When Lin Xiaonuan said the word "bad guy", Ye Chong touched the satchel beside him subconsciously, and said to himself, "It's not a bad guy!"

"After tomorrow's actual combat, we may only have three days to prepare." Lin Xiaomei said quietly, "We don't have much time left."

"So fast?" Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "So, you found me because you wanted to form a team with me to challenge the threat from the trial site together, and you didn't want to waste too much time on finding a team ,Is it right?"

Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan both smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I agree." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "However, I have one request. Regarding the formation of the team, I think you will be responsible for it. I don't have time."

"..." Lin Xiaonuan pouted.

Lin Xiaomei was silent, with a calm face.

"Why?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "It seems reluctant."

"My sister and I are also very short on time now," Lin Xiaonuan blinked, "I originally wanted to find the team earlier, free up time, and then deal with urgent matters."

"Who is the captain of our team?" Ye Chong asked with a slight smile.

"Does it need to be said?" Lin Xiaonuan looked at the other party inexplicably, "Of course it's you, Captain Ye."

"Well, good!" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up. "In the name of the captain, I now order you two to be fully responsible for the formation of the team. When recruiting personnel, be careful not to let garbage fools sneak in."

"..." Lin Xiaonuan opened her eyes wide and looked at the other party.

"If you don't obey the order," Ye Chong put his hands behind his back and looked at the two sisters, "then go wherever you want, our team doesn't welcome you!"

"Hmph!" Lin Xiaonuan stomped her feet lightly, and looked at Lin Xiaomei, "Sister?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiaomei brushed her hair lightly, and said softly, "I will take care of this matter with Xiao Nuan, Captain Ye Chong, don't worry."

"Well, that's good." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "By the way, there is a man named Dunan, pull him into the team, that's my brother."

"Okay, Captain Ye Chong." Lin Xiaomei nodded slightly.

the next day.

The practical test begins.

Although it is said that the actual combat examiner has been reduced from a senior martial artist to a junior martial artist, and the difficulty of passing the test has been greatly reduced, but for those candidates who have not devoted themselves to martial arts before signing up, actual combat is still like a mountain that is difficult to overcome.

However, it is somewhat surprising that the method of this actual combat test has also changed.

From the original actual battle, fighting it out, it became a 3-minute fight on the fighting platform.

Of course, if you want, you can also directly defeat the actual combat examiner.

In general, the conceivable space for the actual combat test is much larger than before.

The day passed quickly, and the actual combat test ended in a calm process.

The conclusion drawn by each examinee is that the actual combat examination link is useless, which is tantamount to releasing water.

However, even so, there are still many people who have not passed the actual combat level.

In the end, the number of candidates who passed the cultural class (comprehensive), physical test and actual combat was fixed at 605.

In the afternoon of that day, Zhang Mingyang specially organized a meeting for these people to preach and inform about the content of the trial.

What people didn't expect was that the information in it was not much different from what the Lin sisters said.

The only difference is that the preparation time for participating in the trial is not three days, but two days.

According to Zhang Mingyang, this was an impromptu decision because time was getting tighter and tighter.

Too hasty!

This is how everyone feels.

Therefore, as soon as Zhang Mingyang finished speaking, everyone began to get busy nervously.

Ye Chong is no exception.

He constantly searched the Internet for various information about the war on Yingdao, not only including geographical and topographical information, but also information about various mutated sea beasts that appeared.

Even knowing that the 30 ranking award had been credited to the account, he didn't have time to check it on the machine.

"Lao Ye, I beat the examiner to pass the test in actual combat."

There are many combat platforms in the actual combat level, and they are far apart. Ye Chong knew that Du Nan had passed the level, but he hadn't had time to talk to him.

As soon as the mobilization meeting was over, Dunan found Ye Chong excitedly, showing off his achievements.

"Beat the junior martial artist?" Ye Chong was a little surprised. He knew very well that Dunan's strength before he practiced "Whale Swallowing Technique" was definitely a puffy type.

"It's guaranteed to be fake!" Du Nan patted his stomach and made a bang bang bang bang sound, "End the battle with one punch."

"Have you tested your punching strength?" Ye Chong smiled, "The examiner has a sudden illness, right?"

"What! The examiner is as strong as a bull, but he is still vulnerable to my 400-kilogram punch." Dunan raised his fist and waved it showing off.

"400 kilograms?" Ye Chong nodded, "This is already a heavy punch! If you hit the head, you will faint."

"Haha, he didn't faint," Dunan said triumphantly, "I punched the examiner in the back, and he was blown away!"

"What?" Ye Chong didn't react, "What the hell? A punch in the back? Is there such an operation? You can't be a sneak attack, right?!"

"Hehe, it's actually not that much." Dunan scratched his head, "During the battle, including before and after the battle, don't be distracted! An examiner called him, and he showed me his back, Can I miss this opportunity? Impossible!"

"I'll go!" Ye Chong looked at Du Nan with contempt, "You can! If you dare to do this, the examiner has no objection?!"

"What's your opinion?" Du Nan rubbed his stomach, "I just said something!"

"Fuck!" Ye Chong nodded, "These two words are well used! I feel the same way!"

"Lao Ye, what are you talking about?!" Du Nan patted his stomach, "That chick Lin Xiaonuan said, let me join your team?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, but he heard that the tone of this guy's speech was not quite right.

"Lao Ye, look, this matter is really a coincidence." Du Nan rubbed his stomach and smiled, "Every team wants a strong player, hehe, I was also targeted by three teams, I can't push it away anyway, oh, Lao Ye, look..."

"Get out!" Ye Chong stared, "Hurry up! Damn!"

"Look! Lao Ye, you are too aggressive!" Dunan stepped back, "You still owe me a meal, don't forget."

When this happened, Ye Chong had nothing to do.

He had thought that Dunant would be very happy, even excited, but unexpectedly, it was the opposite.

This feeling, like a hot face stuck to a cold ass, has a very strange sense of loss.

However, when he suddenly found Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan walking excitedly, his mood finally became brighter.

"Captain Ye Chong, the candidates for the team have been drafted," Lin Xiaonuan smiled and approached Ye Chong, "Captain, please make a final decision."

"No need!" Ye Chong waved his hand, "I trust you! It's up to you to decide! Also...don't let Dunan join."

Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan looked at each other, and there was a gleam in their eyes.

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