Ye Chong was startled, but his hands were not idle.

The moment he flew over Xiahou Bao's head, he suddenly grabbed the opponent's hair.

Under the joint effect of Ye Chong's body inertia and the burst of energy and blood from his hands, Xiahou Bao let out a scream, and was directly thrown to the ground.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong picked up the big hammer and bombarded the opponent's back.

Originally, he wanted to start, but he didn't.

The top of the head is bloody, and even the fur of the leather belt is gone, which is very pitiful to look at.

It is estimated that calling him a bald donkey in the future will not have any objections.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Ye Chong put a lot of effort into his hands.

He understood that the Mo Dao couldn't penetrate Xia Houbao's body, which meant that this guy's defensive skills were very good.

At this time, bombarding with heavy objects will cause much greater damage than chopping and stabbing with sharp weapons.

Especially after Ye Zhi lost his mind, he threw him to the ground and ripped off his scalp, causing huge damage. If you don't work harder at this moment, it will be a waste.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

This is one of the laws of the jungle in the ring.

At this moment, in the huge No. [-] Stadium, the sound of the bubbling noise became one.

Among the 8 spectators, at least 2 stood up, and the other 21 held their heads. All of them looked at the ring [-], and all of them were full of disbelief.


This is impossible!

The biggest favorite to win the martial arts conference was being rubbed against the ground by that guy Ye Chong.

This is the rhythm of the sky!

How did the key Ye Chong do it? "

"It's a miracle today. Ye Chong overthrew Xia Houbao with a mouthful of phlegm. I guess the people behind the TV and live broadcast platforms are going crazy, right?"

"Ye Chong used many methods today.

First, he spit under the arena, continuously provoking Xia Houbao.

Then after coming to power, he used spitting as a hidden weapon to attract the opponent's attention, and took this opportunity to launch a brazen attack.

Then he launched a second attack with phlegm, disrupting Xia Houbao's sight, suddenly changing the attack route of Mo Dao, and stabbing the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped over the opponent's head, turning Xia Houbao into a bald man with no hair left on his head.

Finally, a heavy blow with a sledgehammer.

From this point of view, Ye Chong is really good at taking every step of the way. "

"Ye Chong is clever, this is true, but I don't believe that he can defeat the favorite Xia Houbao with this little trick. There must be something wrong with it."


What could be wrong?

The result is here.

The famous Xiahou Bao was crushed to the ground by the notorious Ye Chong.

This only shows one point, no matter what method is used, Ye Chong's comprehensive strength is stronger. "

"Yeah, judging from today's situation, Ye Chong's provocation to the world's martial arts fighters is really not empty talk."

"The key point is that Ye Chong is only a junior martial artist, and he can display such a powerful combat power. This undoubtedly shows that this guy is a super evildoer."

"Hey, it's better to get rid of the evil. I think Ye Chong is purely a super monster. If he doesn't use indiscriminate means, it is absolutely impossible to win Xia Houbao."

"I doubt it too.

When Ye Chong flew over Xiahou's head, I saw that Xiahou's left hand was about to grab him, but immediately let go of it inexplicably.


I guess, Ye Chong either used poison or got a Gu.

In short, this kid must have used indiscriminate methods. "



I remember that the knockout competition stipulated by the Yangwu Conference can only use weapons, right?

If Ye Chong really used poison or made a pot, it would be a violation.

The issue is……

If he really violated the rules, wouldn't the match referee and supervisor not be able to see it?


Even if they can't find it, I think it's impossible for the people on the rostrum not to notice the anomaly.

With so many martial arts fighters, no matter how far away they are, they should be able to see the situation on the ring clearly. "


At this very moment, Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Yang Ying, and Tao Xiangru were standing together, watching the battle on the 21st ring from afar, each of them was full of indescribable pride.

"If Liu Pingping, Zuo Xiaoqian and Li Aifang knew that the captain showed his might and defeated the number one favorite Xia Houbao, how happy would they be?"


Ha ha ha.

But I think they should know, right?

After all, there are live TV broadcasts in the ward.

What I am worried about now is whether they will jump up for joy and knock off the infusion tube. "

"No way.

Liu Pingping is recovering the best and has long since stopped needing infusions.

Zuo Xiaoqian and Li Aifang are very weak now, and they spend most of their time sleeping, so they really don't necessarily watch TV. "

"Haha, let's just be happy for them."

"By the way, there are also Gao Shuang and Sun Mengmeng. I wonder if they watched the match?"

"Gao Shuang is still in the medical vehicle.

It looks like a penetrating wound, very serious.

I don't know if there is a live TV broadcast on it?

Speaking of which, if he knew that the captain had wiped out Xia Houbao, he would definitely jump for joy.

After all, in the second round, it seemed that an intermediate martial arts fighter from Beiwu injured him, and the attack was too ruthless.

Hehe, this time the captain overthrew Beiwu's No. [-] person, and he avenged him.


But I heard that Sun Mengmeng was also injured at the Northern Border Martial Arts Academy.

I don't know if she will be happy for the captain after seeing the majestic appearance of the captain, or will she be sad for the banner of Beiwu Academy, Xiahou Bao? "

"Does it even matter?

Of course Mengmeng will be happy and proud of the captain.

But, hehe, she can only be happy in her heart, and she can't talk nonsense.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the people of Beijiang Martial Arts Academy will beat her to death.

Oops, why do I want to be cute? "

"Break, smash, it's too ugly to say, hehe, Mengmeng is like a porcelain doll, it should be said that smashing is more appropriate?"


team leader……

What is this doing?


Why is he still bombarding Xia Houbao with a big hammer?

Xiahou is like this, he should be beaten to death, right?

Why didn't the captain just kick him off the ring?

Doesn't that mean the captain has won? "


It doesn't look that simple.

It feels like Xiahou Bao is using some kind of defensive technique to resist the captain's big hammer, right?

If Xia Houbao was really beaten to death, the match supervisor and referee would definitely terminate the match.

Moreover, the captain will not continue to do it.

The captain continued to attack now, perhaps because there was nothing he could do.

I'm afraid that once he stops, Xia Houbao will slow down and counterattack, right? "

"Will the captain be in danger?"

"Don't worry, he is the captain. He must know that we are watching him and won't make us sad."

"team leader……"

"team leader……"

"team leader……"


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