
Ye Chong's brain felt as if it had exploded, and his scalp felt numb for a while.

Instinctively, he turned around and fled crazily like a whirlwind.

The fallen leaves are flying in the sky, the earth is silent, and one of the leaves suddenly smiles, it's no wonder that it scares people crazy.

Ye Chong's body is flexible and fast, and in the process of fleeing for his life after being frightened, he was naturally three points faster than usual.

False reality changes like a shadow.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed nearly a hundred meters forward.


Just when he was about to identify the direction of escape, he suddenly saw a fig leaf shooting towards him from the front.

On a horse!

Ye Chongzhou shuddered, and instinctively leaned back. Under the surge of energy and blood, his heels tapped the ground continuously, clicked, changed direction, and flew away again.

Looking from afar, under the lingering darkness of night, an afterimage flickered a few times before disappearing completely.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong's current agility, after being taught by the homeless old man at Zhongdu Railway Station, has been sharpened on the roof of the train, coupled with the actual combat test on the wilderness platform, whether it is speed or flexibility of reaction, it is perfect. There has been a great improvement.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Chong naturally formed a powerful psychological advantage——

Even if you encounter a strong enemy, you are not afraid at all, you can fight if you can, and if you can't, then run, save your life first.


Just now, he was truly frightened.

That laughing fig leaf is so fast, and so impossibly fast, it's unbelievable.

Obviously he was sprinting with almost all his strength to avoid the opponent's pursuit, but he didn't expect that he rushed over from the front.

Judging from this point, the speed of the laughing fig leaf is so fast that it is unimaginable.

The more Ye Chong thought about it, the more afraid he became, and he didn't know which direction to run. Anyway, he just thought that he just wanted to get away from the fig leaf chasing him as soon as possible.


Just as he passed through a low forest like the wind, and finally rushed into the giant forest that covered the sky and the sun, and was about to take a breather to rest, he immediately let out a howl, and was so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground.

I saw that under a towering ancient tree in the front right, less than two meters from the ground, the strange fig leaf was quietly floating there, as if it had been waiting for thousands of years, looking forward to It's like he's coming.

Call ~

Ye Chong heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately gave up his plan to continue running away.


How to run?

Can't run at all.

Running again is purely a waste of energy, physical strength, blood and brain power. Sooner or later, he will either be exhausted or scared to death.


Why is this guy chasing me? !

Is it friend or foe? !

If it's a friend who doesn't mean anything to me, why doesn't he let me go, and makes me feel the threat of death? !

If it is an enemy, since its speed is so fast, far surpassing my speed, why didn't it kill me while I was escaping?

and also.

It looks like a fig leaf the size of a cattail fan, but...

How can this be? !

How could a fig leaf laugh? !

And, laughing so weirdly? !

The key is why is the speed so fast? !

And look relaxed? ! "


As if the fig leaf suspended in the air had sensed his question, its surface suddenly twisted and changed into a bird in an instant.

Pink-winged bird!

SS1-level powder-winged bird!

The crystals in its eyes flickered, and the light was shining, filled with thick ridicule and ridicule.

What the hell!

Ye Chong suddenly figured it out.

On the way back from the mission in Dragon Suck, he once captured a white-winged bird in the dense forest.

That white-winged bird gave him a strange and terrifying feeling at that time, and the weird look in his eyes was similar to the SS1-level pink-winged bird in front of him.

"All right.

Is this bastard here to avenge that S3 powder-winged bird? !

According to experts, mutated beasts are divided into sea beasts, land beasts, insect beasts, birds and so on.

Among them, the most brazen, the most unpredictable, the most shameless and obscene is the beast.

However, since this beast is coming to avenge its kind, why not do it sooner?

Do we have to wait until I'm scared to death before doing it?



This guy turned into a fig leaf just now, as if he was using the wood attribute to accelerate his flying skills.

During the skill casting period, it should not be able to launch an attack, only if the main body is restored like now.



I didn't know who you were just now, and I was terribly afraid.

Now that I see your real body, I am relieved. "

Ye Chong stood still and looked at the other party quietly. His mood, which was agitated by fear not long ago, gradually calmed down.


The SS1 pink-winged bird opened its mouth and let out a roar, but there was no flapping of its wings, and it flew toward it like a shell fired from its chamber.

Ye Chong turned around and slapped down with his right hand.


The SS1 powder-winged bird kite turned over to avoid the attack, then flapped its wings, turned around and stabbed Ye directly at the chest.

Ye Chong was so frightened that his body shook, and he floated back three meters away. Unexpectedly, the other party let out a strange cry of "嘎", accelerated suddenly, and arrived in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"Why so fast?! Damn, the speed of the main body is so fast, no wonder it uses the flying skill so fast that it is unbelievable."

When Ye Chong was stunned, the SS1 pink-winged bird sped up again, and its sharp beak pierced his body directly.

There was a soft sound, and a huge force suddenly rushed in. Ye Chong took three steps back. The SS1-level pink-winged bird also had a strange expression on its face, and did not attack immediately.

"A horse-rider.

This guy should have stabbed the little villain.

Otherwise, I will definitely be seriously injured today.

This SS1 pink-winged bird looks not much bigger than a turtledove, but its speed and strength are incredible.

With my current ability, I can't hit it at all, and it's hard to avoid it. I'm afraid the best way is to run for my life. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he turned around and ran away without hesitation, like a frightened little rabbit, jumping up and down, turning around, and his posture was extremely weird.

No way.

There is really no way.

The body speed of the SS1-level pink-winged bird is very fast, and its body is extremely flexible. If Ye Chong runs straight forward, it probably won't take long for this guy to stab his whole body with holes.

Da da da!

Not long after Ye Chong ran out, the shadow of the fig leaf appeared in front of him again, still suspended in the air.



On a horse!

He pounced on it without hesitation, grabbed it with his left hand, and slapped it with his right hand. Although he missed the opponent, he still scared the guy enough.

Anyway, when the SS1-level pink-winged bird uses the flying skill of fig leaf, it can't attack at all, so there's nothing terrible about it.

But at the next moment, the fig leaf suddenly twisted and changed, and once again turned into an SS1-level pink-winged bird and rushed towards it.

Ye Chong immediately turned around, followed by the surge of Qi and blood, with his feet on the ground, accelerated continuously, and jumped up and down as if fleeing for his life.

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