Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 56 Spiritual Food

That afternoon, the campus became noisy again.

The movement of more than 2000 candidates who failed the physical examination to leave the school is of course a big deal.

Ye Chong sat on the bench beside the lotus lake, quietly watching the people coming and going, feeling puzzled for a while.

According to the scale of the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, also known as the old Yangcheng University, even if it accommodates 10 students studying at the same time, there is no pressure.

The campus is a university town, covering an extremely wide area, almost as big as the central area of ​​Yangcheng City.


Such a large place will soon be completely vacated.

And in this test site, there are only more than 600 students who applied for the Martial Arts Academy.

Moreover, there will be a practical test the next day, even if the standard is greatly lowered, it is impossible to eliminate none of them.

Considering that these candidates who have passed the test will most likely choose a Martial Arts Academy in other places when they fill out their volunteer applications in the future, then, in the huge campus, will there only be hundreds of students living, studying and practicing here in the future?

Or there will be many candidates from other places filling in Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy?

Ye Chong patted his head and shook his head, feeling a little unreliable.

In his impression, Yangcheng, as a small third-tier city, does not have that much charm to attract the attention of too many candidates.

What's more, the teaching staff of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy obviously ranks low among the newly established martial arts academies, which makes it less competitive and attractive.

and so……


Ye Chong shook his head, too lazy to think about it.

For him, the top priority is not to think about these things that have little to do with him, nor is it to sharpen his guns in front of the battle and prepare for the actual combat test the next day. For him, it is not difficult at all.

What he needs to consider now is very simple.

It is a trial.

He needs to think about how to survive in the environment of life and death. Only in that way, it means that he can formally enter the Martial Arts Academy to study.

But now there is another problem.

Where exactly is the place of trial?

Who is the enemy to face?

If you haven't figured out these things, isn't it almost like fantasy after much deliberation?

Regarding these matters, Ye Chong also asked Dunan during lunch.

But what is surprising is that Dunan, who has always played Bai Xiaosheng, turned out to be clueless.

At this time, Ye Chong suddenly thought clearly.

The reason why there is no real news about the trial is nothing more than the need for confidentiality, or everything has not been finalized yet.

There is no doubt that the second reason is the most likely.

However, there should be no problem with the approximate location of the trial.

Ying Island.

No matter in terms of geographical location or the environment of the trial, it was undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

However, although the situation of the trial is not yet known, the trial time is imminent, and it should not be far away from the news.

In the following time, Ye Chong began to close his eyes and meditate, using secret techniques to absorb the purest cosmic energy between heaven and earth, lingering around him, and being drawn into his mind by divine thoughts to digest and absorb, strengthening his spiritual power.

Cosmic energy is not spiritual energy, nor magnetic force, nor is it detectable energy such as light energy, electric energy, wind energy, etc., but a power of cosmic rules that cannot be detected by scientific and technological means.

Among them, the rules of the Five Elements Interaction and the Law of Time and Space Dao are unclear and unknown. They are very mysterious and miraculous, but they are the most perfect spiritual food in the process of spiritual power development and growth.

Ye Chong originally planned to practice spiritual power in the dormitory, but the effect was much worse than outdoors through the wall glass, and I don't know why, the effect of practicing next to the lotus lake is the best, and, in the afternoon When the sun goes down, the effect reaches its peak.

Therefore, under the temptation of all kinds of conditions that are conducive to cultivation, of course he chose to practice beside the lotus lake.

He has also seriously thought about it himself, the energy of the universe is invisible and colorless, and scientific and technological instruments cannot detect it at all, unless martial arts masters can feel it.

Or people who also practice spiritual power, if they get close to them, the rich cosmic energy will naturally be noticed by the other party's divine sense.

However, today's campus is full of candidates from martial arts colleges, especially those who failed the physical examination. It is impossible for these people to have martial artists, let alone martial arts masters.

As for those who also use exercises to cultivate their spiritual power, they are actually nothing to worry about.

One is that mental power is generally cultivated after becoming a warrior. If one cultivates before becoming a warrior, it is easy to overestimate one's ability, damage one's spirit, or even go mad.

No one wants to take the risk of doing that.

Ye Chong is different.

He is reborn.

There are inherent advantages.

Ordinary people can't.

Another reason why you don't have to worry too much about people around you practicing spiritual power is that to cultivate spiritual power, you also need to have martial arts skills to cultivate spiritual power.

However, this kind of spiritual power cultivation method and secret technique is a rare and mysterious thing, so how can it be so easy for people to get it?

Therefore, without any scruples, Ye Chong soon immersed himself in the practice of integrating with the heaven and the earth.


A delicate laugh sounded.

Before Ye Chong could open his eyes, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards his face.

"So you're here!" Lin Xiaonuan looked at Ye Chong with a flowery smile, "Sitting so upright, are you in a daze or thinking about something?"

"Is there a big difference between being in a daze and thinking about something?"

Ye Chong raised his eyebrows, knowing in his heart that the lotus lake is not his alone.

Practicing here, it is a matter of time to be disturbed by people, but what I didn't expect was that the person who disturbed him was obviously running after him, and although the two had met before, they had not spoken to each other.

"Of course it's different." Lin Xiaonuan put her hands behind her back, smiled sweetly, and took a step forward, "When you're in a daze, you don't think about anything. Of course it's different from thinking about things. And ah, people who love to be in a daze look at others When you are young, your eyes are very pure, and people who love to think about things are different."

When talking about this, Lin Xiaonuan covered her mouth and smiled, and sat down next to Ye Chong.

"You girl is familiar with yourself, and you are not afraid of anyone." Ye Chong moved to the side, "However, since you think my eyes are not pure, then you shouldn't stick so close?!"

Before Lin Xiaonuan could speak, Lin Xiaomei, who had just approached, suddenly changed her expression, and looked at Ye Chong with disbelief.


Ye Chong was also taken aback.

What do you mean?

Did she discover something?

"Don't look, this is my sister." Lin Xiaonuan looked at the two suspiciously, "When you meet, you flirt with each other. Isn't that...a bit inappropriate?"

Ye Chong leaned to the side subconsciously, and said with a smile: "I don't know why you two sisters are looking for me? I finally got a Wubu Pill and swallowed it. Before the refinement was completed, I was interrupted by you. I am at a loss." It's big."

"How much is a Wubu Pill? Hehe!" Lin Xiaonuan laughed coquettishly, "You are ranked eighth, the winner of 30 prize money, why do you still care about a Wubu Pill that costs thousands of dollars?"

"Okay, Xiao Nuan, don't make trouble." Lin Xiaomei frowned slightly, "Get down to business!"

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