Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 480 World Entrance

"Did it get dark before you went to bed?" Ye Chong looked calmly and looked at the three and a half older children, "How was the weather at that time? Was it cold?"

"It's not dark, and it's not cold." The shorter boy obviously led the team, "Uncle, when we lost our way, it was mid-afternoon. It wasn't raining or snowing. The weather was very good."

"Well," Ye Chong nodded, then narrowed his eyes slightly, as if muttering to himself: "It seems that it is really a parallel world.

So, what did we see in the first place?

Is it a mirror world?


Mirage? "

"What?" Lin Xiaonuan looked blankly, and looked at Ye Chong, "Captain, what parallel world are you talking about? What does that have to do with mirages?"

"Xiao Nuan, it is said that mirages are mirror worlds of parallel worlds. Ancient civilization experts made such speculations many years ago." Lin Xiaomei smiled, then brushed her hair lightly, and looked at Ye Chong, "If it is true If the captain said so, then what we have experienced can be easily explained."

"Well," Ye Chong nodded, "but all of this is speculation, and there is no solid evidence. It seems that we can only wait for time to reveal the answer."

Speaking of which, Ye Chong has basically figured it out now.

Judging from the timing, when the accident happened to the three and a half older children, it was obvious that the burst of ice spirit energy had not yet been triggered.

As a result, for some reason, after the three children entered the wilderness world, they did not know how to finally trigger the ice spirit energy, and at that time, they were in the garden house together.

Later, the group of people should have come to the same place where the three children triggered the mechanism of the wilderness world, so they also fell into it by chance, but the time sequence is different, and the landing location is also different.

In the end, the ice spirit in the pit hole came to an end, and everyone escaped immediately and returned to the original world. Naturally, it was also because of an unexplainable mechanism that was also triggered.

As for the reason why, it will not be clear for a while.

Ye Chong frowned, sighed, then smiled slightly, shook his head, and seeing that everyone was looking at him, he couldn't help saying in a deep voice:


The mission to find the missing child has been successfully completed.

Xiaomei and Xiaonuan should go back and hand in the task early.

It also prevents the people from the Public Security Bureau from working hard and doing useless work.

Also, it is estimated that the children's family members are also very worried. Going back early can also make them feel at ease.

However, I think it is better to go back the same way as the East Gate.

At that time, Xiaomei and Xiaonuan, you can go directly to the south gate to hand in the task, and Dunan and the rest of the people can wait for them in the distance.

Ha ha.

In this day and age, you will be jealous when you see something good.

Du Nan, you have finally harvested some materials, and you have to exchange money for Xiaohong, but don't let them run away. "

"Hey, what Lao Ye said is true." Du Nan patted his stomach, "Then I won't participate in the task handing in."

"Captain, you won't go back with us?" Yang Ying leaned forward with a concerned expression, "Then I won't go back either."

"Okay, then follow me." Ye Chong smiled and nodded.

"Okay, okay, the captain is so kind." Yang Ying cheered happily, clapping her hands indiscriminately.

"It's okay." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and looked at the other party, "Anyway, I'm going to take a bath in the lake later, and I'm missing a back rub."


There was a burst of laughter like silver bells at the scene.

"Hmph," Yang Ying blushed, "Who cares about rubbing your back, I'm willing to go."


There was another burst of laughter, and the three and a half older children were also infected, and they were overjoyed.

"Lao Ye, let me go with you." Dunan stretched out his big hand and claws and shook it, "With my strength, I can rub off no matter how much dead ash and old skin you have on your body."

"Get out!" Ye Chong frowned, and took a step away, "You are so beautiful! If you want to take advantage of me, there is no way!"


In a certain dense forest near the northwest of Biyuan Community, it suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Seeing the members of Team 00 and Du Nan leaving with the three children, Ye Chong couldn't help but frowned and looked around.

This is the place where they came out of the wilderness world. He has never dared to move his footsteps easily, for fear of missing something.

It's just that after he looked around, he found nothing. The only valuable information he got was that he could confirm that this place was different from the place when he entered the wilderness world.

Then, relying on his memory, he once again found the location before the group of them inexplicably entered the wild world.

Even in pursuit of consistency, he went up the tree like last time.

However, to Ye Chong's great disappointment, he still got nothing.

"Where is the entrance to the wild world?

If there is really a parallel space of this world, then what is outside the wilderness world?

Speaking of which, first the three children, and then we, all entered the same wild world.

Then, this trigger mechanism should be relatively easy to implement.


Why can't I find that entrance even though I'm looking for it wholeheartedly? "

Ye Chong frowned, circling around the big tree where he was last time, constantly looking at it.

In fact, he also understands in his heart that this kind of trigger mechanism is about karma and chance, and it cannot be forced.

It's just that he really has an irresistible urge now, wanting to find the hole that spewed out the ice spirit.

If it can be realized, it means that he has found an excellent space where he can practice with peace of mind.


It may also mean a more important thing-perhaps the real secret of spiritual energy recovery is hidden in the hole where the ice spiritual energy is sprayed thinly.

It is precisely because of his deep expectation for this that he knows that some things cannot be forced, but he just can't let go of the obsession that will not give up until the Yellow River.

"Where is the entrance to the world?

Am I inadvertently missing something?

Or is my previous judgment simply wrong?

Does it have something to do with timing?

Or is it the temperature?


How many people?

wind speed?

or sound?


The meeting of fate is indeed extremely complicated and elusive at all. "

Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, and couldn't help speeding up his pace again, heading towards the northwest where the pillar of snow and mist appeared at that time.

But to his great disappointment, there is also a tree-lined place, without any potholes, no wilderness, and no purslane.

It's just that there is snow flowing on the ground, which proves that some wonderful stories have happened here.

No way.

Ye Chong looked around, but found nothing in the end, he could only walk towards the east gate of Biyuan Community.

At this moment, everything in Biyuan Community is completely silent, but the sound of car horns near the South Gate can be faintly heard.

Obviously, there are a lot of people and vehicles there, otherwise, in the middle of the night, there is really no need to honk the car horn.

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