Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 543 Underground Competition

Ye Chong was watching with great interest, when he suddenly heard a burst of intense shouting from the side.

"This little guy is simply too bad. He's attacking people three times. He must be killed!"

"Made, I don't like this kid, and I know his character is not good just by seeing his moves."

"The martial arts arena is a battleground for life and death. It's either you die or I live. It's useless to say anything else, the result is the most important."

"Damn, just bet on this little guy. Fuck it, 100 million is going to go in vain."

"Big man! Fuck, don't use your feet so much, where are your fists? Melee attack! Melee attack!"

"It's broken, it can't be done, the stupid big guy's speed is too slow, he can't turn around flexibly, he has all the strength, it's over, it's over, my 50."

"It's hard to handle. Although the small man's close-to-body attack style is a bit shameless, it is indeed very practical. It restricts the big man to death."


On the third ring, a thin and small man was fighting with a fat man. The former was extremely agile, constantly attacking the latter's genitals with his hands and knees.

Whenever the big fat man bombards the opponent with his fists like the wind, the thin and small man can always predict the enemy's attack first, dodge quietly, and then turn to attack the big fat man's throat and other vital parts fiercely.

For a moment, the big fat man was stretched to the left and right, in a state of embarrassment. He had all the power in his body, but he couldn't use it at all.

But soon at the next moment, the big fat man suddenly yelled, red light flickered all over his body, and his body rumbled and rushed towards the target.

At the same time, the skinny man suddenly lowered his body, passing between the fat man's legs like a mouse crossing the street, and before he had any reaction, he had already rolled up.



The sound of breaking the body came out suddenly.

Accompanied by the painful wailing.

The big fat man's eyes were wide open, his hands covered his throat, he fell to his knees with a plop, and bright red blood spewed out from between his fingers.

The thin man stood quietly behind the fat man, looking majestic and proud, extremely tall, as if he was the only one in the world.


The scene suddenly seemed to explode, and fell into a commotion.

"Fuck! You're so ruthless!"

"Who is this kid? His fingers are so scary!"

"This guy should have tempered his finger bones. His fingers are definitely sharper than ordinary swords. They are indeed powerful."

"It's also the big man who was forced into a hurry. If he didn't burst out of anger and blood, he probably wouldn't be so miserable, right?"

"It's useless.

The big man has great strength, but his movement skills are average and his reactions are average, especially when turning slowly. This is his biggest problem.

But the little guy is not only agile, but also extremely fast.

After all, it's only a matter of time before the big man fails.

However, if he could admit defeat earlier, he wouldn't have lost his life, right? "

"Is he really dead?"

"Eighty percent."

"If someone dies in this underground arena, people from the Martial Arts Department won't track it down, right?"

"Afraid of what?

Didn't it say in the post?

The Masked Martial Arts Club was approved by the organizer of the Martial Arts Promotion Conference, and it was also within the scope recognized by the "Warrior Law". The casualties were normal and there was no problem.

However, it is really a pity.

With the strength shown by the big man, he must be ranked high in the group.

He suffered a serious injury this time, and the rest of the group also benefited from it.


Speaking of it, it's really interesting.

Warriors pay attention to blood and heart.

They value the word 'pin' and the word 'competition' even more, but they don't realize that they often fall on these two words.


Alas. "


In fact, from the day when we set foot on the road of martial arts, everyone has been prepared.

As a martial artist without blood and heart, he is just a wriggling maggot.

If you don't learn to fight and fight on the road of martial arts, you will die in cowardice.

Of course, fighting and fighting is dangerous.

But there is no dangerous fight and struggle, and there is no point in it, is there?

The little man won because of his hard work.

The big man failed, since he had fought hard, he had no regrets. "

"The key is that my money was wasted. It's really a pity."

"Hehe, betting on this kind of thing is based on vision, and what is played is heartbeat. If you win, you have to afford to lose."

"Hey, you bet on the right person. Of course, you can stand and talk without back pain. Hehe, your brother has made a lot of money, right?"

"Where, where, a cup of tea money, a cup of tea money, hahaha."

"Damn it, you got 100 million, right? Is this still tea money?"


Soon, several people in hospital uniforms carried the tall man away, looking hurried.

In fact, although a semi-underground exchange match like the Masked Martial Arts Meet meets the requirements and has been approved, in the final analysis, the organizers do not want too serious casualties on both sides of the battle.

no way.

Both sides in the war are warriors.

Once such a person is injured, it is generally more serious. After all, flesh and blood injuries are basically nothing to them.

However, the warriors who participated in the competition suffered serious injuries, and the related medical expenses, etc., were all borne by the organizers of the competition, which cost a lot.

Especially in the event of a death, even if the organizer of the event does not have to bear legal responsibility according to the provisions of the "Warrior Law", this does not mean that no financial compensation or compensation will be made to the family of the deceased.

After all, it's all about money.

The worse the injury, the more money it will cost.


There was another burst of uproar and shouting.

"Good! Good! Beautiful!"

"Haha, how could this happen?!"

"My God, this is the rhythm that is going to turn the world upside down."

"Interesting, interesting, but unfortunately, I didn't buy the right person this time."

"Fuck him! Fuck him!"

"Counterattack, bastard, what are you running, can you run past others?"

"I'll go! Worry!"

"This girl is nice, I really want to see how she looks with her mask off."


I saw a man and a woman in ring [-] also fighting to the critical point.

A tall-looking man was running around and running around. The pursuer was a woman with a flexible figure and fierce attacks. Almost every attack caused the opponent to fall into chaos.

Ye Chong had already quietly approached the No. [-] ring for a few steps. From this position, he could basically clearly perceive the strength and thickness of the Qi and blood of both sides.

He quickly judged that the woman should be a high-level martial arts fighter at the beginning or middle level, while the five big and three rough men who were being chased should be at the peak level of an intermediate martial arts fighter.

"Although there is a difference in the level of cultivation between the two, the difference is actually not that big, and the main difference is still reflected in the combat skills.

However, what is more obvious than this gap is the experience of the two in actual combat.

From the perspective of the rhythm and efficiency of the attack, this woman has participated in many battles.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to see the opponent's flaws and loopholes so thoroughly, and have such a strong ability to seize opportunities.

Ha ha.

It is a matter of time before the man loses.

It's just strange, this woman is so powerful, but she didn't seem to be introduced at the opening ceremony.

If you look at it this way, this year's martial arts conference is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are many capable people. "


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