Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang.

Ye Chong reached out and picked up the multifunctional remote control on the coffee table, and tapped the door open button.

He called for service just now, and he knew without asking that it was the waiter who came to clear the plates.

After hearing someone coming in, Ye Chong closed his eyes and said, "Close the door when you go out."

"Understood, captain." A slightly magnetic soft voice sounded.


Ye Chong immediately opened his eyes, and then sat up.

"Captain, are you so casual?" Lin Xiaomei laughed.

"I...whatever?" Ye Chong was confused.

"Isn't it casual to just open the door for someone without asking who it is?" Lin Xiaomei smiled sweetly, "If I'm a bad guy, then the captain will be out of luck."

"Really?" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, "Now Meidu is here, and you still say it's not bad luck, isn't it a bit late?"

"Captain..." Lin Xiaomei smiled and shook her head, "Xiao Nuan is right, the captain is sometimes a bad person, so be careful."

"Xiao Nuan has a good eye." Ye Chong nodded, and then looked towards the door, "Then let her in quickly?"

"Captain, she didn't come, she is preparing for the battle in the dormitory." Lin Xiaomei smiled, "Didn't I disturb the captain this time?"

"Need to say? Of course I'm bothering you." Ye Chong grinned and said, "I was lying down just now, but now I'm standing up. What do you think?"

"Hee hee, then the captain can continue to lie down," Lin Xiaomei chuckled, pointing to the sofa, "I'll leave after I'm done."

"Hehe, I'm really happy to see you smiling," Ye Chong looked at the other party quietly, "What do you want from me? Sit down and talk."

"Captain, tomorrow is the time for the knockout round. I really hope that the captain can make it out of the siege and finally stand on the highest podium and create another glory for our old 00 team." Lin Xiaomei's eyes shone brightly, "I came here just to ask Ask, does the captain need our help?"

"Help? I don't need help." Ye Chong frowned slightly, and asked suddenly, "By the way, how is Liu Pingping?"

"Don't worry, captain," Lin Xiaomei smiled, and sat on the sofa beside her. "Xiangru has been with her all along, and she should be recovering well."

"Well, that's good." Ye Chong nodded, "It's not easy for our old 00 team to come all the way to today. I hope every member can have a good development."

"The captain is right, that's what we think too," Lin Xiaomei looked at each other quietly with bright eyes, "and that's why I came here alone today."

"Huh?" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth and blinked, "Alone? Xiaomei, you... don't you want to make a promise with your body? Wait, I'll take a shower first."

"Captain~" Lin Xiaomei blushed, and then stomped her feet, "Am I serious with you?"

"Okay," Ye Chong nodded with a smile, "Actually, I'm also very serious."

"Hehehe, what Xiaonuan said is so true, the captain is very dishonest when he becomes bad," Lin Xiaomei covered her mouth with a smile, "I came here today just to ask the captain, are you... interested in Desperation Slash? "

"What?!" Ye Chong was startled, and looked at the other party, "Desperation Slash? Your aggressive mental skills?"

"Yes," Lin Xiaomei nodded, "In our 00 team, only the captain and I started to practice spiritual power very early.

So, the captain saw at a glance that I had performed the Absence Slash, I wasn't surprised at all.

Ha ha.

I came here today just to ask the captain, are you interested in this spiritual attack skill?

If you are interested, then I will tell the captain the relevant tips and practice as soon as possible. "

"Tell me the key?!" Ye Chong was a little puzzled.

You must know that a good technique or skill is of great significance to the master, and it is impossible to pass it on to others without special reasons.

If this technique or skill is inherited from a martial arts sect or a martial arts family, then it cannot be taught to outsiders, otherwise, they will be severely punished.

"That's right," Lin Xiaomei smiled, "Isn't the captain interested?"

"Interested." Ye Chong nodded with sparkling eyes, "But I dare not be interested."

"Why is that?" Lin Xiaomei's face showed doubts.

"As an attack skill of the spiritual system, the Absence Slash is of great value. If you teach it to others easily, there will be many hidden dangers." Ye Chong shook his head slowly, "I know you are willing to help me, but the sect behind you or The family will know about this sooner or later, which is not good for you."

"Hehehe, so it's because of this?" Lin Xiaomei laughed wildly, "This is a skill I accidentally found in a book in the library, and it didn't say that it can't be transferred to others."

"Oh?" Ye Chong couldn't help grinning, "There is such a miraculous thing?"

"Yes, hehe, if the captain is really interested, I will tell you the key now." Lin Xiaomei lightly brushed her hair, and then said, "However, I won't be able to help the captain in the next training.

Ha ha.

As mentioned above, everyone has a different understanding of the key points, and the effect of the absent-minded slash will also be different.

The captain is a genius at practicing martial arts, and as for me, my ability to perceive is relatively weak, so I don't want to play tricks and be laughed at by the captain. "

"Hehe, I'll listen to you." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "You really relieved my urgent need this time. I was wondering how to deal with a master. I didn't expect you to send me warmth."

"Hee hee," Lin Xiaomei's eyes turned red, "Captain, the key to losing your mind is..."

"Wait, Xiaomei, I..." Ye Chong sighed softly, "I'd better stop learning.

Ha ha.

you know too.

Although I have learned a little spiritual magic, I just think it is for fun.

After all, didn't pay much attention to it.

Well, how should I say it?

In fact, I prefer the open and close knife technique, and I hope to make some achievements in it.

I also don't want to spend too much time on other aspects.

The point is that I don't seem to have the potential to cultivate spiritual power.

In addition, Lost Mind Slash is your unique mental attack skill.

Once it is taught to others, even if no one bothers you, it will be a huge loss to you.

After all...after all..."

"Captain, if you can't think of a reason to refuse, then don't think about it." Lin Xiaomei frowned slightly, her eyes were like water, "Are you afraid you owe me something?"

"Hahaha," Ye Chong bent down and laughed loudly, then straightened up and looked at the other party quietly, "Stop making trouble, Xiaomei, I'm afraid I owe you love?

For me, it has always been about taking advantage and not taking advantage of the bastard.

I'm just afraid that if I get the key to Lost Mind Slash, and I don't have the interest and time to practice at all, then I will be laughed at by you again.

Besides, I'm very lazy..."

"Then I'm leaving, Captain, don't interfere with your cultivation." Lin Xiaomei smiled, tears streaming down her face, she turned her head and left.

"Wait," Ye Chong couldn't help but sigh to himself, "I forgot to ask just now... Is there a lot of content in the key to the absent-mindedness? I really can't remember it."

"Captain, not many." Lin Xiaomei turned around and smiled, as if the pear blossoms were raining, and the spring was endless.

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