A total of 100 players will compete in pairs in the third knockout round.

After 50 games, half of the people were eliminated, and the remaining 50 people participated in the fourth round of elimination.

There are a total of 25 matches in the fourth knockout round, and only 25 arenas are enough. The extra arenas will hinder the effect of watching the battle, so they will naturally be dismantled.

In fact, there is one more point.

Before the start of a new round of knockout rounds, the organizers of the Yangwu Conference removed useless arenas, just like peeling off layers of cocoons.

In this way, the live audience can be told how many rounds of knockout matches have been played.

At the same time, it is also mobilizing the emotions of the audience, looking forward to the early arrival of the ultimate decisive battle.

Ye Chong didn't hear about the situation of his match and the arena he was in just now. Seeing the referee in the No. 15 arena looking at him with a sneer, he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

That doesn't seem like a good thing.

People who hate themselves are happy, which means that the problems they encounter are serious.

In the end what happened?

Ye Chong scanned the big screen opposite, and his face immediately changed.

It doesn't change color.

It is too terrible.

His heart started beating wildly.

If someone was by his side right now, he would definitely be able to hear the beating of his heart.

Xiahou is violent!

Ye Chong's opponent in the fourth knockout round turned out to be Xiahou Bao, who was most popular for winning the championship!

Who is Xia Houbao?

He is the violent son of Xiahou's family.

He is a banner of the new force of Beijiang Martial Arts Academy.

He is one of the most romantic figures in this year's martial arts conference, and he is also the most promising evil genius to win the championship.

Ye Chong rubbed his eyes, feeling a little dazed.

The big screen will not lie, it is clearly written on it:

Ring No. 21 - Xiahou Bao vs Ye Chong

He's completely figured it out now.

The sneer of the referee in the No. 15 ring, as well as the unusual noise in the First Stadium at this moment, are because the fourth round of the knockout round of the No. 21 ring is about to start.

"This is the rhythm of death.

Didn't it mean that the lucky eggs of the Masked Martial Arts Club can bring luck to the Martial Arts Conference?

Ma Dan.

I got so many lucky eggs, I guess the number can be ranked first, right?

But why?

Why didn't it bring me good luck at the martial arts conference, but instead brought me bad luck that couldn't be worse?

The key is that he is not someone else.

It's the monstrous Xiahou Bao!

The number one master recognized by Yangwu Conference.

If I fight him, I'm afraid I'll have to give up.

Ma Dan.

I have to take a rest sooner or later.

But the problem is, this is only the fourth round.

50 into 25.

What the hell, if I lose this round, it means that all my efforts to reverse my bad reputation will be in vain.


bad luck. "

When Ye Chong was restless, the referee from the ring 15 stepped forward and grinned: "Ye Chong, congratulations.

Don't forget, you are competing in ring 21.

Hey, Xia Houbao is waiting for you there.

I think, or you should go there earlier.

Don't let people wait there in a hurry.

By the way, if you have anything to say before the match, you can directly tell the referee in ring 21.

I think he will convey it properly.

Ha ha.

Actually, just tell me.

You know, I'm also a warm hearted person.



I hope you get off to a successful start, and it's not in vain to chat for a long time in the arena. "

Ye Chong raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, but his heart was terribly annoyed, and he thought:

Where the hell did you find this ruthless referee at the Martial Arts Conference?

If there is no **, there will be no **, and the mind is still so small.

Just because of the fact that he and Gao Shuang used the rules reasonably in the arena to talk about Dashan, he insisted on it.

The point is this is in the way of his ass?

Although Ye Chong was annoyed, he didn't have the heart to scold him. Instead, he went straight to the ring 21 with his head held high.

Along the way, his mind was also spinning, thinking non-stop.

"Even though I'm facing Xia Houbao, I must not be cowardly.

But now in public, everyone is looking at me.

Among these people, except for the 00 team and a few friends such as Dunan, it is estimated that most of them are waiting to see my jokes.

Therefore, even if I lose, I must lose proudly and full of blood.


Even if there is only a slight chance, I have to put in a hundredfold effort to fight for that little possibility.

However, judging from the information circulating on the Internet, Xia Houbao is not a name for nothing as the favorite with the highest voice to win the championship.

He is not only a high-level martial arts fighter, but also has outstanding combat skills and superb body skills, especially the big hammer in his hand, which is simply superb.

In comparison, I also have some background and means, but the realm of cultivation is my blemish.

In addition, I don't have the slightest advantage in terms of combat skills and body skills.

The key is strength.

According to reports on the Internet, Xiahou Bao's strength may have already reached the standard value of a junior martial arts general.

Although there is no evidence provided on the Internet, if everyone agrees with this incident, it is likely to show that this is the truth.

How to do? "

Ye Chong turned his eyes to the stands, and saw laughter, drums and horns contending, as if everyone was laughing at his jokes.

At this moment, the voice of the animation villain who challenged the world's martial arts fighters that day, and his voice when he fell from the sky on the day of the opening ceremony echoed in my ears again.

It was a voice that would never get tired of being smoked thousands of times in the ears of others:

"I control my own life!"

"I, Ye Chong, just want to step on the heads of you trash and stride forward step by step on the road of martial arts."

"Which one is not convinced?!"

"Do you dare to fight?"


"Want to crush me?"

"bring it on!"

"Brother is waiting for you in the arena of the Martial Arts Conference!"

"Remember to wear diapers!"

"It's okay to be scared to piss and shit, but please don't pollute the environment!"

and also.

"If you meet me in the ring, you will never die."

"First, kneel down and beg for mercy."

"Second, jump off the ring without dying."

"Third, cut off your limbs and never die."

"The rest must die!"


When Ye Chong came to the edge of the ring on the 21st, his heroic voice was still echoing in his head.

But for some reason, his old face was always hot and strangely warm.

Seeing Xia Houbao leaning on the big hammer and looking over with a half-smile, Ye Chong couldn't help but scratched his head, and shouted loudly:

"Vald donkey, look at a bird?! Have you never seen Lao Tzu?!"


The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly turned into a noisy ocean.

"Hahaha, Ye Chong's grandson is still stubborn when he is about to die. I don't know if Xia Houbao is going to tear him up or use a sledgehammer to smash him into meat paste?"

"Ye Chong has a problem with his eyesight.

Xiahou Bao still has hair, so calling him a bald donkey is inaccurate, right?

Ha ha ha.

Unexpectedly, a good show that I have been looking forward to for so long is finally going to be staged.

Previously, I was really worried that this kid Ye Chong would be wiped out by others in the first few rounds?

It would be a pity if that were the case.

But now it's good, it's really exciting. "

"Poor Ye Chong.

Just be tough.

Otherwise, what should I do?

Don't brag before you die, it will be too late when you die. "


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