Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 542 Fermi Paradox

Ye Chong paused, listened to the movement around him, and then continued to walk down.

After getting closer, I realized that the gray light was shining on a long table.

There are some plastic wrapping things on it, which look like gloves and socks.


"Is this... a mask?"

Ye Chong soon discovered that under the gray light, there was a sign with a few words written on it:

Free face masks, free to use.

"Ha ha."


Ye Chong unceremoniously picked up a mask, tore off the packaging and put it on his head, covering his entire head except for the eyes.

"It's loose and comfortable, and it doesn't affect your breathing. It should be made of ice silk," Ye Chong laughed secretly, and stuffed the disposable mask into his trouser pocket, "It's just...

A masquerade is so complicated, why does it make people feel more and more sneaky?


Now that the Organizing Committee of the Martial Arts Conference has agreed to hold the Masquerade Martial Arts Conference, does it really need such a strong secrecy? ! "

Ye Chong continued to walk down, and after turning a corner again, his eyes suddenly became much brighter.

The first thing that caught my eye was a long table in front of me, on which there were also some free face masks.

"Hehe, the organizers of the Masked Martial Arts Tournament really care about it, and they are so cautious. It seems that no matter whether it is the organizer of the Martial Arts Conference or from the perspective of the "Warrior Law", they should not be able to find anything wrong with them. gone."

Ye Chong went down the steps, followed the light and walked forward for more than ten meters, and saw a big iron gate in front of him, with a big man standing on each side of the gate.

What's interesting is that both of them are also wearing masks, so they can't tell what they look like.

"Sir, are you here to participate in the masked martial arts competition?" The voice of the big man on the left was low and hoarse, and he didn't know if he was smoking too much.

"Yes," Ye Chong nodded, "I saw the push message on the Internet."

"Welcome to the meeting, sir." The big man on the left stretched out his hand and pointed to the side, "Please go through the admission procedures."

"Admission procedures?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "Do you still need admission procedures?"

"I'm sorry, sir," said the big man on the right with a smile, "If you want to participate in the masked martial arts competition, you need to pay an entrance fee of [-]."

"Oh?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "This is what you mean by the admission procedures?"

"Yes, sir, this is the entry requirement," said the big man on the left. "Cash and card are both acceptable. If you don't bring it with you, you can go to the self-service bank terminal in the Central Garden to withdraw it."

"Hehe, I don't know how many people are there?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Why can't I hear any movement?"

"There are a little more than 300 people now." The big man on the right pointed to the gate, "Hehe, the underground plaza is a nuclear defense project, and the sound insulation is good, so you can't hear the sound from outside."

"Okay," Ye Chong nodded, then reached out and took out the bearer black card, "I will go through the admission procedures."

Ye Chong was a little worried at first, fearing that he would be cheated or something, but after another thought, this idea was totally untenable.

Not to mention anything else, the fact that Masquerade Warriors can push news on the campus network shows that the background of the campus network knows about it.

In other words, the masked martial arts event has been verified and approved, otherwise, it would be impossible to push it online.

Therefore, since everything is true, and you follow the guidelines in the push message to go through the admission procedures here, it cannot be fake.

If it was fake, then the school security office of Yangwu Academy would definitely come to seal the Masked Martial Arts Club, but if it didn't come now, it means it's true.

Since it's true, I'm still worried, just go through the formalities quickly.

"A paradox." When Ye Chong was going through the formalities, he couldn't help laughing secretly, and murmured in his heart, "My way of thinking wildly is comparable to the Fermi paradox."


The door opened.

The light inside the door suddenly more than doubled.

Ye Chong squinted his eyes and saw a corridor more than ten meters long, with three big men wearing masks standing on each side.

"Sir please!"

A total of six big men on the left and right sides bowed and said in unison.


The door slowly closed behind him.

After passing through the corridor, another door opened quietly.


Bright lights.


The sound of fists and feet bombarded one after another.

Shouts and applause rang out.

Ye Chong was stunned all of a sudden.

The contrast between inside and outside is too great.

It seems that the ten-meter-long corridor connects two different worlds.

One light, one dark.

One noisy, one quiet.

One is hot and the other is cold.

"Is this the Masked Martial Arts Association?"

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he walked in.

As far as the eye can see, the entire hall is tens of thousands of square meters in size, and there are ten golden one-click rings distributed in total.

The ring in the middle is the center of the circle, and the other nine rings stand around to form a circle.

On one side of the hall, there is a long table on which drinks and food are placed.

Not far from the dining area, there are large sofas and dining tables, where many people are eating, drinking or resting.

Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"It's no wonder that the masked martial arts competition starts at 18:00. It turns out that there are even things to eat and drink here, and there are games to watch. It's much better than staying alone in the room and eating and drinking alone."

Ye Chong looked around again, and saw that there were about three to four hundred people in the entire hall.

Except for a small number of people who eat, drink and rest near the dining area, most of the other people are concentrated in the competition area.

At this moment, only the ring in the middle was empty, and the other nine rings were fighting, and these rings were also surrounded by people, and there would be shouts and applause from time to time.

Ye Chong smiled slightly, walked slowly to the wine table, picked up a can of beer, put it on the table with a smile, then touched the red wine bottle, but quickly shook his head, and then picked up a bottle Coke, walk towards the competition area.

Wearing something like a mask, it is obviously inconvenient to eat and drink, and it is troublesome to pull the bottom up a little.

Relatively speaking, drinking bottled drinks is easier, but in fact, he doesn't have to drink Coke, but he always feels that holding something in his hand will make him feel more at ease.

At this moment, there are two masked people fighting on each of the nine arenas, and it is impossible to tell who is who, and the clothes are similar, including Ye Chong's, all of which are single-color practice clothes.

Ye Chong stood quietly on the side, looked at it for a while, and then nodded secretly, his face became more and more serious.

Especially when he saw an obviously obese woman who slapped her opponent out of the ring with a casual slap, his expression became a lot more serious.

"I didn't expect to spend 1 yuan to spend one night in the Masked Martial Arts Association and enjoy the duel between masters at will. This is really a good expense."

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