Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 55 Is this good?

Ye Chong secretly scolded the system for being dishonest and ruining his good business of making money.

However, these are of no use.

The result is already in front of us.

Even if you want revenge, there is no way.

That broken thing is deeply imprinted in my mind, and I can't get rid of it.

Now, the only thing he can do is to accept the existence of this garbage system and bury his wounded heart in the deepest part.

"Mass egg!"

"If I seize the opportunity in the future, I will definitely throw this broken system on the ground, crush it ten times with my feet, spit again, and continue crushing."

"Aren't you a scumbag?! Good! I'll crush you into a scumbag!"

"Damn it, it's more than 100 million, it's just given away like this!"

However, soon, Ye Chong thought about it, and his mood immediately became calm again.

He remembered it clearly.

During the physical test, the first line of small characters "body: 9." displayed by the system in my mind flickered twice, then stabilized for less than half a second, flickered twice again, and then returned to its original state.

As for the number displayed between the two flashes, although I didn't pay attention at the time, but now that I think about it, it should be "body: 7." This is consistent with the value detected by the body test car.

That is to say, the system is deliberately tampering with the real data and avoiding the physical examination, which does not mean that Ye Chong's real physical condition has changed.

As for why the garbage system does this?

Then only the bear thing knows.

Maybe it's too introverted?

Or is it sick?

"That's good too!" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and his heart moved secretly, "In front of high-level warriors, low-level people are basically translucent, and there are not many secrets to speak of, especially in terms of physique and aura. Basic data such as blood and spirit can be easily detected."

"This is not a good thing."

Ye Chong smiled and shook his head, then thought again:

"Since the system in my body can actively evade the inspection of the physical test vehicle, it must also hide the real data of my body in front of high-level fighters?"

"Hey, if that's the case, it seems pretty good, right?"

"Ma Dan, I... have I found a treasure?"

"Lao Ye, I'm talking to you, I see you are having fun." Seeing Ye Fei frowning and smiling, Du Nan couldn't help but take a step forward, "Boss, you must hold on, don't be like the old Fan Jin." Go crazy like a brother, then your bonus will be all mine."

"Big Du, don't call me Brother Fan Jin, that's a senior, show some respect." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and then said: "Forget it, according to my current grades, where can I rank?"

"Sixth!" Dunan patted his stomach, "I've already calculated, 50! Haha, treat me, boss!"

"50?" Ye Chong smiled and shook his head, but his heart was bleeding, "Is it not bad?"

After a whole morning and a little half noon, the physical examination in the Martial Arts Examination Room of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy came to an end.

Zhang Mingyang, the principal of Yangwu College, made a brief concluding statement and fully reported the results of the physical examination.

A total of 3001 people participated in this physical examination.

A total of 11 people have passed the 6 (623) enrollment qualification line.

A total of 15 people have passed the key admission qualification line of 6 (89).

A total of 20 people have passed the 8 (3) quasi-warrior admission qualification line.

They are:

Gu Bingqian 20 (9).

Qinzhong 20(8).

Hao Zhuang 20(8).

Ye Chong's name was ranked 8th.

When talking about the ranking order, Zhang Mingyang reiterated several important principles:

[-]. Candidates who have reached the score line will be ranked based on the total score (big score) shown in the physical test.

[-]. When the total score (big score) is the same, compare the physical fitness specific score (small score).

[-]. If the total score (big score) is the same, and the specific physical fitness score (sub-score) is the same, then compare the sub-scores of the total score.

[-]. The small score refers to the percentile score.

[-]. If the above-mentioned process still cannot tell the difference between the high and the low, then compare the sub-scores of the mental specialization.

[-]. When there are special problems in the ranking, it shall be decided by the principal, deputy admiral Wang and deputy commander left.

Although these ranking principles specified by Zhang Mingyang are not rigorous, they are more than enough to rank among the hundreds of candidates, so in the end, no problems occurred.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Gu Bingqian actually reached the realm of a two-star quasi-martial artist, and she became a blockbuster without making a sound!" Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "If the broken system didn't intentionally hide my grades, I don't know it was me. Is your ranking higher, or her ranking higher?"

"It seems that the recovery of spiritual energy has come unexpectedly, time and space have been disordered, everything has changed, and the trend of world development and the historical track have changed. This is an indisputable fact."

When thinking of this, Ye Chong turned his eyes again, looked to the front right, and then glanced back to the left.

"If it is unexpected that Gu Bingqian obtained the good grades of the two-star quasi-martial artist without making a fuss, and then won the first place, then Liu Xiaolei was able to successfully pass the admission qualification of the Martial Arts Academy with a grade of 12 (6) line, it was an unexpected surprise."

"Also, I didn't expect that the twins Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan passed the exam smoothly, and Lin Xiaomei's score even reached 16 (6), which exceeded the key admission qualification examination line. It's just a little strange that , she seems dissatisfied, very frustrated, I don't know why?"

"However, to be interesting, Diao Long, Yan Dong and Yue Feng have passed the admission qualification line. It seems that the fate between us is far from the time to say goodbye."

At the end of his speech, Zhang Mingyang specifically mentioned that the actual combat assessment will be conducted in batches the next morning, and candidates who are required to participate in the actual combat should not take it lightly.

Of course, he did not forget to explain the distribution of bonuses.

It roughly means that the results and rankings will be verified in the afternoon, and reported to the Ministry of Martial Arts for approval. It is expected that the bonus will be fully distributed in the afternoon of the next day at the latest, and will be directly distributed to the first-level personal bank account.

Deputy Admiral Wang and Deputy Commander Zuo were not idle either.

After Zhang Mingyang's speech, after congratulating those who passed the physical test, the two gave speeches to the candidates who failed the physical test.

Deputy Admiral Wang meant that everyone should not be discouraged.

The current academic system in the world has been redefined. The original university education model based on comprehensive universities has collapsed, and it has been replaced by the training method of professional colleges.

Among them, the most popular professional colleges, in addition to Martial Arts College, there are Medical Dao College, Language and Dao College, Agricultural Dao College (Lingnong College) and so on.

Therefore, there is no need for candidates to hang themselves on the tree of the Martial Arts Academy. You can choose a more suitable professional academy according to your hobbies.

Of course, if you still can't let go of martial arts, you can also study in your spare time.

The speech of the left deputy commander was more explicit.

All candidates who did not pass the Martial Arts Academy's admission qualification physical test can directly sign up to join the army, join the Yangcheng Garrison or other defensive military units, and do not need to take a second physical test.

At the same time, he specifically emphasized:

There are martial arts training colleges in the army. Although they are not as professional as martial arts colleges, they can also provide a stage for martial arts learning. The possibility of sending outstanding students to professional martial arts colleges is not ruled out.

After the speeches of Deputy Admiral Wang and Deputy Commander Zuo, the sadness and disappointment that had permeated the stadium suddenly eased a lot, and even the sun seemed to be brighter.

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