Ye Chong's ability to distinguish sounds is very strong now, when he heard this, his ears pricked up.

At the same time, his head was full of black lines and his head was buzzing.

It was uncomfortable to hold back, and someone took him as a negative example, so of course I felt uncomfortable.


Ye Chong?

Birdman who entered the seventh round by lucky draw?

Ha ha.

Now his right calf is rotten to scum, and the injury is much more serious than Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng.

At least Dionysus doesn't have a big problem with the circulation of qi and blood.

But what about Birdman?

Now that the wound has not been treated effectively, the qi and blood cannot function normally, and the strength has been greatly reduced, so it is impossible to pose a threat to the fat girl and the smoker.


In fact, what if he is in good health?

Do you think that a junior martial arts fighter who is lucky enough to enter the seventh round can really defeat a really strong senior martial arts fighter like Fat Girl and Smokey?

impossible. "

"The key is whether his wound has been treated or not. How do you know? It's just a wild guess, right?"

"I go.

Is this still a wild guess?

It is true that Ye Chong's right calf was rotten.

Or surgery to amputate the right calf.

Either stay at home and recuperate slowly, relying on your own recovery system to repair.

However, at least it will take a year and a half to recover, right?


If you look at his current appearance, it is obvious that he has not been effectively dealt with, and he is basically a useless person, so there is nothing to worry about. "

"This is true.

Speaking of which, the only shortcoming of the Seven Warriors entering the seventh round this time is Ye Chong.

If he had been eliminated by Xiahou Bao, how powerful would the Seven Warriors be now? "

"Ha ha.

You don't need to be eliminated by Xia Hou.

If he hadn't drawn two byes in a row, no matter who he met, he would have been easily defeated. "

"never mind.

In these knockout rounds, Ye Chong was basically the only blemish.

such a pity.

His presence detracts from the beautiful scenery a lot. "

"But that's normal.

Incomplete beauty is real beauty.

With the stain of Ye Chong, the other six people appear to be powerful and commendable.

Besides, can he continue to have his byes?

Sooner or later it will be killed.

Hahaha. "


Ye Chong was very angry.

However, I endured it.

On the ring, the fat girl Sun Wukong and the smoker Gongsen stood facing each other.

Both of them are from Huawu, and they are very familiar with each other, and they are very clear about each other's strength and hole cards.

"Smoker, in the internal friction between us, Hua Wu will suffer, and others will benefit. Have you figured it out?" Fat Girl looked at each other quietly with her eyes burning.

"Think about it." The smoker grinned, showing his fine teeth, "Fat girl, if you choose to quit now, it will be good to Hua Wu, good to me, and good to you."

"Smoker, this is what I want to say to you." Fat Girl frowned, "In terms of strength, we all know the bottom line. I am 6 and you are 4. You have no advantage."

"Fat girl, are you scared?" The smoker Gongsen grinned, "In the battle of warriors, fear is nothing but fear.

I'm not hitting on you.

It must be the wisest choice for you to choose to leave now. "

"Smoker, you will regret this decision." Fat Girl's eyes flickered, "You must have forgotten that the smoke bomb was broken."

"Fat girl, you talk too much, I feel tired after listening." The smoker suddenly smiled, "Hey.

We do not speak secretly.

I'm not going to give up on that.

So, this game you want me to let go?


Even if you let go, it's not giving up, but giving it a go.


Fat girl, in the martial arts conference, I can lose to anyone, but I can't lose to you. "

"Stupid!" Fat Girl's eyes turned cold, "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude."

The smoker Gongsen grinned and did not speak. Instead, he put the blood-red long tobacco rod in his hand into his mouth, and then took a puff, and the smoke immediately filled the air.

Fat Girl sneered, then swayed and rushed forward.

At the same time, the smoker opened his mouth and sprayed forward, a thick black smoke suddenly emerged, which looked much more sinister than the previous light blue smoke.

In an instant, Fat Girl was completely submerged in it and disappeared without a trace.

In the huge No. [-] Stadium, there was a burst of screaming.

Immediately after the next moment, the black smoke swelled continuously, as if a strange monster was wandering inside.

At the same time, the smoker who was outside the black mist narrowed his eyes, then took a deep breath of the long blood-red tobacco rod, and then let out a sip, wanting to open his mouth and spit it out.

At this moment, the black smoke burst out, sounding like a balloon exploding.

At the same time, Fat Girl suddenly appeared, but her right hand was as big as a fan, which looked extremely strange.

However, before Fat Girl had any reaction, the smoker Gongsen suddenly smiled, and then opened his mouth to spray.


Black smoke surged out instantly, flying towards the opponent.

Fat girl Sun Wukong sneered, then waved her right hand, black smoke immediately flew upside down, and rolled towards the smoker Gongsen.

As a result, an astonishing scene appeared.

The black smoke whirled around like a tornado, and then turned into a dragon shape, flying straight down in the air, and the huge dragon's mouth swallowed Fat Girl into it at once.

Then came the next moment.


Amidst the explosive sound, the black smoke exploded, then scattered and collapsed, and disappeared.

At the same time, Fat Girl's figure reappeared, but it looked a little weird.


There was blood all over her body, and it looked like she was seriously injured.


The smoker's body swayed, and he approached the opponent in an instant. The blood-red long tobacco rod in his hand pointed forward, and then the movement stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the fat girl Sun Wukong remained motionless, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Can you go down now?" The smoker Gongsen grinned, his fine teeth gleaming.

"No wonder," Fat Girl's face was dripping with blood, she looked a little horrified, "So you have something to rely on. You hide it very deeply. When did you master Long Tun?"

"Haven't you also practiced palm palm?" The smoker smiled, "Everyone is mutual. Speaking of whether you hide deeply, you, the fat girl, are better."

"Okay, I lost." Fat girl Sun Wukong laughed bitterly, "You are better than me."


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Fat girl... Fat girl lost just like that? Impossible?"

"Isn't the smoker's attack method a smoke screen? Why did another dragon appear? The fat girl is covered in blood, and she looks seriously injured."


With Fat Girl's personality and blood, if it wasn't for her body breaking down, she would never admit defeat.


Smoker's dragon swallow is very powerful.

Being able to use smoke as a carrier to turn qi and blood into offensive weapons, this method is comparable only to Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng. "

"Actually, Fat Girl's cattail palm is already a little unexpected. I didn't expect the smoker's methods to be even more astonishing. Both of them hid it very deeply."

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