Airship No. 7 did not dare to land on the street, but directly chose a ten-story building and completed the landing operation on the roof.

All members of Team 00, including Ye Chong, expressed their dissatisfaction.

Landing on the top of this tall building, the airship is safe, but what about them?

You know, when the airship hovered over this island, it discovered that there were huge creatures that could climb walls living here.

Staying on the roof platform, once attacked by this kind of mutant beast, there is nowhere to escape.

However, dissatisfaction belongs to dissatisfaction. Since this is already the case, there is nothing to say.

Airship No. 7 quickly rose nearly [-] meters, and then flew towards the west, obviously faster than when it came.

Team 00 was the last team to land on Airship No. 7.

In the middle, a lot of time was wasted because of the search for the island of the third team.

By this time, it was already evening.

In addition, it was a bit cloudy, the wind was blowing, and the sky was dark, and there were some weird sounds from all around, which sounded extremely scary.

The most unbearable thing is that just below, on the walls and inside of this high-rise building, there are always faint rustling sounds, which make people's little hearts beating violently.

"It's not safe for us to stay here." Ye Chong frowned and looked into the distance, it was so dark that he couldn't see clearly, "However, if we leave here, the danger is even greater, we don't know what's below?"

"But I think we have to make a decision right away, and I'm afraid we don't have much time left."

When talking about this, Ye Chong walked to the side and looked down, then frowned, and said slowly: "If you have any opinions, you can talk about it, and I will make a decision in the end."

"Maybe... we can go inside the building," the petite Sun Mengmeng looked at Ye Chong with a consulting look, and whispered:

"Wouldn't it be safer if we could occupy a room inside, seal the door, and wait 10 days before rushing out, coming back here, and waiting for the airship to come back and pick us up?"

"The mutated sea beast is not only physically stronger, but its IQ is also improving very quickly." Ye Chong shook his head, "I'm afraid that if I lock myself up, it just happens to satisfy the other party's wishes. When the time comes, we want to leave , just like a bird trying to escape from a cage, it's not that easy."

"Besides, you should prick up your ears and listen. There are indeed a lot of things in the building."

"Then stay here!" Tao Xiangru, who is about 1 meters tall and graceful, danced the long sword in her hand, "If there is a sea beast with no eyes that wants to charge up, then we will chop it right away, how about it? "

"Well, that's a good idea." Ye Chong nodded, "When the first mutant beast comes up, you can dance your embroidered sword and fill its stomach, then we will definitely be safe for a while. .”

"However, you don't have much meat on this bone, so you probably won't be able to buy much time."


There were bursts of forcibly suppressed laughter at the scene.

"..." Tao Xiangru blushed and lowered her head.

"Then let's rush out!" Lin Xiaonuan clenched his left fist and waved vigorously, "How about finding a safer place to stay in the dark?"

"Let's see, Lin Xiaonuan said it bluntly," Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, "You have good posture, and when the monsters gnaw on our meat, you should probably hide far away. Have you enjoyed it?!"

"Hmph!" Lin Xiaonuan rolled his eyes, "Captain Ye Chong, now is the time of life and death, not for joking, if you continue to be so irresponsible, we will all die!"

"Yes, Captain Ye Chong," Lin Xiaomei frowned and said softly, "I'm afraid something will happen if we delay any longer. I seem to feel that a lot of things are coming."


As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone at the scene changed, and they seemed to be visibly nervous.

"Okay! Everyone has expressed their opinions. If you don't say anything, it will be considered that you agree with others." Ye Chong nodded, "Now, I will make a decision."

When he said this, Ye Chong glanced at everyone slowly, and then continued: "The purpose of our trial on this island is to test our actual combat ability, not to escape and hide!"

"If that's the case, it's better to hide and sleep at home in the rear, and stop dreaming of being a warrior!"

Ye Chong's eyes were piercing, he looked at the surrounding dark area, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said in a deep voice:

"Although I am not a warrior, I have known for a long time that a warrior has a great responsibility. I shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending the country and killing demons. I don't hesitate to die on the battlefield! Instead of chasing fame and fortune and living a luxurious life."

"So, since we have come here now, to this human homeland that was slaughtered by monsters, then we should do it hard to avenge those human brothers and sisters who don't know! In the test of death, get sharpened and progress."


Ye Chong swung the Dark Night Saber in his hand, his eyes fixed on the sharp blade, and the corner of his mouth curled into an evil curve:

"Escape? Escape a bird! Everyone, follow me to fight out today! Just in this island city, fight out a piece of dawn!"


On the huge roof platform, cheers of high spirits suddenly sounded, as if all fear, despair, depression and worry were swept away, replaced by uncontrollable ambition, ambition, pride and excitement.

"Kill!" A group of soft and murderous voices suddenly sounded, piercing the night sky, impassioned.

The eyes of everyone looking at Ye Chong were filled with twinkling brilliance, like stars blinking in the endless darkness.

"I order!" Ye Chong said in a loud voice: "Until you find out the reality of these mutant beasts, don't act rashly!"

"Lin Xiaomei is in charge of organizing the team to build a circular defensive formation. Follow me. If there are beasts attacking, focus on defense and supplement by offense. You must not leave the formation."

"Yes! Captain!" Everyone agreed in unison.

"set off!"

Ye Chong raised his hand and waved forward, taking the lead to go straight to the corridor door on the roof platform.

Seeing that the corridor door was a big iron door with a bolt on it, Ye Chong slashed the Dark Night Saber from top to bottom, just passing through the gap between the two leaf door panels, and the door bolt broke through, making a rattling sound .


Ye Chong immediately followed and kicked the iron door open.

Ho ho!

A strange voice sounded, it seemed to be laughing, it seemed to be moaning, and it seemed to be roaring.


Ye Chong waved his hand back, and Lin Xiaomei and the others immediately retreated a few meters away.

I saw a huge figure slowly emerging from the darkness ahead, which looked like a seal, but at least twice the size of ordinary seals.

The most important thing is that this guy has four legs, he walks quietly, and his blood-red eyes are full of bloodthirsty look.

Mutant seals!

Before Ye Chong had time to see clearly, the other party let out a roar and rushed towards him frantically.


Ye Chong didn't dodge or dodge, he slashed head-on with the Dark Night Saber in his hand, and the mutated seal's head was split into two halves, split left and right, and blood spurted out wildly.


There was a sound of surprise.

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