on the rostrum.

Almost everyone's eyes were on ring 21.

There were quite a few people who stood up straight away, with their lips tightly pursed and serious expressions on their faces.

Others were in groups of three or five, and they got together and discussed a lot.

Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department, Catherine and Blanco from the Global Martial Arts Federation, their eyes were all wrong.


There is a kind of intriguing weird meaning that seems to be a smile that is not a smile.

That kind of feeling is a bit like not wiping your butt after going to the toilet, your body is tense, and you are afraid that if you move a little, it will spoil the atmosphere.

What's interesting is that they didn't speak to each other, but from time to time, there would be a mysterious eye contact.

It seems that the three of them are encouraging each other and must persevere.

Also silent was Zhang Mingyang.

It's just that although he didn't speak, his mouth was not idle.

At this moment, the smoke rings swirled upward like bubbles emerging from the water, and his eyes were full of meaningful colors.

At first glance, Zhang Mingyang looked like a person who had been constipated for a whole month and suddenly let it go, that strange feeling that was indescribable, sour and sweet.

"If I said that in order to increase the attractiveness of the Martial Arts Conference, I let Ye Chong risk the world's dissatisfaction and provoke the martial arts fighters in the world. If this is a helpless or indiscriminate method, then I don't want to do it now. same.

Undoubtedly, the facts have proved that Ye Chong does have the strength to challenge the world's martial arts fighters.

Don't many people say that villain animation is funny?

Aren't many people dismissive of Ye Chong?

Didn't many people say that I was abusing my power?

Aren't there many people who are doubting the Yangwu Conference?

not have...



come on.

Come on all.

look what i did

Look at Ye Chong's strength.

If such a martial arts conference is not called a success, then success needs to be redefined.


Is it only failure that is the success in the minds of you pretenders?



Then read on.

Perhaps the loudest slap in the face can be given to you on the day when the martial arts conference ends. "


Zhang Mingyang slammed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, then embraced it with his arms, and looked at the No. 21 ring with meaningful eyes.

At this moment, almost everyone in the huge No. [-] Stadium was shocked by Ye Chong's violence and arrogance, except for one person.

Ye Chong himself.

To be honest, he is suffering in his heart now, it is extremely painful.

Don't look at him constantly bombarding Xia Houbao's back with a big hammer, but what came out was the sound of bang bang bang, not the sound of cracking bones or puffing of flesh and blood.

Xia Houbao's defensive ability is too strong, definitely several times stronger than the golden retriever Tom who performed the Vajra Technique.

The sledgehammer hit him, and he acted as if nothing had happened, obviously not suffering much damage.

Ye Chong almost couldn't bear it several times, and wanted to hit the opponent's head with a hammer, but in the end, he still didn't dare.

Xiahou Bao is the violent son of the Xiahou family.

You must know that the strength of the Xiahou family's root system is so huge that it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Speaking of which, for martial artists who practice martial arts, it is normal for them to win and lose in the arena.

If you win, it means that your strength is higher than that of the opponent.

If you lose, it means that your strength is lower than that of the opponent.

In the final analysis, it is all due to strength, nothing more.

Warriors are not so small-minded. If they are defeated in the ring, they will find trouble with each other off the ring.

There really are people like that.

However, that is a rogue, or a hooligan.

No real warrior would do that.

After all, what flows in the veins of warriors is the blood of pride.

However, although it doesn't matter whether you win or lose in the arena, if you really take the life of someone with a background rashly, it will be troublesome.

Even with the "Warrior Law", the power behind people with a background on the surface will not do anything outrageous, but it does not mean that they will not secretly.

You must know that the "Warrior Law" is actually just a tool, and the people who really protect are those who have influence on the "Wu Zhe Law" and its corresponding institutions.

There is no doubt that the Xiahou family is one of them.

Of course Ye Chong understood this truth.

It was precisely because he understood this matter that he did not dare to launch a fatal blow on Xia Houbao's head.

If you really do that, you are actually digging a hole for yourself.


Die in your own grave.

"How to do?

Just hold on until the end of regular game time?


It seems that that's all there is to it.

When the time comes, the referee will declare me the winner.

However, this is not safe.

Once I reduce the intensity of the bombardment, this guy will probably slow down and launch a Jedi counterattack.

And I had already used Ye Zhi's Absence Slash at the moment of flying over his head, and I couldn't use this powerful method again in a short time.

Jingyuan thorn?

Ha ha.

The aggressive mental skill of Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash doesn't have as much effect on Xiahou Bao as he imagined, let alone the Jingyuan Thorn, which can only be used as a disruptive auxiliary skill?

It's useless.

The key point is that this guy's body protection skills are very special, his hands and feet are absorbed to the ground like suction cups, so I can't kick him off the ring.

It is true, but all defensive skills and exercises seem to have this problem.

My carapace art, while improving my defense, also affected my attack and speed a little.

The defensive technique used by Golden Retriever Tom, the information found on the Internet is the diamond technique, and it is also specifically mentioned that although its defensive properties are very strong, it will lead to extremely slow movement speed.

I don't know the name of the defensive skill that Xia Houbao is using now, but it also prevents him from moving freely.

This is also the fundamental reason why I cannot relax my attack now, but strive to continue to take the initiative.


Then I can only go on like this.

Ma Dan.

It's just that this seems a little too embarrassing, doesn't it?

People who don't know think I'm a lunatic, bullying a child, or a very big child.

The other party was lying on the ground motionless, and I was still attacking like crazy, which is really not very good.


What is this guy up to? "

While thinking wildly, Ye Chong swung the sledgehammer and slammed downwards to prevent Xia Hou from gathering his strength to fight back.

But I didn't expect that the opponent's body suddenly became red, and his body became uneven for a while, then he turned over and punched him directly in the face.

At this critical moment, Ye Chong only had time to block forward with the sledgehammer, when he heard a bang, the long-handled sledgehammer was smashed into the air.

At the same time, his tiger's mouth tingled for a while, and there was a hot, wet, and spicy feeling.

At the same time, there were bursts of screams from above the stands.

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