"Ye Chong, 18 (7), only needs a high-grade supplement pill worth 9 yuan, and he can improve his physique by two standard units in one fell swoop, reaching 20, and the final score is fixed at 9 (100), and he has won the title of two-star quasi-warrior "Lin Xiaonuan looked at Ye Chong with a half-smile, full of amorous feelings, "But you didn't pay attention to it, and ignored the [-] million special award for quasi-warriors. tight!"

"Hehe," Ye Chong's mouth curled up. Although there was a heart-wrenching pain in his heart, he said with a smile on his face: "Are you tight or not? I'm not interested, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you whether I eat or not. .Besides, do I have to let you see me before I eat Wudan?"

"Hee hee, brother Chong is a good face. I blame my sister for talking too much, which made brother Chong angry." Lin Xiaonuan raised her jade hand and lightly pushed the opponent's shoulder, then said with a charming smile, "I'm sorry, younger sister."


Ye Chong was pushed by the opponent's little hand, as if he was electrocuted, he felt uncomfortable all over, his throat was itchy, and he couldn't make a strange sound.

"Speak human!" Ye Chong moved his body back, "Don't touch your hands! If people see it, how can I see people?"

Hee hee hee!

Lin Xiaonuan covered her mouth and laughed so hard that the flowers and branches trembled wildly, like the waves of the sea, surging and surging, not stopping for a moment.

A faint smile appeared on Lin Xiaomei's icy face, and she said softly: "Ye Chong, Xiao Nuan has this personality, please ignore her, I just want to ask you one thing, is there a team yet? "

"What? There is a team?" Ye Chong was startled for a moment, then frowned, "Hehe, I know you two are twin sisters, but I didn't expect one to be weirder than the other. She said I didn't take medicine, you ask me Is there a team? I think you two are taking medicine?!"

Before Lin Xiaomei opened her mouth to speak, Lin Xiaonuan took the first step and said:

"Hmph! If you have the money to take medicine, how can you not even afford the registration fee, and ask a girl to register for you?"

"Also, those who have taken Bu Wu Dan are all physically unstable, qi and blood are swollen, their faces are red and swollen, and their legs and feet are trembling. But, we sisters have never seen Brother Chong like this!"

"What?!" Ye Chong was stunned, and reached out to grab Lin Xiaonuan's arm, "Who is it?"

"Ah, it hurts me." Lin Xiaonuan snorted softly, shaking her body, "Who is who?"

"Who paid the registration fee for me?" Ye Chong sighed softly, and slowly let go of the opponent's arm, "Is it Yuanyuan?"

"Yuanyuan?" Lin Xiaonuan was a little surprised, but she immediately smiled and said, "No, I remember that she also signed up, and seems to have passed the physical qualification test, um... By the way, she seems to be called Liu Xiaolei."

"Liu Xiaolei?" Ye Chong nodded slowly, and murmured, "Yuanyuan must have asked her to do this."

Lin Xiaomei glared at Lin Xiaonuan, then looked at Ye Chong and said, "Ye Chong, don't pay attention to Xiaonuan, she drank red wine at noon, so she talks a lot. Well, can you answer me now? Have you joined the team?" ?”

Lin Xiaonuan pouted, stood up, walked to the side and looked towards the lotus lake, seeming to be a little scared of Lin Xiaomei.

"I don't know what team you're talking about?" Ye Chong sighed softly, "However, I can confirm that I'm not in any team right now."

"Is it true?!" Lin Xiaomei's face brightened, "That's such a coincidence, Xiao Nuan and I applied to join Captain Ye Chong's team."

"What? Captain? My team?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, and looked at the other party with a half-smile, "I seem to have just said that I am not in any team."

"Not now," Lin Xiaonuan murmured to the two of them, "but there will be soon."

"Ye Chong, according to the latest trial plan, candidates who have passed the admission qualifications of the Martial Arts Academy will go to the trial site in the form of a trial team." Lin Xiaomei looked at the other party quietly, and continued:

"The candidates who rank in the top ten in the physical test are not allowed to be in the same team. Therefore, Captain Ye Chong, you will soon have a team with a total of ten members including the captain."

"Huh? Is there still such a saying?" Ye Chong frowned, "So, where and how to test, have these things been settled?"

"Yes, Captain Ye Chong." Lin Xiaomei's face was frosty and her eyes were clear, "The news came out that the trial site will be arranged in the Yingdao Islands, but the specific location has not been determined yet, and it may be random. of."

"So that's how it is." Ye Chong stood up and turned around to look at the lotus lake. He said with a slight smile, "Tomorrow we have to fight in practice. I don't know whether I can pass the test. In my opinion, let's wait until the results come out."

"Cut!" Lin Xiaonuan curled her lips, "The actual examiner is a junior martial artist, but Captain Ye Chong is a big devil who can trample a bunch of martial arts masters under his feet. If Captain Ye can't pass the test, Yang Wu I’m afraid the college’s application site will be completely wiped out, right?!”

"Xiao Nuan, don't say a few words." Lin Xiaomei gently pulled Lin Xiaonuan's arm, and then looked at Ye Chong charmingly, "You are worried that the two of us will not be able to pass the test, right?"

Ye Chong smiled slightly, but did not speak.

"If Xiaonuan and I can't even pass the actual combat test, we won't come to discuss the trial with Captain Ye Chong." Lin Xiaomei lightly brushed her hair on her forehead, "Then take this opportunity to briefly introduce All right."

When talking about this, Lin Xiaomei looked at Lin Xiaonuan, and said slowly:

"Although Xiaonuan's physical test data is very average, but her agility is very good, her flexibility and speed are good; and my mental strength is not bad, I can perceive changes in the surrounding environment without using eyes and ears, and, It also has a certain language analysis ability.”

"Language analysis?" Ye Chong looked at the other party with interest.

Before Lin Xiaomei could answer, Lin Xiaonuan rushed to say: "My sister can understand animal language since she was a child, isn't it very useful?!"

"What?! Can you understand animal language?!" Ye Chong was obviously taken aback, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Well, I must admit that you two are very capable. If you want to survive the trial, it shouldn't be difficult. Why do you have to form a team with me, and your actions and actions are restricted and restricted?"

"It's not that simple to survive the trial." Lin Xiaomei looked at Ye Chong quietly, "The key to survival is the combination of strong forces and complementary advantages, but this is not the most important thing. "

Lin Xiaonuan laughed tenderly, and rushed to say: "My sister and I both feel that although you are not a very good person, we should feel very safe when we are with you."

"Huh?" Ye Chong was a little dizzy, and also a little fluttering, "Really?"

"Of course," Lin Xiaonuan smiled, "I've checked your gaze, you're not a villain!"

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