Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 711 Accelerator

At this moment, the shock in Ye Chong's heart was unparalleled.

Unexpectedly, the SS1 pink-winged bird that hadn't appeared for a long time was waiting for him here.

What did that knock on the door mean?

laugh at?



The key is how does this guy know he is here?

And why did she know that he would come to Biyuan Community?

And why didn't he show up at a convenient time just now?

Is it really related to the matter of two points and one line?

If not for this reason, what else could it be?


All of this just by accident?

Or is everything in this guy's calculations?

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, but his movements were not slow.

Seeing that the SS1 pink-winged bird turned into its own body, he immediately turned around and flew up like a butterfly.

no way.

If this guy maintains the fig leaf's flying skill state, he will have no attack power, but if he returns to the SS1 powder-winged bird's body state, his attack power will be absolutely terrifying.

The last time Ye Chong was able to escape with his life, it was precisely because he took advantage of this point and played with a time lag, otherwise, there would be no such person in the world long ago.

Speaking of which, the basement he is staying in now, whether it is big or small, is enough space for a person with agility.

In particular, there are up, down, left, and front walls that can be used to leverage, so that Ye Chong, who has perfected his physical skills in actual combat, can feel like a fish in water and do a job with ease.

Minimal time.

minimal space.

shortest distance.

Hearts and eyes connect.

Thoughts come from the heart.

Turn around with your thoughts.

Predict the enemy's opportunity first.

Like a shadow.

Chase the wind and chase the shadow.

For a while, Ye Chong's actual combat body skills were fully deployed, and combined with the flying skills of martial arts skills, he danced in the basement, giving people a dazzling feeling.

In fact, it's not just dazzling people, but also the birds.

The SS1 pink-winged bird is not in a mess now, but its heart is, which can be seen from its small eyes that turn around.

It is probably thinking about it now, it seems that this kid was not so powerful before, right?

However, this guy is also smart. Although he is chasing Ye Chong, he never stays near the door.

Whenever he saw that the other party was about to take the door and flee, he would immediately seal the door and refuse to budge.

Ye Chong didn't dare to force himself.

The SS1 pink-winged bird made a deep impression on him that day, and he felt a sense of frustration that he was powerless to fight against.

In fact, if he had to choose between the SS2-level black monster bird and the SS1-level powder-winged bird as his enemy, he might choose the black monster bird instead of the powder-winged bird.

In his mind, the SS2-level black monster bird is a real villain, with a bad temper and obvious shortcomings. Everything can be used well, and he can still find an opportunity to win when fighting against him.

However, the SS1-level pink-winged bird is a typical hypocrite, insidious, cunning, and ruthless. If he gets his way, it will definitely be a dead end, so he has to be extremely careful.

The most important thing is that although one of these two beasts is SS1 and the other is SS2, there seems to be a gap in strength, but in fact the SS1 powder-winged bird brings him a greater sense of danger.

"What should we do now?

This guy is blocking the door, I can't get out at all.

But I'm going to stay here for a long time. Once I'm negligent, it's easy to be caught by it and kill me.

and also.

There are not only birds and beasts outside, but also insects and land beasts.

If those mutated beasts are all around, there are a huge number of them, and I don't need to do anything, they will squeeze me to death.

In other words, even if I escaped through the door, I would not be able to escape with my life. In the end, I would still die.

The most important thing is that I am using body skills now, which consumes both vitality and physical strength.

When I run out of blood and energy, this guy can kill me without any effort.

And, I believe, that's what the dead bird must have intended.


Use the merit point column to restore vitality?


Did not say no.

But that's for emergency use.

Before the arrival of the new big recovery period, it will take one hour to recover for each merit point allocated.

In my current state of running for my life, can I last for an interval with a hundred points of blood?


Certainly not.

In front of the sneaky SS1 powder-winged bird, I might not even last half an hour.

and so……

what do i do now

I'm afraid that rushing out is my only chance of surviving.

It's just a pity.

Without the starry sky blade, critical strikes cannot be performed. "


Ye Chong rushed forward, wanting to rush out from the right side of the door.


The SS1 pink-winged bird flapped its wings and pecked forward with its sharp beak. Seeing Ye Chong rushing forward again, it would hit the sharp beak.

At this critical moment, Ye Chong turned around in the air, looking extremely mysterious.

But obviously, his speed is not fast, even much slower than before, just like slow motion.

The SS1 pink-winged bird was slightly taken aback, then suddenly accelerated, heading straight for the target's body.

At the same time, Ye Chong swayed slightly and flashed to the left, as if thunder and lightning flashed at an incredible speed.

At the next moment, he touched the wall on the left side with one foot, and he shot out of the door like an arrow.

But it was at this time.


A strange cry sounded.

Then there was a loud bang.

Ye Chong snorted and flew upside down.

At the same time, the SS1-level pink-winged bird was flying to the left of the door, with a strong mockery in its small eyes.

But a surprising scene appeared.

Ye Chong, who seemed to have been severely injured, flipped over when he was flying upside down, and suddenly shot at the right side of the door at an incredible speed.

At the same time, the SS1 pink-winged bird fluttered its wings and was already waiting at the door on the right, looking elegant and charming.

At the same time, Ye Chong, who was rushing forward, punched with his right hand, and lifted his left foot upwards, and the sound of air explosion suddenly exploded.

I saw that the eyes of the SS1 pink-winged bird were full of disdain, and it didn't dodge or dodge at all. Instead, the left wing moved upwards, blocking the attack line of the opponent's right fist, but the right wing slashed downwards, and it was about to strike. Flying left foot.

Just at this critical moment, Ye Chong's right foot touched the wall on the right, his body suddenly made a big roundabout, and he passed the SS1-level pink-winged bird in an instant, with an incredible speed.


Amidst the furious screams, the SS1-level pink-winged bird rushed forward, and its sharp beak was about to stab the opponent's ribs.

However, at this moment, Ye Chong's body seemed to be equipped with an accelerator, and he accelerated forward suddenly, avoiding the attack of the sharp beak, and then rushed out with a buzzing sound.

Immediately afterwards, at the next moment, the SS1 pink-winged bird screamed strangely, transformed into the shape of a fig leaf, and chased after the target.

As a result, an interesting scene appeared.

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