
The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly fell into an uproar.

That kind of situation is like the originally calm sea, suddenly set off a violent storm, with huge waves rolling and surging.

At the same time, Ye Chong hopped on one foot and came to Wubashan. Before the other party had any reaction, he swung his willow stick and bombarded it.

What's interesting is that the willow stick is a broken wooden stick, but when it hit Wuba Mountain's body like a steel-reinforced iron frame, it made a clanging sound, and it seemed that it was not much worse than the weapons of ordinary warriors.

The audience found it interesting, but those with a discerning eye could see clearly that the willow stick has been integrated with Ye Chong and has become a carrier for the free flow of Qi and blood.

In other words, he was attacking with the power of Qi and blood.

In other words, there was nothing wrong with his blood circulation.

This is interesting.

A person whose right calf was rotten and blocked the flow of Qi and blood had no problems in using Qi and blood, and he could calmly release it, blending with the willow stick, as if commanding an arm, to launch an attack. full of meaning.

The first meaning is that Ye Chong's right calf was not severely injured like rotten slag.

However, this is clearly not possible.

Not to mention anything else, who is Xia Houbao?

That's a thug.


Power violence.

Confidence violent.

To say that Xia Houbao's berserk blow did not blow Ye Chong's right calf into pieces, ordinary viewers may think it is normal, but those who are familiar with martial arts can see it at a glance, there is no possibility at all.

The second meaning is that Ye Chong's right calf, which was blasted into slag, has been healed.

However, everyone knows that this is simply impossible.

It's not that it can't be cured.

In today's environment where spiritual energy is revived, most injuries can heal on their own given enough time.

If coupled with the intervention of external medical means, there is no doubt that the recovery will be faster.

Although Ye Chong's right calf was badly rotten, it can certainly be recovered.

Even with outside medical assistance, though, it would take a year or so.

To take a step back, even if a miracle happens, the sky will follow the will of the people. With the injury of his right calf, at least it will take more than a month to recover.

However, what is the situation now?

Healed from the injury he suffered yesterday?

The key is to be able to circulate energy and blood to control the enemy, which is interesting.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The willow staff bombarded Wubashan's body like raindrops. This scene was very similar to the scene when he beat Xiahou Bao that day.

Speaking of which, Xia Houbao's face is indeed blue and red now, which is not very good-looking.

"Why doesn't Mount Wuba fight back?"

"How to fight back? I'm completely restrained, I can't fight back at all, and there seems to be something wrong with Mount Wuba."

"It's really weird, why didn't Ye Chong kill him directly? Isn't such a style of play a bit too insulting?"

"Kill, you shouldn't kill.

Even if you want to kill it, you may not be able to kill it.

Those who entered the semi-finals are all the stars of hope for the development of the human race. It is really dangerous. Do you think those people standing in front of the referee team are just watching the fun?

Ha ha.

They are masters at the level of martial arts fighters, and they will definitely take action when they find a truly critical situation.


Let alone whether it can be killed, even if it can be killed, there will be many troubles.

You must know that behind every warrior, there is an intricate background, and the stronger the background of the warrior, the stronger it will be, making people afraid to offend.

Although Ye Chong is strong, he is not stupid. He fought Xia Houbao that day, and he was very clear about it. "

"Ha ha.

Think more.

I think the reason why Ye Chong didn't kill Wubashan is very simple, it is to insult him in this way.

Otherwise, do you think the statement in "Warrior Law" that "life and death are not counted on the ring" is just kidding? "


Speaking of which, Ye Chong is really miserable now.

He didn't mean to spank the other party for fun or to insult the other party at all.

Moreover, he is very sure that it's not that he doesn't want to kill the other party, but that he can't kill him at all.

After all, the willow stick is just a broken wooden stick. Even if the energy and blood are used to flow on its surface, it only makes it stronger. In terms of chopping, stabbing, etc., the attack power is limited.

If it was really replaced by the handy Starry Sky Blade, it would definitely be a piece of cake to kill Mount Wuba.

However, this is not the case now.

Ye Chong felt bitter and couldn't tell.

After he succeeded in using Ye Zhi's absent-minded slash, he originally wanted to use the willow stick to completely blast Wuba Mountain, but when the first stick went down, a cold force emerged from the opponent's body, and invaded him along the willow stick. body of.

This strange force made him tremble all over, he couldn't move, and the blood in his body seemed to be freezing. This also made him immediately think of Dunan's bone-chilling face.

In that situation, the only thing he could do was to attack.

He knew very well in his heart that if he didn't do that, once the opponent launched a counterattack, he would die without a place to bury him.

However, with every attack came the backlash and invasion of the bone-piercing cold force, which made him tremble more and more uneasy, unable to withdraw.

For some reason, the words "baby is suffering" suddenly popped up in his heart, and he even twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"The outsider watches the fun, the insider watches the doorway.

The live audience should not be able to see anything.

However, those people on the rostrum must have discovered the problem.

Call ~

What I am fighting with Wubashan now is blood, whoever runs out of blood first will be finished.

The point is that I can't walk now, and his spirit has also been severely injured. Whoever recovers first will be the victor. "

Also at this time.


Wu Bashan reached up with his left hand and grabbed the willow stick, with a sinister smile on his face.

At the same time, Ye Chong's face froze, and he exerted a little force with his right hand, but he couldn't pull back the willow stick at all.

For a moment, the two held each end of the willow stick and stood in a stalemate on the spot.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"what happened?"

"What are they doing?"

"I'm going, this is directly fighting for energy and blood."

"Wu Bashan is a high-level martial arts fighter, and Ye Chong is a junior martial arts fighter. They fight head-to-head, and the outcome is decided."

"How do you spell Ye Chong? He's not blood..."


on the rostrum.

Almost all the core members of the academic school have a strange look on their faces.

There is no doubt that the excitement brought about by Ye Chong's battle with the little girl with dreadlocks has not been eliminated. Now, he has brought them more and fresher excitement.

They all knew that Wubashan was definitely a ruthless character.

But now, this ruthless character was lying on the ground, sticking to Ye Chong who was crippled by one leg.


This is the truest feeling of almost all academic core layers.

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