At this time, the competition supervisor and the referee of the No. 15 ring glanced at each other, and the latter jumped onto the ring immediately, then pointed to the chronograph on his wrist and said, "It's time for the regular game."


Ye Chong and Gao Shuang looked over at the same time, and they all smiled.

Ye Chong said: "The two of us haven't had time to do it yet, how can we judge this?"

Gao Shuang followed up and said, "There is no physical contact, except for spittle stars."

The referee glanced at the game supervisor with black lines all over his head, and then said bitterly:

"According to the rules, the two of you have no physical contact, that is, there has been no fight, and it will be calculated as a draw in a regular game.

Now, give you 5 extra minutes.

If there is still no physical contact, then both of you will be eliminated. "

"Shuangshuang was eliminated?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Why is there still such an operation?"

"Captain, I wish I had known that I would quit early." Gao Shuang said with a smile.

"Everything is done according to the rules. We will do what the referee says." Ye Chong smiled and nodded towards the referee. "Don't worry, we are ready and we will definitely end the game in overtime."

"Okay, then hurry up." The referee frowned, "The draw for the fourth knockout round on the rostrum has begun."

"Understood." Ye Chong nodded with a smile, then looked at Gao Shuang, "Gu Bingqian is so good? She is also like you, making it to the third knockout round?"

"That's right," Gao Shuang nodded, "Qin Zhong and Hao Zhuang in our Yangwu College examination room were not bad at that time.

One made it to the second knockout round.

One made it to the first knockout round.

But they have all been eliminated. "

"Hao Zhuang?" Ye Chong smiled, "I didn't expect that the three quasi-martialists in our test center would have good grades, but in front of you and my brothers, it's nothing."

The referee saw that the two were still sitting on the ground, with bruised veins on their faces, and shouted in a low voice: "Overtime begins, time is 5 minutes."

"How is Sun Mengmeng?" Ye Chong ignored the referee, but looked at Gao Shuang, "There are quite a few people from the Beijiang Martial Arts Academy this time, so she should come too, right?"

Gao Shuang didn't answer Ye Chong's question, but looked up at the referee and said: "Overtime is also a game, we are still in the game, you... standing here, does it affect the game a bit?"


The referee shook his body, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

However, he immediately turned around, left a word "Hurry up", and jumped off the ring.

According to the rules in the arena of the Martial Arts Conference, the referee is indeed not allowed to be on the stage during the competition.

Talking about big mountains and staring at others in the ring is also a competition, and of course they must abide by the rules of the competition.

After seeing the referee go down, Gao Shuang sighed:

"Actually, on the day of the opening ceremony, I wanted to find you, but I couldn't find you, Captain.

Ha ha.

I am also afraid of affecting you.

After all, the captain is the most romantic figure in this conference. "

"Stop." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Just say that I'm the craziest character."

"Haha." Gao Shuang grinned, "Actually, I really wanted to chase the captain, but I didn't."

Ye Chong curled his lips with an expression of disbelief.

He knew very well in his heart that in that situation, he was really notorious, and no one wanted to have anything to do with him.

Even if you have it in your heart, you will only support it secretly, and you will not do stupid things openly, which is not good for anyone.

Gao Shuang continued:

"Captain, I ran into the team from Beijiang Martial Arts Academy that day, but I didn't find Sun Mengmeng, so I asked them a question.

A girl from Beiwu College told me that Sun Mengmeng did not come with the team.

The girl also said that Sun Mengmeng seemed to be injured on a mission and stayed at school.

I originally wanted to ask a few more questions, but the other party seemed unwilling to say more, so I didn't continue to ask. "

"This is normal." Ye Chong nodded, "The "Martial Arts Law" clearly stipulates that warrior information, especially private information, is protected and cannot be spread without permission.

There are quite a few people from Beiwu Academy this time.

It's a pity that Sun Mengmeng didn't come.

Was she injured on a mission?

I don't know if it's serious or not.

The Northern Border Martial Arts Academy is located in a remote place, which is the area where mutant beasts are rampant. If there is a little carelessness in the task, it will inevitably be dangerous.

Hope she's okay.


I don't know when the mobile phone signal will be restored?

It is so inconvenient. "

At this time, the referee of ring 15 pinched his watch and looked over, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as he was about to jump onto the ring.

Almost at the same time.

Gao Shuang got up quickly, and then pushed Ye Chong's body with both hands, before he hit the opponent's body, he screamed and flew down the ring.


There was bursts of laughter in the huge No. [-] Stadium.

"Haha, this big beauty is really good at push push."

"It's the first time I've seen a handsome guy who is more beautiful than a woman."

"The relationship between him and Ye Chong seems to be very deep."


Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, shook his head with a wry smile, and then stood up.

The referee jumped onto the ring with a confused face, glanced at Gao Shuang who was grinning under the ring, then looked at Ye Chong with black lines all over his face and said:


The winner of the third knockout round in Ring 15 was Ye Chong, and the loser was Gao Shuang.

The loser can leave.

Winner please stay tuned.

The drawing ceremony for the fourth knockout round is underway, please pay attention to the broadcast and the big screen. "

After speaking, the referee jumped off the ring with a dark face, without even looking at Ye Chong again.

Gao Shuang knew the rules, so of course he didn't delay too much. After glancing at Ye Chong with a smile, he went straight to the medical car.

From a distance, he was a little staggering, and he should be suffering unimaginable pain.

Ye Chong frowned.

He knew in his heart that if it wasn't for meeting him, Gao Shuang would have given up the third round of the match that he would never win if he was in the medical car.

On the rostrum, although Wang Shina's voice kept ringing, it didn't reach Ye Chong's heart.

At this moment, his thoughts were like dandelions flying all over the sky, flying across thousands of mountains and rivers, entering the land of northern Xinjiang, looking for the last member of the 00 team.

"Sun Mengmeng seems to be the weakest in body and the weakest in heart, but unexpectedly, she went to the most remote and dangerous place.

Hope she's all right.

There must be no less than one member of the 00 team. "

While Ye Chong was thinking wildly, many staff members entered the competition area and began to dismantle the one-button smart arena on the south side.

Only then did he suddenly come to his senses.

Judging from the situation, it should be that the results of the draw for the fourth round of the knockout round have all come out.

Don't know who your next opponent is?

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