Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 672 Make Everyone Shut Up

Chu Xunhuan folded his arms, looked at the direction of the arena with great interest, the corners of his mouth curled up, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Ye Chong is going to suffer this time." Catherine smiled casually, "It is impossible for Mount Wuba to miss this opportunity."

"Ye Chong can use his experience to catch the opponent at the right time, which is pretty good." Blanco, the big black man, grinned, "Now that he is being countered by Wubashan, fighting hard is a dead end."

"Hehe," Chu Xunhuan smiled and glanced at the big black Branco, "I think this is really an interesting battle, and I seem to have a very mature idea."

Catherine and Blanco couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this, and both laughed.

At the same time, Chu Xunhuan also smiled slightly, with a gleam of light in his eyes.


Wu Bashan also rested his right hand on the willow stick, grinning wide, and looked at Ye Chong with a strong sneer.

At the same time, the latter's face was pale, and he also stretched his left hand forward, grabbing the willow stick, but trembling all over, sweating profusely, and it was obvious that his vitality and blood were about to be exhausted.

By this time, almost everyone had seen the situation.

There is no doubt that Ye Chong can't last long.

"Ha ha.

This is the difference between junior martial arts fighters and advanced martial arts fighters.

If it's a competition of combat skills and body skills, it's hard to say.

But if it is a direct face-to-face competition, there is nothing to say.

Whoever has the highest cultivation base, strong qi and blood, and thick qi and blood will have the last laugh. "

"The key point is that Wubashan's body is gradually recovering, while Ye Chong is completely passive. With the ups and downs, Ye Chong's life is estimated to be here."

"It's true that Wubashan's body is recovering, but his energy and blood consumption is not small, but this is the third and fourth finals, and it's his last match. It's okay to run out of energy and blood."


Soon, Wu Bashan grinned sinisterly, sat up slowly, and then slowly stood up, while his hands never left the willow stick, as if he was afraid that if he let go, the prey he got would fly away like.




The speed and frequency of Ye Chong's body trembling increased significantly.

At this time, if someone observes closely, they will notice that not only his body is trembling, but also his teeth are chattering, his face is pale and bloodless, the veins on his forehead are throbbing, his eyes are in a daze, and he has reached the point of exhaustion.

On the other hand, there was a strong sneer at the corner of Wuba Mountain's mouth, and a pair of big eyes wished they could stare out of their sockets, as if they would directly swallow the opponent alive.

on the rostrum.

There was a trace of loss and bitterness in the eyes of all the academic core members.

They knew very well in their hearts that it was the end of the day, and the academy would be the last of the top four without any surprises.

Of course, it may also be the most tragic and last place that is explosive and full of blood.


Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and soon submerged himself in the thick smoke.

He looks calm on the surface now, but in fact his heart is full of indescribable bitterness.

To be honest, he hoped that Ye Chong would win.

The loss to the little girl with dreadlocks was somewhat unclear, but if he defeated the violent and sturdy Wuba Mountain in this match, then Ye Chong could also stand out from the crowd as the uncrowned king and gain a lot pride and pride.

Think about it too.

All the way from the group round robin, killing countless powerful enemies with thunderous means.

The key point was to overthrow the undefeated Xia Houbao who was the most popular to win the championship.

Later, although he entered the semi-finals lying down, he made the most popular little girl with dreadlocks restrained everywhere, and was almost defeated by him in one fell swoop.

Although the loss was somewhat unclear, the process proved his magic and strength.

Then, if he wiped out Wubashan, the feared desolate warrior, in the competition for the third place, it would undoubtedly prove that Ye Chong has the strength to shut everyone up.



What now?

He, Ye Chong, was like a rabbit being abused by a big bad wolf. People couldn't help but close their eyes, full of worry.

Zhang Mingyang is really in a bad mood right now.

"Mr. Chu," the big black man Blanco grinned and looked at Chu Xunhuan, "I've always been curious, what exactly is your mature idea?"

"Hehe, Mr. Chu, why don't you reveal a thing or two?" Catherine also smiled lightly, "Maybe let us learn a lot and see how to cultivate talents?"

"Haha," Chu Xunhuan grinned, then shook his head, "Actually, my most mature idea is to let Wubashan beat Ye Chong to death, hehe, it will save me such torture, it's terrible."


The three laughed together.

At the same time, the three martial arts masters standing in front of the joint referee group also narrowed their eyes slightly, ready to fly onto the stage.

However, according to the rules of the Yangwu Conference, they would not choose to disturb or interrupt the game until the last moment.

Moreover, no one on both sides of the ring really knew what they were going to do.

This is done to avoid affecting the mentality of both sides in the arena.

no way.

Everything is based on actual combat.

They can only secretly protect any one of the top four, so as not to suffer excessive damage.

Speaking of which, everyone who can enter the semi-finals is the hope of the rise of the human race in the future. Anyone who is injured beyond the limit will be a huge loss and regret for the human race.

At this moment, seeing Ye Chong's unstable state, Wu Bashan's eyes were filled with greed and joy of success.

Immediately after the next moment, he snorted softly, and a red light flashed on his hands, obviously looking like he was bursting with energy and blood.

At the same time, Ye Chong's eyes moved and his body swayed, as if he couldn't bear the opponent's violent blow.


There was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

At the same time, the three martial arts generals who were monitoring the progress of the competition all flew up and headed straight for the ring.

Almost at the same time, Wu Bashan was stunned, as if he had discovered something incredible.

Immediately after the next moment, an astonishing scene appeared.

Ye Chong swung the willow stick with both hands, directly raised Wuba Mountain, and then fell hard towards the ground of the ring.


A strange sound sounded, and the arena was immediately filled with blood.


"Depend on!"


The three martial arts fighters who had just landed on the ring almost simultaneously let out exclamations.


The huge No. [-] Stadium was instantly plunged into extreme hustle and bustle.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"My God, Mount Wuba was smashed to pieces? Obviously he should win, right?"

"What did Ye Chong do just now? It's simply too awesome."


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