Ye Chong knew very well in his heart that the organizer of the Martial Arts Conference had a very simple purpose in doing so.

It is to allow the contestants to have a more sufficient rest time before the last two rounds of the first round group stage start.

Or to put it more clearly.

It is to let the seriously injured players recover well and ensure that their bodies can carry out the next round of competition.

I also want the slightly injured and uninjured people to have time to fully recover their blood.

It is estimated that if this is not done, in the next two rounds, there will be more and more absentees, and the number of casualties will further increase.

It is very important to align everything with the actual combat, but of course it will not work if it exceeds the limit.

Not to mention anything else, if there are too many downsizing in the first round group stage, what about the second round group stage?

If the number of people in the second round group stage is not enough, it will be ridiculous.

It is not even ruled out that someone or an institution, such as another martial arts academy, will use this as an example to attack the organizer of this year's martial arts conference-Yangwu Academy.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

Once there is a war of words, the public opinion in the future will inevitably be divided into two forces, each supporting the two sides in the war of words.

At that time, you will come and go, and you will not give in to each other. What was originally a trivial matter will become a major event.

This is something Zhang Mingyang doesn't want to see.

He has always hoped to make the martial arts conference a martial arts exchange conference with far-reaching influence.

For this to happen, harmony is paramount.

If you want to be harmonious, you need the approval of all parties, instead of chattering and arguing about one of them.

There is no doubt that quarrels and chaos will give people a feeling and impression of fragmentation.

The final result of this is that the Yangwu Conference may not be able to continue because of too many problems.

Of course, there is another possibility.

A substitute emerges.

Two dogs fight, play off.

At that time, if such a result really occurs, it will be equivalent to making wedding clothes for others at the Yangwu Conference.

Zhang Mingyang cried to death.

After all, to the general public, it seems that there is no special conference, but to the organizing committee, every detail of it will make them feel like an enemy.

"Hehe, it's not easy." Ye Chong sighed secretly, then shook his head with a wry smile, "It's like practicing martial arts, it seems that way, nothing complicated, it seems that as long as you work hard and work hard, you can solve the problem. Most questions.

But in fact, one has to be successful in cultivation, especially when one grows into a powerful fighter, to realize that there are more than thousands of aspects involved, and it is such a difficult word. "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, and then browsed the news and news about the Yangwu Conference on the campus network.

In particular, he also focused on the points and rankings of each group in the first round of the group stage.

However, because all the names of the people in each group were replaced by numbers, and there was no comparison table between the names and numbers of the contestants on the Internet, it was just a lot of numbers, which really made people dizzy. Can't arouse the slightest interest.

Of course, it's different for those who want to know about their own group.

Ye Chong quickly found the 235 group, and the current points situation is also clear at a glance.

1. 0039 (6 points).

2. 1598 (6 points).

3. 0111 (6 points).

4. 2971 (4 points).

5. 1633 (4 points).

6. 2242 (0 points).

"Interesting, I am currently ranked third," Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, "If the competition ends according to this ranking, I will be eliminated.

The ones who advanced were Yang Ying and the guy who likes to make strange noises.

If this situation really happens, then no matter which group the two of them enter the second round group stage, they should bring surprises to the people in that group, right?

Ha ha.

Especially 0039, who is actually a gift boy.


This is?

Masquerade? "

Ye Chong suddenly saw a push message coming from the lower right corner of the screen, with the words "Masked Martial Arts" written on it.

He opened it and couldn't help but be amused.

A lot of words were written in it eloquently.

It probably means:

The Martial Arts Conference is a great martial arts exchange conference, gathering many geniuses, elites and evildoers from all over the world.

However, because there are still many weaker relationships among the contestants, the number of encounters between the stronger ones is too small.

Even many real masters didn't have the chance to meet and fight until the end of the entire martial arts conference.

This is really a pity for the strong who want to sharpen their bodies through actual combat.

Therefore, in order to meet the needs of the elite among the contestants, some organizations specially organized the masked martial arts competition.

The purpose is simple.

It is to let the strong who are willing to participate in more competitions to sharpen themselves, and fight with those who have the same needs.

At the same time, considering the relevant disciplinary requirements of the Martial Arts Conference and the relevant provisions of the "Warrior Law", personnel participating in the Masked Martial Arts Conference must wear masks and must not actively reveal their identities, otherwise, the consequences will be borne by the individual.

In addition, at the end of this push message, the initiative and the organizer also specifically emphasized that the holding of the Masked Martial Arts Competition has been approved by the organizing committee of the Martial Arts Conference, so you don't have to worry about it.

There are also many specific conditions, requirements and restrictions attached to the push message, such as registration deadline, participation fee, and death and injury disclaimer, etc.

"Ha ha.

Did not expect this kind of thing to happen.

It's really fun.

After all, it feels like an underground arena.

However, since the Organizing Committee of the Martial Arts Conference has acquiesced, it shows that the National Martial Arts Department also holds a positive attitude on this matter, at least they will choose to turn a blind eye.

That's right.

The Masquerade Games should be a gathering of the strong.

After the first three rounds of the first round group competition, the casualties among the participants were not a small number, especially those with weak strength accounted for the majority of the casualties.

If you want these people to participate in the masked martial arts competition, it is impossible to think about it.

The dead are dead.

Those who are injured have to rest.

In the final analysis, there is no ability to participate in the meeting at all.

Then, of course, the rest are those real powerhouses.

These guys will generally come out of the first round of the group stage with ease, without the slightest pressure.

Adding an underground martial arts exchange meeting between them is of course not a bad thing, but a good thing.

Even the attraction of the Yangwu Conference is a big boost.

Zhang Mingyang is an old fox, of course he knows the importance of meeting the needs of all parties.

Undoubtedly, a martial arts conference that can fully meet the needs of all aspects will of course exude infinite charm.

It's really interesting.

Anyway, the competition is only the next afternoon, and there is nothing to do tonight and tomorrow morning. It is not a bad thing to go to the masked martial arts meeting to meet real masters.

At least if we do meet in a later game, we can make preparations in advance, right?

However, let's see if it is really necessary to go on stage to fight, or we will talk about it when the time comes. "

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