Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 482 The Gaze of Death

Of course Ye Chong didn't know what happened at the south gate of Biyuan Community.

If he knew, he would definitely be happy for Lin Xiaomei and sisters.

Now, he is depressed because he has not found the entrance to the world.

In the process of slowly approaching the east gate of Biyuan Community, he listlessly admired the night view of the forest before dawn.



It's just that his heart was overwhelmed and he was very restless.

Even the berries picked by hand are bland and tasteless when put into the mouth, which is much worse than the purslane in the wild world.

Speaking of which, he really regrets it now.

I think I should have picked more purslane in the wild world back then. If I could eat a few leaves at this moment, it would definitely drive away the dull and boring atmosphere.


Ye Chong was walking back with his head downcast, when suddenly a creepy feeling rose in his heart, as if something was looking at him unscrupulously.

Soon, he leaned tightly against a big tree, held his breath, remained motionless, and scanned his surroundings quietly.



Not the slightest movement.

Just now there was a gentle breeze, but now, time seems to stand still, and everything has stopped moving.


He soon heard his own heartbeat, calm and powerful, but he couldn't hide a trace of tension and panic hidden in it.


A fig tree leaf floated down from the sky, dangling like a capsized boat slowly sinking into the depths of the ocean.

A bone-chilling chill suddenly rose from his back.


Ye Chong turned his head to look, but there was nothing.

Then he looked up. The night was vast and silent.

"What a strange feeling, there must be something nearby."

Ye Chong's face was withered and yellow, and his expression was tense. He quietly released his mental strength and began to search around.

In fact, he didn't want to do it, but he could only do it now.

He knew very well in his heart that mental power had both advantages and disadvantages in terms of detection.

Even to some extent, if you don't have a strong enough mental detection skill, simply using external mental power to detect the surrounding environment will actually do more harm than good.

Because this kind of rude detection method is actually equivalent to running in front of the target to touch the other party. While observing the other party, there is no doubt that his whereabouts are exposed.

The problem doesn't stop there.

If there is a lot of space around the body that he wants to explore at once, then the consumption of mental power will be very serious. With his current mental background, if he does this two or three times, he will definitely be mentally exhausted and fall into a coma.

Of course, he can also quickly recover his mental strength by allocating merit points.

But the problem is that this kind of thing can't be done continuously. After all, every time merit points are allocated, the combat merit point column will fall into a cold gray state, and it will take an hour to recover.

In fact, even without the influence of the loss of mental power, the effect of quickly detecting the surrounding space in a large area is not good.

no way.

In the case of a wide range of mental power, it is considered very good to be able to explore the space within five meters.

Beyond this range is definitely more than enough.

The point is that in order to detect the situation in this space, it is simpler, safer, more effective and more accurate to use the normal sensory organs such as eyes, ears, mouth and nose than to use the method of releasing mental power in a large area.

Of course, if you don't use the method of releasing mental power in a large area, but only use a trace of spiritual power to explore the surrounding space, you don't have to worry about the problem of mental exhaustion too quickly, and the detection distance will be farther .

However, there are also problems.

The detection speed is slow and inefficient, and while detecting the target, it also exposes itself.

Speaking of which, the only thing Ye Chong has mastered in the cultivation and development of spiritual skills is the Jingyuan Thorn.

It's just that this spiritual skill is not a mental detection skill, but is used as an auxiliary attack method or interference method.

Ye Chong is well aware of the consequences that may be incurred if he allocates a ray of mental power to investigate the surrounding environment.


no way.

He simply has no other choice now.

He can't move now.

And, it needs to be quiet.

Don't allow yourself to be overly distracted.

Only in this way can we wait for the danger to come in a state of being on the verge of firing.

Rather than saying that he is now using his mental power to explore the surrounding space, it is better to say that he is using this method to scare the enemy, so as to use static braking to win the first opportunity.





Ye Chong quietly searched every corner within ten meters with his mental strength, but found nothing.

Soon he suppressed his mental power and expanded the detection range to a distance of nearly 20 meters.

However, as time passed by every minute and every second, he still didn't find anything abnormal.


Something must be watching me!

Otherwise, I can't have the feeling of dying!

If there is anything I can trust in this world, it must be my instinct!

How to do? !

I'm afraid that if I move, death will come!

who is it? !

Who is it? !

Why not do it? !

Are you waiting for me to crash? "

Ye Chong's complexion changed drastically, and cold sweat dripped down his face.

Thinking about facing the coercion of the SS2-level mutant bear in Longsu, he was not as frightened, desperate and helpless as he is now.

The point is that he knows that the danger is nearby, but he doesn't know where the danger comes from, let alone who the target is.

Everything is unknown.

It's strange not to be afraid.

In desperation, Ye Chong quietly withdrew his mental power, otherwise, it would be useless to consume it, but it would take up more energy.


Another fig leaf the size of a cattail fan fell in the air.



Just five meters away from Ye Chong's eyes, it was spinning and falling.

The moment the fig leaf touched the ground, it made a very slight rustling sound, like a sigh of death.

Beads of sweat rolled down Ye Chong's forehead, he slowly raised his head, and looked at the dark night sky.

At the last moment before dawn, the night is making its last struggle, it looks dark, and nothing can be seen.

Immediately after the next moment, another fig leaf the size of a cattail fan fluttered down.



Swish swish!

More and more fig leaves fell down one after another from the air without wind, and it seemed as if it was raining leaves for a while.

I don't know why, but at this moment, Ye Chong suddenly remembered what the homeless old man at Zhongdu Railway Station muttered.

It was originally a dragon root, but it was born with a dragon heart.

There is a sky-high ambition in the sky, and Ye Er falls into the mundane world.

"Could it be... am I really going to have to leave here today?"

Ye Chong couldn't help but feel depressed when he saw the boundless fallen leaves falling straight down.

At this moment, a fig leaf that was quietly falling in front of him suddenly shook, revealing an extremely weird smile.

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