The three martial arts generals who flew onto the stage looked at Ye Chong in bewilderment, their eyes full of disbelief.

They obviously came up because they saw that this guy was about to die, okay?

But the result?

It should be finished but not finished.

It shouldn't be the end of the day.

What the hell is this?

At this moment, there is chaos in the No. [-] Stadium.

All kinds of voices came and went, one after another.


Da da!

Da da da!

Ye Chong didn't wait for the referee to come up to announce the result, so he got off the ring with a willow stick.

In fact, according to the rules, if he continues like this, his grades may be cancelled.

But the current situation is that Mount Wuba, which had erupted with blood just now, has been smashed to pieces.

If you really want to cancel Ye Chong's grades, can you really make a rotten person No.3?


The audience won't say yes either.

Actually, it doesn't matter even if it is.

No.3 or No.4, it doesn't mean much to Ye Chong.

He has now done what he wanted to do.

Avenged Dunant.

He also proved his own strength.

As for other things, it's really not that important.

Even if someone suspected that he had suddenly regained his vitality, he couldn't help it.

At the moment of life and death, if you don't use combat merit points to save your life, you are purely stupid.

What's more, doubts are suspicions. At most, he just thinks that he has taken some pills that can quickly restore Qi and blood. No one can imagine that there are such things as combat merit points in the world.

"This kid is really unexpected." Chu Xunhuan shook his head with a wry smile, "I found that I really can't see through him."

"Mr. Chu, your vision is very accurate." Catherine also smiled. "He is indeed a very strange guy. Maybe he really needs a good plan to cultivate and develop his potential."

"Ye Chong didn't take a pill to recover his qi and blood just now, did he?" Blanco, the big black man, was shocked. "Could it be that he has mastered the skills of qi and blood recovery?"

"Hehe, he's a small junior martial artist, and he can't learn Qi and blood recovery skills at all," Chu Xun smiled and shook his head, "The possibility of taking pills is the greatest.

However, the elixir that can restore so much energy and blood in an instant is not cheap.

The key is that money can't buy it now.

Ha ha.

I really want to understand now, how did he do it? "

"Maybe what he ate wasn't necessarily elixir." Catherine said slowly, brushing her hair lightly, "Since the new era, many plants and herbs have undergone qualitative changes, possessing many unimaginable curative effects and functions.

For example, Spatholobus Spatholobus has a strong ability to restore qi and blood. It is said that as long as you take a small bite, you can restore hundreds of qi and blood.

However, I haven't tried it, so I don't know if it's true or not?

Ha ha.

such a pity.

Spatholobus vines grow in deep mountains and old forests, and they are all controlled by mutant beasts. It is really difficult for humans to get them. "

"Spathiphyllum?" Chu Xunhuan frowned slightly and nodded, "That's right, there is such a possibility.

Judging from the data, Ye Chong has done a lot of missions, so it's not impossible to get Miller's Spatholobus.

But the problem is, from the moment the spatholobus is swallowed, it will start to replenish qi and blood, unlike the sudden recovery of qi and blood like he did just now.

Moreover, I didn't find any action of him devouring Millet Spathifolia during the battle.

Ha ha.

We are just guessing about the specific situation. After all, only this guy knows. "

"Maybe he had the Millet Spathifolia in his mouth?" The big black man Blanco grinned, "Hey, I did that before, but it wasn't Millet Spathifolia, but Qixue Pill."


The three or four finalists have obviously pushed the enthusiasm of the audience to a climax, and everyone is full of expectations for the championship and runner-up battle.

Smokey Gongsen vs little girl with dreadlocks.

One is an old-fashioned monster, and the other is a dark horse newcomer. Of course, this battle between the old and the new is full of mystery and excitement.

One is from the academic school and the other is from the non-academic school. This is clearly a battle between the orthodox and the unorthodox.

One looks like an old beast, and the other looks left, right, up, down, forward, and backward. They are all unique little beauties.

One uses smoke and tobacco rods as weapons, and the other uses black javelins as weapons, just like a bong war.

The game started immediately after the two entered the field.

The smoker Gongsen was somewhat unexpected, he did not use smoke bombs, but swung a long blood-red smoke stick, and launched a strong attack on the little girl with dreadlocks.

The latter obviously didn't expect the former to go uncharacteristically and attack at close quarters, in a little haste, he could only use his body skills and keep retreating.

However, the smoker Gongsen is really abnormal, as if he has completely changed himself, whether it is speed or strength, they are all berserk, and for a while, the little girl with dreadlocks looks very passive, and can only choose step back.

Seeing the exciting scene after scene, the No. [-] Stadium was in chaos as if a pot had exploded.

"The smoker is still powerful. Not only is the smoke bomb and Longtun powerful, but the melee attack ability is also comparable to that of Wubashan and Xiahoubao. This time, the little girl with dreadlocks is probably in danger."

"The little girl with dreadlocks stumbled a little in the semifinals.

I guess it hasn't recovered yet.

Otherwise, with the strength she showed in the previous competition, she wouldn't be in such a mess as she is now. "

"Ha ha.

A woman is a woman.

Although their ability to comprehend and cultivate is not bad, they are obviously inferior to men in terms of heart and blood.

Although the little girl with dreadlocks is amazing, she is still a woman after all. Affected by the semi-finals, she is obviously a little unstable now. "


Relatively speaking, women are more emotional and men are more rational.

Sometimes, they will lose everything because of a slight fluctuation in their hearts. "

"Haha, you are all masters at reading people, I admire you."


A master at reading people is not counted.

However, the more you see something, the more you can understand what's going on. "

"I think, the little girl with dreadlocks is a wild warrior after all. She has gone through the test of life and death for a long time. I guess she should be pretty good in terms of character."

"Ha ha.

Although the little girl with dreadlocks is a wild warrior, women are women.

I remember, she once lost a game.

The reason why it failed was because it was easily deceived by the other party.

What is that man's name?

By the way, hehe, Wen Shangwu, a cunning and cunning thing, is even more cunning than Ye Chong. "


on the rostrum.

All the people in the academic school were enthusiastic and looked very excited.

Not long ago, Ye Chong achieved a major reversal and defeated the mighty Wuba Mountain in one fell swoop, writing a strong stroke for the glory of the academic school.

Now, the smoker Gongsen is pressing on the little girl with dreadlocks step by step, taking the absolute initiative, and this is even when he has not resorted to the means of becoming famous.

Under the circumstances, it's no surprise that they were not surprised.

The key is to judge with their experienced eyes. The current victory of the smoker Gongsen and the defeat of the little girl with dreadlocks are not illusions, but facts that are completely fake.

All of this is saying one thing - the smokers are winning, the academics are winning, and they will win the battle of orthodoxy.

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