Ye Chong continued to look at the small leaderboard, grinned suddenly, and shook his head involuntarily.

As far as the eyes could see, it turned out to be the name of another big acquaintance who couldn't be more familiar.

No. 95, Dunant, 69.8 points.

Attached comments:

Speed ​​Samsung.

Agility two stars.

Power Samsung.

Tactics one star.

One star for weapons.

Record four stars.

The winning rate is 77.8%.

The undefeated rate is 88.9%.

The failure rate was 11.1%.

The critical strike rate is 55.6%.


"Even Du Nan is in the top [-] of the small ranking list.

He is the same as me, he is only a junior martial arts fighter.

In terms of speed, agility and strength, the strength I have shown will not lose to him.

As for winning rate, undefeated rate and losing rate, my data is no worse than his.

From this point of view, it is a bit unreasonable that he can enter the top [-] list, but I cannot.

However, there is a high possibility that there is a problem with the foul statistics that I judged earlier.

and also.

Ha ha.

The realm cultivation index mentioned by the maker of the small leaderboard in the 'Description' is not reflected in the 'Supplementary Evaluation'. I don't know if it was done intentionally for fear of being scolded, or it was really ignored.

Forget it.

I don't want to be serious.

After all, this small ranking list is only made by individuals, and it is enough to get some information from it.


Judging from the results of the two round-robin group matches, the top-ranked people are still those evildoers who were specifically mentioned at the opening.

If so, then there are not many dark horses that I originally imagined?

Is it...

Among so many contestants, is there really no one who can challenge Xia Houbao, Fat Girl, Dionysus, and Smoker?

Or, it was just a group match before, and many people deliberately hid their strengths in order to shine at critical moments? "

Ye Chong looked at the replies to the "Small Leaderboard" post, and found that they were mainly discussing whether the settings and rules were reasonable, so of course he was not interested in continuing to read.

Next, he looked at other posts, and randomly entered a few discussion posts about the contestants. Most of the content in them was quarrels caused by different opinions. He also quickly backed out.

Ye Chong clicked the service button on the desktop, then stood up, came to the floor-to-ceiling window, folded his arms, and looked out the window.

At this moment, it was one or two o'clock in the afternoon, and the campus was very lively with people coming and going.

However, it can be basically judged from the clothing that most of these people are spectators who came to watch the battle.

There were also some Martial Arts Academy students in training uniforms, all of whom looked in a hurry.

He originally thought about going to the lotus lake to practice his mental strength for a while, but seeing this situation, he gave up the idea.

In fact, you don’t need to look to know that the lotus lake is definitely overcrowded. Taking pictures and taking walks must be a mess.

"Then it's better to sleep in the house, then get up and practice hard, recharge your energy and prepare for the knockout round.

It's just a pity.

During this period of time, I haven't dared to use the combat merit points indiscriminately, for fear that I won't be able to use them at critical times.

If I had known that the two rounds of group matches were going so smoothly, I would have used them more after the Masked Fighting Games.

However, that's fine too.

So as not to be anxious at times.

Besides, combat merit points were originally used for combat preparations. If you really want to use them but can't use them, that is the really terrible thing.

So, next, what else do I need to prepare?

Combat merit points continue to prepare for battle and cannot be used casually.

Mentally, all you need is a good night's sleep.

Physically, my body is fine.

In terms of qi and blood, after meditating for a while, it will recover.

What the hell.

If that's the case, before the knockout round, it seems like I'm really going to be free?

Or just...

Continue to practice the method of surging qi and blood?


I have cultivated to the current stage, and if I continue to practice forcefully, the efficiency is very low and the effect is not good. It is better to feel it in the real competition.

Practicing knife skills?

In the cheat book of "Destroying Heaven and Earth", I have only learned the first sword technique - Dao Drilling, and it is not impossible to continue to practice now.

In the final analysis, the key is the issue of energy and blood consumption.

Before the knockout round begins, I still try not to use my energy and blood.

Although today, even if you run out of blood, you can recover in time before the game, but blood is very mysterious, and it also has a cycle of fatigue.

This is a bit like the athletes in the past, such as long-distance runners. If they practice long-distance running on a large scale before the competition, they will probably fail when it comes to the real competition.


Practice flying skills?

Ha ha.


The same is true.

That thing consumes more energy and blood, so it's better to keep it as a battle preparation, and use it when it is really needed.

Carapace? "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"Carapace surgery?

I'm almost at the bottleneck of cultivation now.

If you continue to practice, it will be a bit difficult.

What's more, this kind of defensive technique itself is best used in actual combat, which is equivalent to cultivation.

But the problem is...

Ha ha.

on horseback.

After seeing the powerful defense of Golden Retriever Tom, how come I don't like the armor and skin technique?


The difference between the two defenses is too great.

When I run the armor skin technique at full capacity, if I am attacked, the armor skin technique can only help me reduce the damage.

Just like ordinary people wearing thick clothes and being stabbed, thick clothes can still reduce some injuries.

But look at the defensive skills of Tom the Golden Retriever, it's like wearing a bulletproof suit, and being stabbed with the same force, nothing will happen at all.

such a pity.

If I have the defensive skills of Golden Retriever Tom, then I don't have to worry about anything in the next knockout round.


Even if I met Xiahou Bao, Fat Girl, Dionysus, Smoker, etc., so what?

I can't beat you, can't I prevent you?

Want to beat me into a pig's head too?

no way.

I have combat merit points to distribute, and I can make up for the loss of my body in time.

At that time, I will launch an attack by surprise again, and absolute victory is in sight.

But this is the only way to think about it.

If you think about it too much, it will be a bitter tear.

In short, the nail skin technique should not be practiced for the time being.

It is not meaningful. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong lay down on the large sofa with a depressed face, and then put his hands on the back of his head and closed his eyes.

Soon, he sighed lightly.

"Although the armor skin technique is not very meaningful to practice, the startling thorn can take time to understand.

Although this mental assist skill is the same as the armor skin technique, it is most suitable to practice in actual combat, but fortunately, the recovery speed of mental power is relatively faster.

What's more, I have a lot of time now, and it's not appropriate to waste it like this.


Then take a nap first, and practice the Jingyuan Thorn when you wake up. It will definitely be used in the knockout round. "

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