Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 481 Plain clothes

Biyuan District.

Outside the South Gate.

At this moment, the place has already become crowded with vehicles, more than a dozen military trucks are arranged in a fan shape, and hundreds of soldiers wearing grass-green military combat uniforms are guarding the center.

Among them, the frontmost team has about ten people. Although the military combat uniforms they wear also have grass green patterns, the overall color is overflowing with a touch of cold black.

Directly in front of this unit were three officers who were also wearing military combat uniforms and five men in civilian clothes. Each of them looked calm and majestic, and there was an indescribable murderous aura all over their bodies.

And on the east side of this army, dozens of people wearing the uniforms of the Public Security Bureau and civilian clothes also lined up in a square line, looking ahead without saying a word.

At the same time, the leader of the Public Security Bureau stood straight in front of the Public Security Bureau team, with his head held high and his chest held high, motionless, as if waiting for a review.

On the east side of the Public Security Bureau team, there are more than 20 men and women dressed as ordinary people, some are looking at the army, some are sobbing softly, and some are staring in a daze. Every now and then there would be a sigh.

"Everyone! Take it easy!" The man in the middle of the three officers in front of the army looked rough and strong. He looked around and scanned the audience, and then shouted in a deep voice, "Stand at attention!"

Immediately, the troops of hundreds of people made a sound of "Shua Shua".

At the same time, the team of the Public Security Bureau also straightened their bodies.

Even the children's family members on the east side straightened up.

The officer's eyes were piercing, his voice paused, and he ordered:

"Leading the first, second, and third squads in a row, crossing westward along the south gate, covering the southwest area of ​​Biyuan Community, and detouring towards the target! Be careful to search for missing persons along the way!"

"Yes!" There was a deep but firm reply from the team.

"The second platoon leads Squads [-], [-], and [-], passing through the south gate to the east, covering the southeast area of ​​Biyuan Community, and making a detour to the target! Be careful to search for missing persons along the way!"


"The third platoon leads the seventh, eighth, and ninth squads, marching in the direction of true north, covering the surrounding area of ​​the main road of Biyuan Community, and detouring towards the target! Be careful to search for missing persons along the way!"


"The special operations team acted according to the established order!"


"The Public Security Bureau team is responsible for the peripheral area of ​​Biyuan Community, do a good job in logistics support, and pay attention to the enemy's report!"


When he said this, the burly officer turned his head and glanced at the five men in casual clothes, then glanced coldly at the audience, waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

Ka Ka Ka!

The army of hundreds of people was divided into four and moved quickly. Among them, the ten-man special operations team moved the fastest, and disappeared within the south gate in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of surprise and noise among the crowd of the families of the three missing children.

"Douzi, is that you? Where did you go?! It made my mother panic to death!"

"Xuanxuan, Xuanxuan, come quickly, come to mother, child, you... are you okay?!"

"Xiaolong, you bastard, see if I don't beat you to death! Get out of here quickly, and see how anxious your grandparents are?!"


For a while, there was chaos.

Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan smiled at each other, stood still, and just quietly watched the scene when the three children were reunited with their families.

The person in charge of the Public Security Bureau was about to lead a team to carry out peripheral patrol tasks. When he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and rushed towards the noisy crowd in a hurry.

At the same time, the faces of the three officers and the five officers in plain clothes were all stunned, and the thick officer rushed to the three teams that had not yet entered the south gate and ordered: "Row one, row two, row three, stay where you are!" Standby!"

"Yes!" All three teams responded in unison.

After speaking, the stout officer led two other officers, followed by five civilians, and walked towards the noisy crowd on the east side.

"Mom, these two aunts saved us." The little girl in her early ten years took a middle-aged woman's hand and walked quickly to Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan.

"Dad, Dad, don't hit me first, we really fell asleep accidentally in Biyuan Community." The tall boy ran through the crowd while avoiding the pursuit of a tall and strong middle-aged man. To Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan, "If you don't believe don't believe it... just ask the two little aunts."

"Okay, auntie," Lin Xiaonuan and Lin Xiaomei smiled awkwardly, "We are all little aunties now, I wash the dishes, you cook, and you feed the children."


The two girls couldn't help laughing coquettishly.

At this time, the short boy was pulling a middle-aged woman with his left hand and a middle-aged man with his right hand, followed by a dozen or so people, and came to Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan together, and heard The young woman said excitedly:

"Thank you both very much.

Three generations of Douzi in our family are passed down in a single pass.

When we heard he was missing, man, it really freaked out our whole family.

Especially his grandparents, as well as grandparents, were extremely uncomfortable.

I heard from Douzi that if you hadn't protected them, maybe all these little guys would have been eaten by monsters.

What a blessing to have met you two.

Thank you!

Thank you! "

"It's okay, ah... Eldest sister, this is what we should do," Lin Xiaomei smiled, "The task issued by the school said that there are children missing here, so we hurried here. I didn't expect to enter the Biyuan community without any help." How long did it take to find them, hehe, I'm really lucky."

At this time, the family members of the little girl and the tall boy also gathered around and said words of gratitude.

Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan greeted each other with smiles, seeing the children reunited with their families, they were also happy in their hearts.

"Thank you Yangwu Academy for supporting our Public Security Bureau!" The person in charge of the Public Security Bureau looked at Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan with piercing eyes, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"You're welcome." Lin Xiaonuan smiled slightly, "Principal Zhang of our Yangwu Academy has always asked us to cooperate with the Public Security Bureau to do missions as soon as possible, with all our efforts and dedication, and this time we can successfully complete the mission." We are also very happy that we did not delay the next step of the work of the Public Security Bureau."

"Okay, very good." The leader of the Public Security Bureau is in his 30s. He looks heroic and not angry. "Our Public Security Bureau is grateful for the strong support of Yangwu Academy, thank you!"

"Okay, I don't think your Public Security Bureau should be sympathetic with Yangwu Academy anymore, hahaha, there will be plenty of time in the future." The stout officer walked forward with a grin. Next to him were two other officers and five bodyguards. A man in plain clothes with a stern face said, "People from the National Martial Arts Department want to talk to the two of them, and let's go and smoke a cigarette, haha, brother, I heard that the Public Security Bureau has not been idle recently, has it?"


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