The second match of the quarter-finals was between the little girl with dreadlocks and the homeless boy.

Combat kicks off into dizzying mode.

People who like simple and rough things will definitely look uncomfortable.

Those who appreciate martial arts and body skills are really feasting their eyes.

If the flying skills of the little girl with dreadlocks Michonne has reached the state of butterfly dance, then the flying skills of the homeless brother Jin Shiyi are the upgraded version 2.0, which is a step forward. On the basis of the wandering state, a small teleportation function has been added.

too fast.

The wandering little brother flashes from one point to another, leaving behind afterimages, which makes people think of the word ghost.

It's just that the little girl with dreadlocks is very agile and very flexible. In the lightning-fast pursuit of the other party, she can always be surprised at the last moment and save herself from danger.

The two chased after each other on the ring, causing bursts of cheers and applause. The whole process didn't feel like a martial arts contest at all, but a dance fight.

"I found myself liking Michonne more and more.

There is no doubt that she has a very unique charm.

her complexion.

her eyes.

her nose.

her dreadlocks...

Ha ha.

Everything about her fascinates me.

However, what I like the most is her posture.

So beautiful.

Incredibly beautiful.

Oh my goodness.

What's wrong with me? "


You are in love.

Or it's a nympho.

However, I have to admit that the little girl with dreadlocks is indeed very comfortable to look at.

Moreover, I think that although her speed is not as fast as the wandering brother, she is obviously more flexible.

Ha ha.

I remember one time when I was listening to a lecture, a Shenfa master once said a word.

The female is soft and agile, and the male is fast and violent.

I felt nothing at the time.

Now that I think about it, that's really the case.

The body style of the little girl with dreadlocks is reflected in the aspect of softness and agility.

She is like a butterfly, it seems that she can't fly too fast to catch, but she doesn't want to be able to fly away in an incredible posture at the last moment.

The wandering brother Jin Shiyi's body rules are more displayed in speed.

He seemed to be a sea dongqing, once he attacked the target, it would be a falcon attack, the speed exploded, and he possessed the power to destroy everything, showing his majestic power.

I admire it.

It was an earth-shattering physical battle between the two of them. "

"However, fighting is not just about body skills, but about overall strength.

Although the wandering brother Jin Shiyi's body skills are better, but the energy and blood consumption is also high.

In the long run, it is the little girl with dreadlocks who takes advantage.

I found that every movement of her is the most economical.

minimal space.

minimum distance.

The shortest time.


When she does this, the consumption of Qi and blood is the least.

Ha ha.

I think the tactic of the little girl with dreadlocks is very clear, which is to use the least consumption in exchange for the maximum consumption of the other party.

It should be said that this beautiful little black girl has a lot of combat experience.

I like. "

"Ha ha.

In fact, people are really not black.

Obviously, she has red lips, white teeth, bright eyes, graceful figure, cute appearance, and I feel pity for her.

To be honest, I really want to fly on stage now, drive away the homeless brother Jin Shiyi, and fight the black girl for [-] rounds. "

"I bother.

Just you?

You have no strength to hold a chicken, and you can't even lift a gun. When you meet a girl with dreadlocks who is a master with a gun, let alone three hundred rounds, you will be killed in one round. "

"Ha ha.

I feel that what you two said is very profound.

But to be honest, I think the black javelin in the hands of the little girl with dreadlocks is really unique.

Not to mention long.

To be short is not to be short.

Say rough or not.

To be specific.

It can be used as a long weapon for long-distance attack, or as a short weapon to control the enemy at close range, and can also be used as a hidden weapon for throwing surprise attacks.

Not bad.

Not bad.

When I go back, I will also buy one to play with. "

"Stop dreaming.

Her javelin is not simple.

It looks a bit ordinary, but the level is not low.

I estimate that it is at least the weapon of a junior high-rank warrior. "


Ye Chong watched the competition on stage intently, his eyes filled with surprise and shock.

To be honest, two figures who can be called masters of martial arts and body skills performed with all their strength in front of him, which brought him a lot of excitement, shock and surprise.

Many problems in martial arts and body skills that had troubled him for a long time also suddenly realized and solved them without knowing it.

Especially after seeing the homeless brother Jin Shiyi and the little girl with dreadlocks Michonne, he was even more ecstatic in his heart when he saw the performance of the energy and blood on the body surface.

"did not expect.

It turned out to be able to do this.

Ha ha.

After I practiced flying skills in Biyuan Community, I have been troubled by the fact that the body surface will appear red when the blood is released.

At that time, the methods I could think of were, one was to release as little energy and blood as possible, the other was to adjust the parts of the body where the blood was released in real time, and the other was to cover up the red glow with clothes.

But look at them both now.

Ha ha.

Where is it so troublesome.

It is completely accumulating qi and blood on the body surface, hidden and not released.

Spray hair from pores when you need it.

That is to say, every pore on the body surface is an engine, and millions of pores equal millions of engines.

No matter what my body wants to do, I just need to turn on the corresponding engine.

This looks complicated, but it's actually so simple, all I need now is to get used to it.

Because all the reactions, movements and consciousness of my body, whether instinctive or active, are all controlled by my central nervous system.

To put it bluntly, everything comes from the commander of mental power.

As long as I practice proficiently, form an inertia, and subtly subtly sublimate my instincts, then I can be as good as the homeless brother Jin Shiyi and the little girl with dreadlocks.

Or delicate and smart.

Or speed rage.

The key is that when the two of them used their flying skills, there was hardly any red light on their bodies, just like ordinary people.

This should also be the result of continuous practice.


Since they can do it, why can't I do it? "

on the rostrum.

Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department, Catherine and Blanco from the Global Martial Arts Federation also seemed full of excitement.

"It's all good.

We need people like this.


Miss Catherine, Mr. Blanc, I don't think you want to play with them, do you?

Guowu also needs people with good body skills.

Speaking of it, our strength here has been strengthened, and the pressure on Quanwu will be less. "

"All right.

Mr. Chu, I think it's all right.

However, if you choose Michonne and Jin Shiyi, you must let go of others.

Ha ha.

You also know that Quanwu is aimed at the human race of the entire continent, and there is a lot of pressure and gaps.

And what your national military has to do is to do a good job in the defense of your own country, so, Mr. Chu, you still have to focus on the overall situation. "

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