Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 564 5 Golden Flowers

Ye Chong opened his eyes unknowingly, then stretched fiercely, and yawned again.


Warm, cozy and relaxing.

It's like taking a nap in the cradle carefree after eating and drinking.

At this moment, Ye Chong's state of mental exhaustion before going to bed has long been swept away.

"Sure enough, deep sleep is the most ideal way to restore body data.

The human body is like a complex and sophisticated instrument, and also like a meticulous and magical system. After a breakdown occurs, just stop, refuel, recharge, and restart, and it can be restored to its original state.

The recovery of qi, blood and physique was slower, but the spirit recovered extremely quickly.

But the premise is deep sleep. If it's just light sleep, it doesn't make much sense.

Well, it's already past seven o'clock in the evening, and it's time to eat something.

Ha ha.

In the past two days, the Martial Arts Conference has been progressing fairly smoothly, and there are so many talents, it seems to have attracted the best martial arts fighters in the country.

Of course, this is inseparable from Zhang Mingyang's layout and mobilization.

However, the important role I played cannot be denied.


If it wasn't for my awe-inspiring righteousness, sacrificing my ego, and provoking and angering all warriors in the world, how could the Yangwu Conference cause such a big commotion?


In the past two days, Zhang Mingyang seemed to have completely forgotten me. Could it be that he really regarded me as an abandoned child? !

Don't say anything else, it's okay to treat me to a meal, you don't need to break up with me so quickly, right?

No matter how bad it is, you can’t call me and express your gratitude to me, after all, I helped him embark on the martial arts..."

While rubbing his growling stomach, Ye Chong walked towards the telephone while muttering, still thinking wildly in his heart:

Since Zhang Mingyang won't invite me, then I'll be more polite. I'll take advantage of the opportunity of living in the presidential suite and order more delicious food, so I can treat myself as a reward.

When Ye Chong picked up the phone, he remembered that the phone line had been unplugged, but now his stomach was growling with hunger, and he didn't bother to pay attention to who had called before.

Soon he called the front desk and ordered a moon fish sashimi.

It was on the dining table at the Masquerade Martial Arts Club last night, so there is no reason why the expert apartment is not there.

After all, the Masked Martial Arts Tournament was held in the underground plaza of the expert apartment, so the supply channels for ingredients and so on should be the same.

In addition, he ordered three more bottles of red wine and eight hot dishes, and also ordered some roast meat and staple food.

Don't point white, don't point, treat yourself better, this world is so dangerous, anyway, it's not spending your own money.

Just dropped the phone.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang like crazy.

"What do you mean?" Ye Chong muttered with a smile, "Do you think I ordered too much, or is it too expensive?"

As soon as he picked up the phone, he heard Tao Xiangru's voice: "Captain, are you finally back?"

"I'll be back..." Ye Chong was startled for a moment, then smiled, "Yes, Xiangru, I'm back."

"Hehe, the captain is so amazing, he actually made Yang Ying the No.235 of group 1," Tao Xiangru said with a smile in her voice, "Captain, what did you do? Isn't it fun?"

"It's fun, that's all?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Hehe, do you think that Yang Ying is a blockbuster, and you are a little envious?"

"Hee hee, envy is gone, and I won't be jealous, I just hate it," Tao Xiangru said with a sour taste in her voice, "I hate that I didn't get assigned to the same group as the captain, otherwise, hehe, Maybe I can also advance to the second round group stage."

"Well, you didn't advance?" Ye Chong sighed, and then said, "It's okay, I just broke through as a martial artist, there is no need to pursue results, if I can experience something valuable in the group stage, it is considered a success, by the way, You...are you not injured?"

"I'm not injured, captain," Tao Xiangru said with a smile. "Actually, I thought so too. Even seeing that Yang Ying can advance, I'm inevitably a little dissatisfied with myself."

"Everyone's understanding of martial arts is different," Ye Chong said calmly, "Although Yang Ying's strength is weaker than yours, she has a persistent heart and is full of desire for victory.

Sometimes, she knows that she is weak, or even powerless, but she will still try the one percent chance, hoping that she can get the mercy of God with all her efforts.

Ha ha.

She is a bit like Lin Xiaonuan in this respect.

And you...

too soft.

Speaking of it, it's okay to be soft on the outside, but soft on the inside, it will inevitably make people look forward and backward on the journey of martial arts, and it will be a lot of constraints.

After all, martial arts is not the way of literature. Only by forging ahead in cruel and bloody battles can we achieve brilliance step by step.

In fact, sometimes when you are gentle with others, you are ruthless with yourself. "

"I know," Tao Xiangru's voice sounded a little sad, "So, in our 00 team, only Liu Pingping and I did not advance to the next round..."

"What?!" Ye Chong couldn't help being startled, and then the corner of his mouth twitched, "You addition to Yang Ying, Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Zuo Xiaoqian, and Li Aifang have also qualified for the group?!"

"Yes, captain, hehe," Tao Xiangru smiled, "Only Liu Pingping and I failed, is the captain happy?"

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines, his expression was speechless, and he felt that there were traps and traps everywhere, "It's all here.

One yard owned by a yard.

Everyone's actual situation is different, and their needs are also different. As long as you realize what you want in your heart at the Yangwu Conference, you will be considered a success.

From this point of view, Xiangru, you have obtained what you want, of course it is considered a success. "

"Actually, I don't want to lie to myself. Everyone wants to enter the next round. If nothing else, the amount of rewards will be different." Tao Xiangru said softly, "Liu Pingping is just too hard. I don't expect that everyone in her group will It's a hard nut to crack, otherwise, even if she didn't advance, she wouldn't be injured."

"Injured? Is it serious?" Ye Chong frowned.

"Pingping is very hardworking. She has been injured three times, and each time is heavier than the last. However, now that the competition is over, she should rest for a while." Tao Xiangru sighed quietly, "Actually, Zuo Xiaoqian, Li Aifang, Lin Xiaonuan Lin Xiaomei was also injured, and Zuo Xiaoqian and Li Aifang were seriously injured, but fortunately they were promoted, and all the hard work has paid off."

"In the competition on the ring, everyone is fighting to the death. Go all out, and injuries are inevitable." Ye Chong nodded, and then said: "It's really good that you are not injured, and you got what you want, okay? , take me to see Liu Pingping and the others."

"No more, captain." Tao Xiangru said hastily, "Liu Pingping is not in a good mood right now, she is afraid of seeing people, and even more afraid of seeing the captain.

There are five of them, all recovering and practicing in the dormitory, preparing for tomorrow's game, otherwise, they would have called the captain long ago.

In fact, I didn't want to disturb the captain, but I was afraid that the captain would be worried, so I made the phone call rashly.

Well, captain, I will not bother you anymore.

Goodbye, Captain. "

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