a mutant stone or something, there is nothing wrong with letting it return to nature.

Where do you come from, where do you go back.

Anyway, Ye Chong didn't want him to stay with him.

The tune is set.

A thing that can wipe out SS1-level powder-winged birds and SS2-level black monster birds, it is not difficult to kill him.

Especially if you start eating from the stomach, just thinking about it makes your stomach hurt.

The key is how to get in?

Thinking of this made him shudder.

Ye Chong sighed, he didn't regret his decision at all.

There is nothing like a good mother-in-law, so I thought, so I did it.

After half an hour.

Thunder and lightning.

The wind howls.

The weather finally brewed to its climax, and the pouring rain came down.

The crackling sound seemed to smash the whole world into pieces.

At the same time, as the heavy rain fell, the sound of lightning and thunder became sparse and quietly receded, while the sound of the howling wind gradually weakened.

Ye Chong couldn't help but look happy, knowing that it was time to leave.

Soon, he came out of the basement and stood quietly in the rainstorm.

He is afraid of lightning and thunder, but he is not afraid of heavy rain, on the contrary, he likes it very much.

The heavier the rain, the easier it is to wash away the stains, smells and traces on the body, leaving no trace of the guy who wants to track him.

To his delight, the chirping noises of the various mutant beasts around him became much quieter, and the sky was also dark and gloomy.

Now is the time to leave.

Ye Chong didn't dare to move forward quickly.

Be it birds, land animals, or insects, they have just experienced the baptism of lightning and thunder, and have calmed down from the excitement. They don't know which corner or grass nest they are hiding in to chat or play hooligans.

If he speeds up and doesn't care about it, it will inevitably ruin his good deeds.

Therefore, it is best for the birds to tiptoe away quietly without disturbing each other.

Hello, I'm fine, and it's fine.

However, just after walking a few steps, Ye Chong's feet slipped and he almost tripped and fell to the ground.


He immediately dodged to the side, raised his left wrist, and was ready to attack at any time.

Is it a turtle?

Or broken stone?

Ye Chong stood still for a while, but didn't notice any movement, then quietly took a step forward and looked at the thing that almost tripped him just now.

As a result, he was a little dazed for a while.

Little villain!

It turned out to be a little villain.

At this moment, it was lying motionless in the grass, looking lonely.

"Did I only throw it this far just now?" Ye Chong frowned and muttered.

Speaking of it, Ye Chong didn't know whether he believed in God's will or not, but he valued fate very much.

In the vast world, no matter what comes together, there is a reason behind it, and it is definitely not a random thing.

Especially two, three or even many times in a row meeting together indicates that a strong causal reaction has occurred between the two.

In this case, if you forcibly cut off the cause and effect, it may be against God's will, and it may cause a series of adverse reactions.

Ye Chong frowned, looked at the little rascal, and sighed again. Unexpectedly, the heavy rain poured it all into his mouth, but it was icy cold, which made him feel refreshed a lot.

"I have a close relationship with the little villain.

It has saved my life many times since carrying it around.

Ying Island.

Dragon sucks.

Wilderness platform.

Dark hall.



very many.

I threw it away just now, and I didn't expect to meet again. I have to say this is fate.


Now that you've rolled back again, that egg, let's go home together.

In fact, I also miss you.

In my crit, you are the most critical core link.

Without you, my martial arts path is doomed to be bumpy.

And with you, my martial arts path will be smooth.

So, I decided not to be afraid of you.

But you better not scare me all the time.

All right, egg, let's go. "

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