ding dong~

The doorbell rang.

Ye Chong pressed a button beside the table, and a three-dimensional image immediately appeared next to it—two dining carts were parked at the entrance of the Presidential Suite, and each dining cart was followed by a waiter.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he muttered with a smile: "It's 18:27 now, hehe, does time go by so fast?


I'm really a little hungry.

After eating, I went to the Masquerade Martial Arts Club for a walk, which can be regarded as a way to eliminate food.

But also strange.

At this point, Dunan didn't even come to knock on the door. Could it be that something went wrong with him during the game?


Will not.

With his current strength, the first round group stage will not pose a substantial threat to him.

Ha ha.

It is estimated that this guy was slaughtered by me at noon, and he was afraid that I would let him treat him again at night, so he hid out, right?

fair enough.

I can have a full meal in peace. "


As soon as Ye Chong pressed the door open button, the door of the presidential suite opened automatically.

He is now by the computer in the study, and he doesn't bother to get up to greet the delivery man.

Soon, he clicked on the button on the table, and the three-dimensional image flashed for a while, and the situation in the restaurant suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

20: 00.

Ye Chong had already eaten and drank enough, rested for more than half an hour, and seeing that it was getting late, he went out.

The expert apartment of Yangwu College covers a large area and is divided into East Building, West Building, South Building and North Building.

Each building can be used as a high-star hotel independently, and the central area surrounded by these buildings, which is called the central garden of the expert apartment, looks bigger than a football field.

However, if the expert apartment is really big, it is not only the above-ground part, but also the underground part that occupies a larger area than the surface of the expert apartment.

"When I was in the old Yangcheng University, I knew that there was a nuclear defense project called the underground square under the expert apartment.

It is said that it was built to prevent nuclear war.

It's just that it's not open to the public at all.

I don't know what's going on inside.

At that time, the students were very curious, and some even organized expeditions, but they all ended in failure.

I heard that there seems to be a garrison guarding the entrance or something, but I can't get in anyway.

Unexpectedly, today, I can finally witness it with my own eyes.

Speaking of which, I really have to thank the organizers of the Masked Martial Arts Association. "

Ye Chong didn't take the elevator, and went downstairs directly from the emergency exit. Before coming out from the first floor, he had already put on a disposable mask.

no way.

Masquerade Warriors require you to wear a mask, but where can you find this temporarily?

I can only make do with the disposable masks in the room.

But fortunately, wearing a mask is actually more comfortable than wearing any mask.

The only problem is that the cover is not comprehensive, and it can't be hidden from familiar people at all.

Ye Chong entered the central area surrounded by four buildings from the inner door of the east building. There are flowers and grass, abundant trees, an open-air swimming pool, and some low buildings. Walking in it, there is no sense of depression. On the contrary, it is refreshing and very comfortable.

However, Ye Chong didn't come here to relax, but to find the entrance mentioned in the push message - the designated entrance to the underground plaza.

He found it in no time.

Like the entrance of a subway station, it is wide open.

It looked pitch black, like a bloody mouth waiting to be devoured by someone.

There is a piece of paper pasted on the left wall of the entrance, with a few lines written on it, which roughly means:

Go straight down from this entrance, and you will arrive at the venue of the masked martial arts competition.

In addition, the Masquerade Games will be held from 18:00 to 24:00.

Those who enter before 22:00 are eligible to participate in the challenge.

Those who enter after 22:00 are only eligible to watch the game.

Then there is the entrance fee of [-] to enter the arena of the Masked Martial Arts Association.

It is recommended to use cash, or credit card, preferably a bearer card.

The paper also introduced the challenge rules and methods of the masked martial arts competition.

"It's just a piece of torn paper. It looks like it was typed out temporarily. It's really crude." Ye Chong looked around and couldn't help frowning, "It starts at 18:00, and it's a little after 20:[-], so it's not too late. Why didn't I see anyone?


Maybe the person who should go in has already gone in.

People who shouldn't go in, of course, no one comes here.

Especially those injured, they must be hurrying to heal their injuries, this is their top priority.

Of course, there are also many who are not injured. For tomorrow's competition, they choose to meditate to restore their vitality.

In addition, it is estimated that many people have not seen this push message at all, and of course they will not come.

What's more, some people saw this push message, and when they heard that there was a fee, or came here and saw that the fee was so high, they immediately chose to give up.

In short, this masquerade may be just as the organizers said, it is tailor-made for those elites, geniuses and evildoers who do not lack money.

It is very likely that the high entry fee of 1 yuan is also for the purpose of screening, right?

Ha ha.

If this is the case, it would be a pity not to go in and take a look.


Before going in, I have to settle the issue of the entrance fee. "

Ye Chong didn't go far, and came to a building in the central garden, pushed the door and walked in.

Bank Negara's integrated teller and personal transaction processing system.

Regardless of which bank's card, almost all transactions involving personal business can be completed here.

Soon, he entered one of the fully enclosed partitions.


The profile picture is scanned.

The terminal in front of him entered the transaction page.

Ye Chong clicked on the bearer card button, then looked at the explanatory information that popped up, and then clicked on the "Confirm" button.


A message popped up on the screen:

"The universal bearer card has been established. If you need to transfer money, please click Confirm; if you need to leave, please click Exit."

Ye Chong quickly clicked on the confirmation button.


One minute later, Ye Chong stuffed a black card into the military vest in his arms, and went straight to the entrance of the nuclear defense project.


It's pitch black.

The further you go down, the darker it gets.

It is a good nuclear defense project, but there is not even an emergency light. I don't know if it is in disrepair for a long time, or someone deliberately did it.

However, it's okay.

This bit of darkness is really nothing to Ye Chong, at least it is better than when he was in the woods of Biyuan community.

Besides, it is also good to have this dark staircase as a transition.

It can make people who walk down, will enter the state of alert without knowing it, and keep vigilance to enter the state of battle at any time.


After walking to the depth of three or four floors, the stairs turned a corner, and immediately saw a gray light below.

It felt like a giant beast that had been sleeping for thousands of years was looking at him with icy eyes.

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