Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 539 Emergency Notice

Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

The first girls' dormitory.

In Lin Xiaomei's room.

Lin Xiaonuan and Tao Xiangru also stayed here.

All three appeared to be unhurt.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit dull.

"It's okay." Lin Xiaomei looked at the two of them, with a hint of comfort in her voice, "It's the first time to participate in such a cruel battle, so it's not bad if your body doesn't suffer any injuries.

In fact, less points are nothing.

The main purpose of our participation in the competition is to accept the test of actual combat, so that we can gain valuable experience, sum up the lessons of failure, and prepare for future development in the martial arts.


Let's not talk big.

There are a total of five rounds in the group stage.

Three rounds were held today.

There are two more rounds tomorrow.

Moreover, I heard from you that the strength of the rest of the group is not very strong. Therefore, the next game is a chance to gain points.

So, Xiangru, and Xiaonuan, I think what we have to do now is to go through the first three rounds of the competition to study the opponent's weaknesses and shortcomings, and then use them to strive for victory. "

"That's right, Miss Xiaomei is right, I actually want to understand it now," Tao Xiangru frowned slightly, "I'm not strong enough now, if I have to overpower myself, I will fight, grab, To fight, this is ignorance and unwiseness.

It's like a kitten fighting a tiger, with great disparity in strength.

If you insist on going head-on, you are throwing yourself into a trap, and you will surely die.

In fact, in that situation, I should maximize my strengths and circumvent my weaknesses, give full play to my smaller and more flexible characteristics, and try to escape from the sky and avoid being hurt by tigers.

I think this is my perception and positioning of participating in the first round group match this time. "

"Little cat?" Lin Xiaonuan smiled sweetly, looked at Tao Xiangru, and the room suddenly became sunny, "This metaphor is good, Xiangru is gentle like a cute kitten, but fierce When he gets up, he looks like a little tiger that bites anyone it sees."

"Xiao Nuan, what are you talking about, who bit you?" Tao Xiangru pouted angrily, "I hate you to death."

"Hehe, in fact, the metaphor of Xiangru is really good. Being able to give yourself an accurate position at all times is a skill, and sometimes I can't do it." Lin Xiaomei nodded with a smile, "But, then again Now, when we are on equal footing with our competitors, or only slightly weaker, or even discover flaws and loopholes of the strong, we should still fight.”

"Yes, only by fighting, will there be more opportunities." Lin Xiaonuan's eyes sparkled, as if he had figured out something, "If we don't fight, we will only decline in cowardice, in decline die."

"So, sister Xiaonuan is the little tiger, but I can only be my kitten." Tao Xiangru sighed softly, "Sister Xiaomei, I'm so pitiful."

"Hehe, you girl really deserves to be beaten." Lin Xiaonuan clenched her small fist with a smile, and waved it in front of Tao Xiangru, "Obviously, Lin Xiaomei and I were born on the same month and the same day, but you took every bite of Miss Xiaomei's. , and call me younger sister, hmph, I will definitely not spare you today."

"Tch, sister Xiaomei is the most powerful fighter among us, of course she is called sister." Tao Xiangru shook her head, grinning, with a fearless look, "It's not like Miss Xiao Nuan, although she pretends to be A little tiger, but in fact she is still a soft girl who dare not confess."

"You...hate it," Lin Xiaonuan blushed, waving her fists wildly, shaking them in front of Tao Xiangru's eyes, "I think you have to confess."

"Cut!" Tao Xiangru laughed coquettishly, "Do you think he...would have known Xiao Nuan's little thoughts long ago?"


The scene suddenly burst into laughter and laughter, but the haze of not long ago was swept away.

After laughing for a while, Lin Xiaomei suddenly frowned slightly, sighed and said, "I don't know how many of them are there in the captain, how are they doing now?"


The huge room suddenly became quiet.

There was a look of worry on everyone's face.


Second stadium.

138 arena.

Now this place has already become the focus, and it is very lively.

Dunan leaned against the edge of the ring, surrounded by people in front of him.

"Sign me, sign me."

"Hello, Mr. Du, can I sign it?"

"Mr. Du, you are so handsome and powerful."

"Dunan, what's your relationship with Ye Chong?"

"Ye Chong is great, or are you good?"

"What is Mr. Du's goal this time?"

"Dunant, I think you can compete for the championship."

"Dunant, I will always and always support you."


The scene was chaotic, but Dunant was cheerful.

While signing, he was answering questions.

"Everyone, don't be noisy, and don't crowd, hehe, you can tell from my appearance that I am a handsome and kind-hearted boy." Dunan handed over the signed notebook and took another. A sympathetic piece, and continued to sign, "I will try to sign for everyone, take your time, take your time, haha, okay, next one."

At this moment, Dunan's face was shiny with oil, and there were still many blood stains on his forehead and cheeks. Under the sunlight, his whole body exuded a vicious and sturdy look.

"Mr. Du, do your family know how handsome you are today?" Someone in the crowd asked loudly.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"I haven't had time to say it yet," Dunan said indifferently, grinning, "But even if I don't say it, she will definitely know."

"Yeah, there is a live broadcast of the Yangwu Conference, it seems that there is every game," someone in the crowd said loudly, "So, Mr. Du's family probably already knew about your record, hehe, you won all three games, Mr. Du is too powerful."


Yangwu Academy.

Experts Apartment.

Presidential set.

Ye Chong sat quietly at the computer desk, slowly browsing the information on the Internet.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he moved the mouse to the emergency notification that just popped up.

Open it and see the content of the notification.

Dear contestants, guests, competition committee, arbitration committee, discipline committee and all logistics support service units and departments:

According to the situation, results and related analysis of the first three rounds of the first round group competition, and reported to the Ministry of Martial Arts for approval, it is now decided to adjust the last two rounds of the first round group competition from 8:00 tomorrow morning to 13:00 tomorrow afternoon [-], please refer to the attachment for details.

Notice hereby!

The final signature in the emergency notice was written by the organizing committee of the Yangwu Conference.

Ye Chong opened the attachment, looked at it casually, and frowned involuntarily.

"It seems that the first three rounds of the first round of the group stage had a lot of casualties.

Otherwise, the organizing committee of the Yangwu Conference would not have sent this urgent notice at this point. "

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