Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 565 Fortune and Misfortune

Before Ye Chong could speak, Tao Xiangru hung up the phone hastily.

He sighed softly, knowing in his heart that it was indeed what she said.

The first round of the group stage ended, but he didn't know the situation of the 00 team members, which would definitely make him worry.

Tao Xiangru communicated the relevant information by phone, and at this point, it was the end of the point, just right, and everyone was relieved.

From this point of view, she can be regarded as well-intentioned.

Of course, it was a wise choice to accept her favor.

During the beeping, Ye Chong frowned and put down the phone, but before he could stand up, the phone rang again.

I don't know if it's a malfunction or the need for confidentiality. There is no number displayed on the phone, and there is no search record, which makes people always have an urge not to answer the phone.

Call ~

Ye Chong let out a long breath.

He is not afraid of being disturbed now.

Nothing can be bothered.

The point is that he really wants to be quiet now and think about the second round of the group stage.

It would be a good thing if all members of the 00 team were eliminated without any risk.

There were so many deaths and injuries in the first round group stage of the Yangwu Conference, which undoubtedly shows that the games of the Yangwu Conference are real combat.

If everyone is a little careless, it will lead to irreversible and disastrous consequences.

Injuries, especially general injuries, are less of a problem.

For warriors, their own repair ability is very strong.

As long as you can rest well and spend more time, recovery will be fine.

But the problem is, if you suffer a fatal injury, it will be troublesome.

The first round group stage was so cruel, the second round group stage will of course be even more terrible.

The key is that according to the plan of the Yangwu Conference, starting from the second round of the group stage, every contestant can use weapons.

The purpose of doing this is very simple, it is to allow every contestant to exert their strongest combat power as much as possible.

Don't look, just think about it.

In this way, how tragic will the situation and results of the second round group stage be.

However, under the overwhelming pressure brought by the vicious mutant beasts, the human race is about to enter the era of martial arts for all.

Every time a martial artist is killed or injured in the arena, it can bring the most valuable vigilance and awareness to thousands of latecomers, and let them have a more comprehensive and correct understanding of martial artists and martial arts.

Warriors do not enjoy the blessings as a privileged class, but shoulder the glorious mission of defending the human race.

Martial arts is not a smooth road without danger, but a thorny road full of difficulties and obstacles, and you will face life and death at any time.

Yang Ying qualified from the first round of the group stage and also won No.1. It looks easy, but it is not.

Fortunately, she has self-knowledge, and knows very well that without the help of Ye Chong, it would be impossible to get out of the death group of 235.

Therefore, for her, after experiencing the baptism of the first round group stage, she already knew that she was weak, and she knew exactly where her weakness was.

Entering the second round group stage with this clear positioning and understanding of herself, she certainly understood what she should do.

This is the progress she has made because of experience and lessons and awe.

With such predictions and ideas, it should be said that Yang Ying will be cautious.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Lin Xiaomei and the five golden flowers must not have gained a clear understanding like Yang Ying after going through the test of blood.

However, one thing is undeniable.

They broke out from the first round of the group stage, and they will have a relatively high evaluation of their own strength.


After all, with his own efforts, he finally qualified from the first round group stage.

However, what they may not have imagined is that in order to achieve this, they have gone all out, and even achieved this by breaking through the limits of their bodies with the blessing of God.

The problem lies here.

Among the people who successfully qualified from the first round of the group stage, there are many people like him, Ye Chong, who are elites, geniuses, and monsters.

What about the second round group stage?

The strength of the group contestants has long been far stronger than the players in the first round group stage. Will they show mercy when facing their opponents in the same group?

I'm afraid not.

They are likely to kill the killer in order to establish the victory earlier.

Because no one knows what will happen next?

What if a hidden super dark horse pops out suddenly?

What's more, after the second round group stage, there will be a cruel knockout stage.

For elites, geniuses, and evildoers, the more time they can prepare for the knockout rounds, the more chances they will have to defeat evenly matched opponents in the future.

If you can get enough points from weaker opponents earlier, you can avoid fighting with masters in the last round or two.

Therefore, for people like Lin Xiaomei and the others who have just broken through and become warriors, although they were lucky enough to enter the second round group stage, they are probably worse than Yang Ying in terms of sense of danger and vigilance.

Once those elites, geniuses, and evildoers use thunderous means to resolve the battle, if they are in awe like Yang Ying, they may still be able to pick up a life. If they have the idea of ​​fighting, then death is likely to be instant Advent.

Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head. Seeing that the phone was still ringing, he couldn't help but pick it up.

"Lao Ye, don't pretend to me, I know you are here," Dunan's voice came over immediately, "Who were you talking to on the phone just now, and you still didn't answer my call, you patriarchal guy, you are so mad me."

"..." Ye Chong almost lost his mind when he heard the rapid-fire voice coming out of the microphone, "What is patriarchal? Du Nan, are you talking about sex over friends?"

"Oh, yes, that's what it means." Du Nan patted his stomach, "Haha, admit it? Come on, tell me, which chick is it? I'm from here, and I'll check it out for you."

"Xiaohong." Ye Chong said in a calm voice, "Also, I have a lot of experience, by the way, Dunan, she said you..."


The sound of the phone being dropped came from the receiver.

"Bear bastard, I'm mad at you and me." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he hung up the phone casually.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"This grandson is really fast."

Ye Chong smiled and shook his head, then walked to the door and opened it.

"Sorry, sir, you closed the doorbell, so I can only knock on the door, I hope I didn't disturb you." A tall and handsome male waiter stood at the door, beside the food delivery truck not far behind him, still standing Looking at a waitress, "We are here to deliver your food."

"Come in." Ye Chong nodded.

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