Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 59 The Battle of Ying Island

Yingdao has two meanings.

One refers to the main island of Yingdao, which has a vast territory and is a huge island standing in the ocean of the East China Sea.

Another layer of meaning refers to the Yingdao Islands.

On the outskirts of the main island of Yingdao, there are thousands of islands, large and small, guarding the main island of Yingdao in the center.

In the entire Yingdao archipelago, besides the hundreds of millions of people living on the main island of Yingdao, there are at least 6000 to [-] million people living on the large and small islands outside the main island.

Before the aura revived, the main island of Yingdao and the outlying islands could communicate with each other through ships, planes or even bridges, whether they were connected to each other or separated by thousands of nautical miles.

However, after the spiritual energy is revived, the ship cannot go to sea, and it will capsize when going to sea.

The plane cannot take off, and it will crash when it takes off.

The bridge is impassable, and there must be black hands on the bridge-tentacles from the sea water under the bridge.

It doesn't stop there.

The wireless signal in the air was paralyzed, making it impossible to communicate.

The satellites in the sky cannot transmit satellite photos either.

Only small, high-power drones are still useful, and they may be able to take some photos and bring them back. However, the distance is a little longer and the time is a little longer. In the end, it is still difficult to escape the fate of an inexplicable disappearance.

In the final analysis, the main island of Ying Island and the thousands of surrounding islands are almost isolated from each other, forming an isolated island.

Even in the entire Yingdao archipelago, except for the two large islands of the main island and some small islands adjacent to it, there is no way of knowing the human casualties on the other islands.

At noon on this day, the southern area of ​​Yingdao Islands was sunny and sunny, with blue sky and white clouds, calm waves, and everything in the world was in a peaceful and peaceful state.

Suddenly, a huge black spot appeared from the western sky, and it kept approaching.

After not using it for a long time, the shape of the black spots became clear.


Huge airship.

A full ten airships.

After the changes in the air environment, I am afraid that only this newly developed electric-powered air transportation equipment can play a role.

Among them, on the airship numbered 7, six to seventy people sat neatly inside.

They all wore uniform combat uniforms and multifunctional military watches that could be used for short-distance communication and positioning.

Beside them, there is also a military multifunctional backpack, which contains food, sleeping bags and other utensils, and under their feet, each has a fixed weapon lying flat.

Some are knives.

Some are swords.

Some are axes.

There are guns.

Some are sticks.

Some are hammers.

Some looked oddly shaped and chilly.

Under Ye Chong's feet was a large black knife, about two meters long, with a thick back, but an extremely sharp blade. This was the first thing he saw when he was choosing a weapon in the arsenal.

The old man in the armory called this knife Dark Night. It is said that it is made of meteorite iron tempered by spiritual energy as the main raw material. It is considered a good weapon, but it is a bit heavy, weighing 112 kilograms.

However, instead of feeling heavy, Ye Chong felt a little regretful. It would be great if he could add another thirty catties.

Since he was facing a giant mutated sea beast from the depths of the ocean, if the weapon was too light, it would be like tickling someone.

Besides, his actual physical data has already reached 20 (9), which is the standard for a two-star quasi-warrior.

Most importantly, he didn't take any Bu Wu Dan.

Whether it is physical fitness, vitality, or spirit, it is by no means comparable to those who have just reached the passing line of the physical examination.


Ye Chong felt a jolt, and immediately turned his head to look out of the porthole.

The No. 1 and No. 3 airships in the field of vision began to descend, and the large and small islands scattered on the sea in the distance also appeared in front of them.

"It seems that it will be here soon?" Ye Chong had a complicated expression on his face.

Then he turned his head to look at the nine people directly in front of him, he couldn't help but secretly sighed, and said in his heart:

"Damn! Lin Xiaonuan is unreliable, and this Lin Xiaomei has no points! I'm going to be hurt by these two guys this time!"

At this moment, Lin Xiaonuan in the seat in front of her turned her head and smiled inexplicably. She looked pretty and charming, but in Ye Chong's eyes, it was even uglier than a husky's smile.

"Attention! Attention! Team 053 is ready to descend! Team 053 is ready to descend!" An announcement came from the control room in front of the airship.


The ten people on the far left stood up. Although some were tall and some were short, they were all young men with strong bodies.

Ye Chong looked at the other party quietly, scratched his head with his hands, and sighed secretly.

"Attention 053 team! Attention 053 team! Land in 1 minute! Land in 1 minute!" The broadcast sound came out again.

Immediately afterwards, the bottom of the center of the airship swished, revealing a round hole, and a thick hemp rope fell from the top of the airship.

Ye Chong can see through the porthole that the airship is now floating at a height of more than ten meters above an island and rocky mountain.

Swish swish!

Members of Team 053 descended rapidly along the thick hemp rope one by one.

"Captain Ye Chong, are we going to land soon?" Lin Xiaonuan turned her head with a smile, and said, "I'm a little afraid of heights. Jumping down from such a height is really scary."

"Well, it's good to be scared to death, don't be afraid." Ye Chong slapped his nose with his hand, "By the way, you'd better land in the sea and wash off, I have rhinitis."

"Hmph!" Lin Xiaonuan pursed her lips and turned her head away, "How can you look like a captain?!"

Ye Chong didn't bother to talk to her, he was annoyed, and it was even more annoying to see Lin Xiaonuan.

If she and her sister Lin Xiaomei hadn't gone to look for him by the lotus lake back then, it probably wouldn't be so miserable now, right? !

Thanks to him, he still trusted them both so much that he let them take full responsibility for forming the team, but who the hell knew that there would be a result of eight women and two men?


The key is that there is another man besides him in the team. If you don’t read the introduction and go to the bathroom, you will definitely think that you are also a girl, even more like a girl than ordinary women, and even speaks a bit delicately. .

Under such circumstances, how could Ye Chong be happy in his heart? !

This is going to a dangerous trial site, with a bunch of women, is this fatal? !

"Damn! I know it's like this, it's too late to return the product!" Ye Chong frowned, and pinched his left palm fiercely. The hatred in his heart was like a torrential river:

"These sisters don't like men, and they are afraid that men will take advantage of them. Damn, isn't I a man? How can you tell that I am not a man? I have never seen me take a bath."

The No. 7 airship rose quickly and flew towards another small island in the east. Through the porthole, all the 10 team members were lying on the rocky hill, looking into the distance.

"This position is really good. Even if there are sea beasts attacking, it will be more beneficial to defend from above." Ye Chong secretly envied, "You don't have to worry about eating and drinking. As long as you stick to it for 10 days, according to the standard of the trial, it is considered a pass."

"It is said to be a trial, but in fact the real purpose of the Global Martial Arts Federation, the Martial Arts Department, and the major martial arts academies is to enable students who are about to enter the Martial Arts Academy to observe the threat posed by mutant beasts closely, recognize the situation, and take along Practice your courage?!"

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