Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 600: Ye Zhi's Absence Slash

When Lin Xiaomei left, it was past nine o'clock in the evening.

For more than seven hours, they have been together.

In addition to having dinner together in the middle, the two just communicated.

At this moment, there was a sweet smile on the corner of Ye Chong's mouth.

It can't be sweet.

It doesn't work if you don't laugh.

Can't help it.

My heart is bubbling with beauty.

Simply don't want it.

"Ha ha.

I was really cheated by this girl today.

did not expect.

It feels so good to be cheated.


Am I a little too...


Bitch, bastard? !

The key to the Lost Mind Slash is so complicated and so long, she lied to me, and it was for my own good.

The key is that it only took me so little time to master the whole formula.

If she hadn't been there to explain my doubts and doubts to me, especially using my own cultivation experience to open up my mind, I wouldn't have understood it so quickly and formed my own understanding.

But speaking... Lin Xiaomei came prepared this time.

Actually... I really don't want to owe her such a huge favor.


At that time, if I really refused to promise her, I would owe her a tenderness like water.

To be honest, I am afraid that this kind of tenderness is more difficult to repay than that kind of favor.

After all, favors are valuable and can be paid with money, but tenderness is priceless but can only be paid with...


What's wrong with me today?

What the fuck?

Are you hungry?

Order a braised pork trotter tomorrow.

But speaking of it, it's really not easy for me.

Push it, my heart hurts.

Don't push it, it hurts.

In short, I have gained a lot today, and the Lost Mind Slash is like a big pie that fell from the sky to me now.

At that time, regardless of whether it hurts or not, those who should help Lin Xiaomei must help, and she must not let her suffer a big loss.


Giving money directly is definitely not enough.


Forget it.

Let's talk about it later. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he shook his head involuntarily, then closed his eyes, and quietly realized.

Minutes passed by.

From time to time, his eyebrows would be slightly furrowed, as if something extremely difficult to make a decision bothered him.

Occasionally, he would stretch out his eyebrows and even raise the corners of his mouth, making him very happy to see it.

About two hours later, Ye Chong opened his eyes without making a sound, his face looked calm and peaceful, neither happy nor worried.

However, there seemed to be some brilliance in his eyes, and he couldn't tell whether it was excitement, excitement or his head was going crazy.

It's a little strange that although his eyes are open, his body is still motionless, as if petrified.

After this situation lasted for a full 5 minutes, his eyes closed silently again, and the corners of his mouth slowly turned up.

At this moment, Ye Chong's mind was not as quiet as the outside, but surging, and the fog filled the air.

From time to time, a leaf will emerge in the golden mist, which looks like a fig leaf.

Interestingly, when the fig leaves first appear, they appear to be floating and ready to fall.

But soon, it seemed to have vitality, and it struggled in the golden mist.

What is surprising is that although the golden mist is flowing very fast, the fig leaves are always fluttering in the ups and downs.

If you look at it from a distance, this scene looks like a solitary boat sailing through the rough sea, which looks firm and persistent.

Over time, the tenacious fig leaf becomes comfortable enough to cleave through the waves even when the wind is blowing in the sky.

Later on, the golden yellow fig leaf seemed to turn into a little bird, shuttling through the mist in the sky, advancing and retreating, rising and falling.

All of a sudden, the thunder exploded, the electric arcs ran wildly, and the golden fig leaves became full of spirituality under the baptism of the golden lightning.

Immediately after the next moment, the golden yellow fig leaf spun around, and then started to turn clockwise with a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, it looks like a strangely shaped drill bit is spinning at high speed, as if it is full of surging power to penetrate and crush everything.

Soon, there was another blast of war thunder, and the strange drill bit transformed from the golden yellow fig leaf rushed forward at an incredible speed.

But in the blink of an eye, the drill bit disappeared, as if it had never been here before, and everything returned to its original state.

Ye Chong quietly opened his eyes, his body remained motionless, but his eyes were full of light, and he looked very excited when he saw it.

"I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Lin Xiaomei was really right.

The comprehension of the key to the absent-minded slash is indeed different from person to person, once it is used, the effect will be very different.

Even for the same person, at different times, in different places, and in different environments, they have different perceptions of the Lost God Slash.


I think the same person's comprehension of Lost God Slash also has different realms.

For example, now, my Absent Mind Slash is a mental attack skill formed by combining the flying skill in martial arts skills and the knife drilling skill in knife skills.

Not to mention anything else, compared to Lin Xiaomei's most basic Absence Slash, my unique Absence Slash is much stronger.

If I had to make a comparison, then Lin Xiaomei's Lost Mind Slash is like hitting someone with a hand throwing a pebble, while mine is more like attacking with a slingshot.


It should be a gun.

My Absence Slash has a longer effective range, better penetration, better accuracy, and more damage.

However, it is useless to rely on my own speculation and imagination for the effect. Everything must be tested in real combat. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

But at the next moment, he suddenly frowned, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's just a pity.

Lin Xiaomei's Absence Slash consumes 30 points of mental power each time it is used, and the recovery time is 30 minutes, while my Absence Slash consumes 50 points of mental power each time, and the recovery time is as high as 50 minutes.

Such a comparison, the difference between the two is really quite a lot.

However, this is also understandable.

After all, my Absence Slash is much more powerful than hers, it takes a lot of energy and takes a long time to recover, these are all normal.


My mental points in a perfect state are only a little over a hundred. Even if I try my best, I can only use Absence Slash twice in a short period of time.

So, I still have to save some.

Ha ha.

In my opinion, it is the same as the distribution of combat merit points, it should be used as a means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

When the time comes, the combination of the two may bring me unexpected help.


Now that my Lost Mind Slash has been labeled as my unique skill, it should have its own name.

Fig leaves?

Flying skills?

Drill skills?


My surname is Ye, and my Lost Mind Slash turns into a fig leaf to attack again, maybe this is God's will, why not call it...

Ye Zhi lost his mind and cut. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help standing up abruptly, raised his head and laughed, his pride was beyond words.

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