Ye Chong didn't want to provoke Xia Houbao on purpose.

He felt that it was almost over anyway, and if he didn't take advantage of it, the loss would be huge.

Besides, it would be a good thing if Xia Houbao was really angry.

After all, it hurts to be angry.

Anyway, he can't beat the opponent, so let's increase the lethality of his mouth, and if he can get more revenge in advance, he can get more revenge.

Otherwise, if the little braid curls up, there will be no chance after death.

and also.

It would be best if Xiahou Bao was so angry that he couldn't help but beat himself up violently, so that before going to the ring, the "Martial Arts Law" would deal with this guy first.

"Ye Chong, you are crazy." Xia Houbao's voice boomed, as if the thunder was hidden in it, "I hope you will not become a coward when you are on stage."

"Well, you bald donkey, how dare you say I'm a coward?!" Ye Chong took a few steps forward, looking aggressive.

However, he couldn't see it from a distance, but he could see his body trembling slightly when he was close.

In fact, Ye Chong also wanted to restrain his body's reaction, but he couldn't do it at all.

no way.

The coercion emanating from Xia Houbao's body, mixed with blood and murderous aura, is so strong that people can't help but feel an irresistible sense of humbleness and powerlessness.

"Whether you are a coward or not, the final decision is made on the stage." Xia Hou smiled contemptuously, as if the whole world was under his control, "How dare you make noise in front of me even if you are a jumping clown."


In Ye Chong's heart, ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past, and all spewed out their saliva. Ye Chong imitated the example, and directly spit thick phlegm at Xiahou Bao.


Xia Houbao's lips were immediately covered with something, and began to slide down, the key point was that he was not so happy again and again.


Seeing this scene, Ye Chong suddenly felt sick, covered his mouth and took a step back.

In fact, he really didn't want to do this, it was completely subconscious, and no one could blame him.

He even didn't expect to hit the target so easily. Who can blame the other party for not hiding?

At this moment, the huge No. [-] Stadium seemed to be exploding, with whistles, laughter, screams and cursing.


Xia Houbao's complexion instantly became extremely dark, and there was a strong look of death in his eyes looking at Ye Chong.

The latter smiled awkwardly, and took another half step back, thinking, be angry, be angry, this is not a crime.

At this time, the referees around the area announced that "the game has started" sounded one after another, and the referee from the No. 21 ring came up and said:

"One of the contestants who participated in the fourth knockout round died due to medical failure and could not participate in the competition.

Just now the organizing committee was delayed for a few minutes to choose a replacement, so I would like to inform you.

Now the game starts, please come to the stage. "

Ye Chong glanced at Xia Houbao, then nodded and smiled at the referee, and then went straight to the weapon rack.

The moment he passed Xiahou violently, he turned his head abruptly, and another mouthful of thick phlegm flew out.

Xia Hou turned slightly sideways to avoid the attack, and raised the big hammer in his hand with a buzzing sound.

"You can't do anything under the ring." The referee at the 21st ring hastily reminded, "It will violate the "Warrior Law."


Xiahou Bao stopped abruptly, but his eyes almost burst from anger.

"Ye Chong attacked me with thick phlegm, isn't this considered an attack?" Xiahou looked at the referee angrily.

"It doesn't count." The referee swallowed, "This really doesn't count."

Whoosh whoosh!

While Xia Houbao was still talking to the referee, three UFOs shot towards him in the form of three finished UFOs, which scared him so much that he leaned back and avoided it.

"Xiahou, you can fight back in the same way, or go to the ring." The referee also looked embarrassed.

Actually it is.

He has never encountered such a thing, nor has he heard of it. Today, he met a strange person and a strange thing.

Xia Houbao was about to go crazy.

With his honorable status, prominent status, wide-spread reputation, powerful combat power, and stalwart image, it would be cheap and ridiculous to attack others with saliva.

This is simply not possible.

For him, Xia Houbao, he would never do the despicable things that a clown like Ye Chong would do.

Whoosh whoosh!

Before Ye Chongfei got on the stage, he shot three more streams of thick phlegm in a row, attacking Xiahou Bao's up, middle and down three ways.

Swish swish!

Xiahou Bao dodged the attack by dodging left and right, and then flew onto the stage. The heavy landing sound made the entire arena scream and scream.

The referee is also sensible.

Immediately afterwards, he went up to the stage and shouted "Start", then slipped off the stage, blinked his eyes, and swallowed a halazi.


Xiahou violently swung the big hammer in his hand, and smashed it hard at Ye Chong with bursts of bangs, and the surrounding air exploded.

"Stop!" Ye Chong roared, then staggered his footsteps and dodged to one side, "I'm so bored right now, I can't vomit quickly."


Xiahou suddenly stabilized his body, and shouted in a deep voice: "It's useless to talk about bullshit now, you will definitely die today."


Ye Chong flew out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and went straight to the other side's door.

Almost at the same time, he said in his mouth: "Okay, spit it out, cool!"

Xiahou was so furious that he swung the sledgehammer upwards, his face was extremely livid.


The huge No. [-] Stadium exploded into noise again.

Crazy screams, laughter and shouts resounded everywhere.


The thick phlegm collided with the big hammer lightly and slipped down quietly.

At the same time, another mouthful of thick phlegm flew in, directly between the opponent's lips.

The speed of this mouthful of phlegm was really too fast, it was unbelievably fast.

Xia Houbao only had time to withdraw his hand, and covered his mouth with his wrist.

Almost at the same time, Ye Chong swayed, and the Mo Dao in his hand slashed towards the opponent as if it was flying like a lightning bolt.


Accelerate three times in a row.

Seeing that he was about to hit the opponent's body.

But at the next moment, Xia Hou sneered violently, and smashed down the big hammer in his hand. This seemingly simple move had already blocked all the attacking routes of Mo Dao.

But a surprising scene appeared.

The Mo Dao in Ye Chong's hand suddenly deviated, flew out of his hand, and plunged straight into the opponent's legs.

At the same time, Ye Chong's body automatically floated up without any wind, and then flew over Xia Houbao's head in the air.

However, what people didn't expect was that the latter smiled disdainfully, reached up with his left hand, and went straight to grab Ye Chong's waist. The speed was also incredible, and he was about to completely grasp the target in his hands.

At this critical moment, Ye Chong's eyes flashed, as if a golden light flashed and disappeared.

Immediately after the next moment, Xia Houbao suddenly let out a muffled snort, and his outstretched left hand trembled.

At the same time, the big hammer swung by his right hand suddenly lost control and hit the ground directly.

Almost at the same time, with a soft bang, Mo Dao had stabbed the opponent's body hard.

It's just that the sound was strange, like a wooden knife stabbing a stone, obviously it didn't look like it broke through.

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