Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 60 Captain, you should be brave!


what is that?

When Ye Chong was about to observe the situation of other airships, he suddenly found a wave rolling on the sea below, and a huge sea beast soared into the sky and rushed towards the airship.

Amid the exclamation, the airship flew upwards and fled quickly.

Ye Chong stood up and went to the round hole in the middle, and pulled the thick hemp rope up.

Just at the right time, I saw the giant rushing out of the water and falling to the surface of the sea.

With a bang, the waves splashed, like a bomb exploding in the water.



The body types are different.

With a huge dorsal fin, it should be a shark.

It's just that the shark is too big, right?

The body length is less than 20 meters.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't have almost reached the five to sixty-meter-high airship when he jumped out of the water.



The longest great white shark is six meters, right?

Is this the legendary megalodon?

At this time, the entire airship was already in chaos, and everyone was observing the scene on the water through the portholes, obviously frightened by what happened just now.

Lin Xiaonuan's face turned pale with fright.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chong felt a strange pleasure in his heart.

"Damn! You know you're scared now, right? It's too late! Oh, the wind is blowing, and the yang energy is not enough. I'm afraid this trial trip will be dangerous?!"

Lin Xiaomei still looked icy and cold, she didn't know what was going on in her heart.

As for the other six women and one man, Ye Chong just didn't bother to look at them.

What's interesting is a group of oil bottles.

Not long after, the airship began to descend from a high place on another small island, and the second team soon landed on the small island.

As time passed, the No. 7 airship continued to fly towards the east, and at the same time, the trial teams left the airship one by one.

At this time, Ye Chong really couldn't sit still.

He even began to feel that the world was abandoning him.

Not to mention carrying so many oil bottles, even the small island of trials is the farthest. This is simply a rhythm that does not allow people to live.

"Please pay attention! Please pay attention! Team 00 is ready to land! Team 00 is ready to land!" A low-pitched announcement came from the airship control room.

Has this finally arrived at its destination?

Ye Chong frowned, stood up, and looked out the porthole.

In front of the airship flying, there is a big island with a vast territory and rich vegetation. There are rows of buildings of different styles scattered among them, which obviously looks like an island city.


There was an uproar in the entire airship.

Except for Lin Xiaomei and Ye Chong, everyone else was chattering non-stop.

"What a big city, where is this? Are we going to land here?"

"I don't know, I'm not familiar with this place, but this island is really big."

"Did you find out? Didn't see anyone walking on the street, and... and... why are the cars overturned?"

"My God! What are those things crawling on the wall? Geckos? Or snakes with legs? Visually, it's 10 meters long, right?"

"Captain Ye Chong, we should apply, we can't log in here, it seems too dangerous?"


"Dangerous?" Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, "It's not dangerous, so what are you doing here? Do you think you're here for vacation? Hehe, if it's really a vacation, I'd be very happy to take you with me. But……"

"Captain, you should be brave!" Lin Xiaonuan glanced at Ye Chong, "Shaking the morale of the army is very dangerous for our operation."

"Yeah, what Lin Xiaonuan said is right." Ye Chong scratched his head, "It seems that our trial this time is really dangerous. Judging from the current situation, this island city is definitely a place that has been ravaged by monsters. The possibility that this place has become the stronghold of mutant beasts cannot be ruled out."

When he said this, Ye Chong looked around at the crowd and shrugged his shoulders: "Perhaps if anyone doesn't want to die, it's better to make a decision early, and it's still too late to return with the airship. Let me tell you, life-saving is the most important thing! Whether you can enter the Martial Arts Academy is absolutely irrelevant." Life is important!"

"Cut!" Lin Xiaonuan opened her eyes wide, as if she couldn't believe that the other party could say such a thing, "Captain Ye Chong, other people's captains are all encouraging the team members, but what about you? You want to discourage all the team members, right? you the captain?"

"So, I must be an incompetent captain." Ye Chong spread his hands, "To save your life, you should stay away from me? If you stay with me, you will die."

"You said such things just to drive us away, don't you think it's a little too much?" Lin Xiaomei looked at Ye Chong quietly, "It is the ideal, dream and pursuit of each of us to be able to study in the Martial Arts Academy , just turn back like this, and our life is over."

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Chong also secretly sighed.

is there any method?

According to regulations, the top ten candidates in the physical test must serve as captains, and the captains of each trial team are responsible for management. The most important assessment point here is the survival rate of the team members.

You must know that whether it is the captain or the team members, the higher the score in the trial, the richer the reward will be, especially the captain who assumes management responsibilities. Qualifications.

What does it mean?



These two things are related to the speed of becoming a quasi-martial artist and martial artist, and after becoming a martial artist, the benefits and policy tilts received are greater.

Driven by this kind of interest, Ye Chong is of course unwilling to bring these oil bottles with him. It is really better for him to enter and exit safely by himself.

"You also saw it just now. The mutated sea beast below is definitely more terrifying and frightening than you imagined. I'm afraid you will die here if you don't pay attention." Ye Chong frowned, "Do you know why we don't equip us with thermal weapons? ?”

"One is to test our trial ability."

"One is that the power of thermal weapons is greatly reduced under the suddenly increased resistance."

"And most importantly, thermal weapons may be like scratching an itch for those rough-skinned and thick-skinned mutant beasts."

When he said this, Ye Chong looked around and shook his head:

"So, what I want to say is that if you are really attacked by mutant beasts, if you don't have enough strength, you probably won't be able to kill them, but be killed by them."

"Well, I still sincerely advise everyone to think about it! We are not here for vacation, but to kill! Either, kill each other! Or be killed by the other party!"

Lin Xiaomei gave Ye Chong a rare smile, and then looked at everyone: "Are you still willing to continue the trial?"

"Yes!" They said in unison, booming.

Ye Chong shook his body, sighed, and simply closed his eyes.

"Attention Team 008! Attention Team 008! Ready to land in 1 minute! Ready to land in 1 minute!" The broadcast sound in the airship control room sounded like a reminder.

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