Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 563 Exhale and raise eyebrows

Zhang Mingyang quickly ended his conversation with Wang Shina, and stood alone in front of the window, staring at the dark sky in a daze.

In fact, the weather was good throughout the morning and most of the afternoon, but unexpectedly it became cloudy now.

Speaking of which, Zhang Mingyang's current mood is no better than the weather outside, and it even looks worse.

Light blue smoke permeated the room, and soon escaped desperately from the window on one side.

At this moment, he was even a little envious of the smoke.

Not to mention anything else, at least there is still a place to escape.

But what about him?

Now it is becoming impossible to escape.

If he was still full of confidence before the Martial Arts Conference, especially after having some exchanges with Ye Chong, by now, his confidence has begun to slowly fade away.

However, this confidence is not the confidence in whether he can hold the Martial Arts Conference well, but whether he can play his own self-confidence on the stage of martial arts journey.

Undoubtedly, with his whole-hearted efforts and careful planning, the Yangwu Conference is developing towards the ideal direction, and at the same time, it is also being recognized by more and more people.

However, the smooth development of the two-day event of Yangwu Conference has made him ambitious about hosting this grand event, but at the same time he is gradually losing confidence in himself.

too weak.

In terms of martial arts, he is really too weak.

As an ordinary person, very weak.

As a martial artist, he is even weaker.

As the principal of a Martial Arts Academy, he is even weaker than others.

He basically watched all the games in the past two days, either watching them live or replaying them.

It is precisely because of this match after match that he has a new understanding and positioning of martial arts, actual combat, and himself.

He knew very well in his heart that every one of the 3000 contestants was stronger than him, especially those warriors. If they were to fight against them, it would be a matter of minutes to kill him.

In fact, it's a bit too arrogant to say that.

In front of many contestants, he was as vulnerable as a little chicken facing a big tiger.

Every minute?

Not every minute.

It's seconds.

After having this feeling, Zhang Mingyang's thoughts now have become very clear and practical.

The success of the martial arts conference is very important, and more important than this is to let yourself grow up as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there is no time.

In fact, he has been working very hard now, but whenever he has time, he will go all out to practice the simplified version of martial arts, in order to improve his physical data as soon as possible, so as to break through and become a warrior.

However, in the process of cultivation, Zhang Mingyang also found more and more that just having so-called ideals and hard work is not enough.

If a person without talent wants to succeed in the martial arts path, what he needs more is his own perception and the enlightenment of others.

For Zhang Mingyang who has just set foot on the road of martial arts, there are many insights.

However, neither is on point.

To put it bluntly, it's like an ancient man who came to the modern world, everything feels very novel, very mysterious, and has a lot of ideas, but he doesn't know what he sees at all.

Therefore, Zhang Mingyang really wanted to ask someone to help dispel the thick fog in front of him, and the only person he could find now was Ye Chong.

"His strength did not disappoint me, but my efforts will disappoint him."

Zhang Mingyang shook his head with a wry smile.

He knew that Ye Chong stayed in the room and didn't answer the phone. It wasn't because there was a problem with the phone, or because he couldn't hear him, but because he didn't want to be disturbed at all.

Now that he knew this, if he made another phone call or asked someone to knock on the door, Ye Chong would definitely feel dissatisfied, and this was not what he wanted to see.

Soon, Zhang Mingyang sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to practice the simplified version of martial arts.

Speaking of which, he really didn't like this posture, every time he got up, his legs and feet were terribly numb.

But there is no way, this is the requirement of the simplified version of martial arts, and this is also the most important question he wants to ask Ye Chong this time.

However, since I can't contact the other party now, I have no choice but to continue to comprehend carefully according to the requirements.

After half an hour.

Zhang Mingyang opened his eyes unexpectedly, and then patted his legs, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"How is this going?

Why are my legs no longer numb?

It feels more comfortable than sitting on a chair.

Is it...

Am I getting started? "

Zhang Mingyang was so happy and excited that he touched it up and down casually, wanting to find a cigarette to celebrate.

Seeing the cigarettes on the table next to him, he wanted to get up to get them, but at the next moment, he smiled suddenly, shook his head, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Time passed by like this little by little.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Zhang Mingyang opened his eyes silently, and there was a strong look of surprise in his eyes.

But soon he stretched out his hand and fanned his nose, and when he looked through his eyes, he realized that he had already sweated through his heavy shirt, and the smell was extremely unpleasant.

"Ha ha.

Why are you sweating so much?

And it just stinks.

I used to smell like sweating, but not so heavy.

It seems that a lot of impurities in the body should have been tempered during the cultivation process just now.

This is a good thing.


I'm on my way.

However, the smell is not good, so I'd better wash it first. "


Zhang Mingyang jumped up, then moved his legs and feet, and walked around the room a few times, his face became more and more excited.

The numbness of the legs and feet disappeared, and the filth and impurities flowed out of the body. This was a sign that he had practiced the simplified version of martial arts. Of course, it was what he had always dreamed of.

In this situation, it is strange to be unhappy.

Soon, Zhang Mingyang went into the bathroom in the back room and took a shower, then changed into clean clothes and came out. He immediately looked refreshed and looked younger for several minutes.

Immediately afterwards, he habitually picked up a cigarette from the table, lit one casually, and frowned with a smile.

"This cigarette is tasteless. Could it be that I just practiced and forced out the addiction in my body?"

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Zhang Mingyang instinctively coughed a few times, then went into the bathroom and vomited into the toilet. Unexpectedly, a large ball of black phlegm was spit out, as if vomited out impurities that had accumulated in the body for many years.

He couldn't help but look happy, and directly threw the cigarette he had only smoked twice into the toilet.

"Ha ha.

It turns out that this is what it means to be quiet.

Years of bad habits.

I didn't expect it to be relieved by practicing.

I know that although I will definitely not be able to quit, after practicing like this, I will definitely smoke less and less.


The current cigarette itself does not cause excessive harm to the body.

However, the habit of smoking should be changed as much as possible.

Otherwise, I'm so addicted to smoking, could it be possible that I also had a cigarette in my mouth when I was fighting in the ring?


Of course not. "

Call ~

Zhang Mingyang let out a breath, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows to look out the window.

He knew that his new life had arrived as scheduled.

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