Chu Xunhuan couldn't help being amused, looking at the other party with a half-smile in his eyes, and his straight nose beamed with confidence in the sunlight.

"Ha ha.

Miss Catherine, I think you understand too.

Our place is the bridgehead and the core strategic location of this war.

Once it misses, the hinterland of the entire human race will be completely exposed in front of the mutant beast.

Especially the landed sea beast family, their threat is obviously much greater than we imagined.

The Yingdao crisis is the most obvious example.


If some things are really said, the involvement is very complicated, so we don't talk about those, just talk about the war.

In fact, both of them are also very clear about what it means to open the hinterland for a peerless war?

I think that people from Quanwu have participated in countless wars and understand the truth better than us. "

"Mr. Chu, Catherine, actually, I think Michonne and Jin Shiyi really look good.

However, I think that whether it is Quanwu or your national martial arts, it doesn't mean that you can't do without them.

Moreover, to be honest, the two of them are so good, it is too wasteful to let them be together.


Therefore, I suggest that Quanwu and Guowu should have one each, so that they can play their greatest role. "

"Yes, Blanco, your idea sounds very good.

This is obviously a good way to solve the problem, isn't it?

However, some things may not be as simple as imagined.

For example, to perform certain tasks.

Solo combat is not suitable.

Preferably in teams of two or three.

If all of them are members with good agility, the efficiency and safety factor will be greatly improved.

If only one of them has good stature and the others can't keep up, it will drag down the efficiency of the entire team. "

"That's right, Mr. Blanco, this matter is related to the principle of wooden barrels. Some tasks must reduce the impact of short boards."


on the ring.

The wandering little brother Jin Shi suddenly accelerated with a hum, rushing forward like lightning.

At the same time, the little girl with dreadlocks flying like a butterfly stopped suddenly.

At the same time when everyone in the stands screamed, the two collided.


Amidst the loud noise, the little girl with dreadlocks flew upside down like a butterfly, and the homeless brother Jin Shiyi turned over in the air and fell to the side, his face showing shock.

But at the next moment, the former's body was windless, and he rushed forward, turning the black javelin in his hand, piercing the target like a drill.

Almost at the same time, the wandering little brother Jin Shi touched the ground with one foot, and flew straight up three meters high with a whoosh, obviously he had no intention of confronting the other party.

But what was surprising was that the little girl with dreadlocks seemed to have expected the other party's move, and her body rushed upwards in an incredible posture.

At the same time, the black javelin in her hand accelerated continuously, stabbing straight at the target's lower abdomen, and the sound of air explosion exploded instantly, making people feel a little dazed.

Just in the midst of this flash, the wandering little brother Jin Shi swished and flashed, and shot backwards from the air as if teleporting, and fell straight onto the ring, avoiding the opponent's attack.

However, at this moment, the little girl with dreadlocks suddenly accelerated and flew towards the homeless brother who had just landed.

Incredibly fast, like a falcon shooting at its prey,

However, faster than her is the black javelin.

Ka Ka Ka!

Under continuous acceleration, the black javelin buzzed and instantly approached the opponent's chest.

The wandering little brother Jin Shi's expression changed, he turned around with his thoughts, stepped on the ground with his toes, and slid to one side hurriedly.

It's just that the black javelin in the hands of the little girl with dreadlocks is like a poisonous snake launching an attack, biting it tightly.

As a result, a dazzling chasing battle was staged again on the ring.

It's just that at the beginning, it was the homeless brother Jin Shiyi who chased after the little girl with dreadlocks.

But now, it is the latter who is chasing the former, constantly launching the most violent interception and attacks.

From a distance, the whole process looks like an angry bird chasing a big frog crazily.


The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly seemed to explode, and all kinds of voices rang together.


What happened?

This is reversed?

It was originally a little girl with dreadlocks chased by the homeless brother.

Ha ha.

In the blink of an eye, he became a woman chasing after him?

This is not a good thing.

Men chase women across the paper, women chase men across mountains. "


It should be that men chase women across the mountain, and women chase men on paper.

However, looking at it like this, the wandering brother Jin Shiyi is in danger.

When he first launched the pursuit, he consumed a lot of energy and blood.

Now being chased by the opponent again, in a hurry, the consumption will be even greater.

After all, the little girl with dreadlocks is the best, and the tactics are very appropriate.

In fact, for two people with good physical skills, the last thing to fight is blood.

Whoever runs out of qi and blood first, it will be his turn to die.

I guess, the wandering little brother can't last long.

You see, the number of times he teleports has decreased a lot now, and several times, he was almost hit by the opponent. "


In fact, the wandering little brother is really too big.

Not armed either.

Ha ha.

Probably learned from the fat girl Sun Wukong, right?

However, Fat Girl has tempered the bones of her hands and upper limbs, which are her weapons, and they are more powerful than ordinary warrior weapons.

But what about the wandering little brother?

It's just better.


How can it be possible to eat all over the world with one trick?

You see, if you meet a master of movement like a little girl with dreadlocks, you will be deflated, right? "


At this moment, Ye Chong's expression is very solemn.

He was actually not worried about the homeless boy, but seeing that the homeless boy's body was becoming a little stagnant, a little self-reflection, and a little bit surprised by the miraculous performance of the little girl with dreadlocks.

There is no doubt that she has a lot of actual combat experience, and her tactical arrangements are very appropriate. Although the wandering little brother Jin Shiyi is a loose warrior and is older than the little girl, he looks a little immature in front of her.

Ye Chong's face was serious, and there was also a reason.

The wandering brother Jin Shiyi gave him a feeling of deja vu.

And what's interesting is that the little girl with dreadlocks also made him feel familiar.

But the problem is, Ye Chong knew very well that he didn't know them before the martial arts conference.

Therefore, this kind of familiar feeling made him inexplicable and a little strange.

However, before Ye Chong had time to think about it, screams erupted at the scene.

I saw Jin Shiyi, the homeless little brother at this moment, staggering forward and running forward, he seemed to be a little out of breath.

At the same time, the little girl with dreadlocks pressed forward step by step, pointing forward with the javelin in her hand, and suddenly increased her speed.

It was at this critical moment that a sudden change occurred.

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