Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 479 I'm Real


Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong was in the air and had no way to use his strength. He lifted the little boy's right hand and accelerated three times in a row under the surge of energy and blood.

With a whoosh, the little boy flew up into the air and fell straight to the edge of the pothole.

Du Nan yelled, stretched out his big hand, and dragged the little boy to the edge of the pothole, then subconsciously stepped back, and put the little boy down firmly.


After Ye Chong pushed, he couldn't help but slid down two or three meters under the reaction force.

At the same time, the whistling sound stopped and stopped, and the last little boy rolled and fell downward.

Almost at the same time, Ye Chong turned over in the air, and then stepped on the inner wall of the pit with one foot, and his body immediately shot towards the inner wall of the pit above the slope like a sharp arrow.

Immediately after passing by the falling little boy, Ye Chong scooped it up with one hand, unabated, and immediately stepped on the inner wall above the slope, and the whole person bounced back to the inner wall above the slope on the other side.

Under such circumstances one after another, Ye Chong had already flew to the edge of the pothole with the little boy in one arm.


There was a burst of cheers.

Before everyone could speak, Ye Chong suddenly shouted: "Everyone get down! Grab each other!"

As a result, when Ye Chong lay down with his arms around the little boy, he felt that his whole body was firmly grasped by countless claws.

At this moment, he couldn't help but tremble, and cursed in his heart: Damn, these guys' reactions are really fast.


Amidst bursts of loud noises, monstrous waves suddenly surged around the surrounding area, and the powerful impact force rampantly ravaged, menacing, if not for a group of people lying on the ground tightly together, they would have been sucked into the bottomless pit Among them disappeared.

After an unknown amount of time, the scene finally became quiet.

Ye Chong couldn't help moving his body, trying to raise his head, but only then did he realize that he had already been buried in the crowd.

"Get your paws away!" Ye Chong frowned and growled in a low voice, but he didn't dare to move, it would be bad if he squeezed someone into the pothole, "Move your body away quickly! Let me catch my breath! Mad, I'm so hot."


There was a burst of laughter like silver bells around.

"Who?! Who kicked me?!" Dunan's angry voice sounded, "There is another one who pinched me, Made, stand up for me, don't be sneaky!"


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter, as if a pot had exploded.

Immediately afterwards, after a rustling sound, Ye Chong finally loosened his body, feeling a long-lost sense of relief.

But at the next moment, he froze.

At the same time, the people around him also exclaimed.

"My God, where is this?"

"Aren't we in the wilderness? Why are there trees here?!"

"What about the pothole? Why is that pothole missing?"

"What the hell is going on? What happened?!"

"Captain, captain, we are... what's wrong?!"

"It's so hot that the snow has melted."

"Lao Ye, the situation is wrong," Du Nan patted his stomach a few times, "If we weren't in the illusion just now, where did we go? How do you explain this?!"

Ye Chong looked around, and could faintly see some shadows of garden mansions, and knew that he was indeed in Biyuan Community.

Seeing everyone's amazement, especially the doubts on Dunan's face, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Is it an illusion, I don't want to explain further.

Can you see if the materials for the mutant beasts hunted in the wilderness are still there?

If so, it's not an illusion.

Ha ha.

The reason why the illusion is an illusion is because everything in it is nothingness, and you can't get real things.

and also.

If it is really an illusion, then the three children beside us should not be real people, so it is better to cut it with a knife and test the authenticity. "

"Uncle, I am real."

"Uncle, don't cut me, it will hurt very much."

"Uncle, aunt, don't hurt me."

As soon as Ye Chong finished speaking, three children in their early teens, two men and one woman, started talking one after another.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, uncle didn't really want to hurt you," Lin Xiaonuan smiled and pulled the three and a half older children aside, "How are you doing, are you all okay?"

"Auntie, it's okay." The little girl in her early ten years leaned close to Lin Xiaonuan's side, "It seems that she fell asleep and had a dream."

"Auntie, we came to pick fruit, but we got lost and fell asleep tired and sleepy," a taller boy said to Lin Xiaonuan, "Thank you uncle and auntie for saving us. "

"Lost?" Lin Xiaonuan smiled, "How did you get lost?"

"Auntie, it's like this," the shorter boy tilted his head and thought, "The three of us are here to pick figs.

The figs in Biyuan District are very sweet, and they are very big, golden and yellow, and they are even sweeter when you pat them with your hands.

I came here with my classmates once before, and the fig tree was tall and big, just to the northwest of Biyuan Community.

But I didn't expect that the trees and grass in this community grow very fast. I brought the two of them here this time. I wanted to find the marks I made before, but I couldn't find the way when I walked.

Later, I wanted to go home, but I still couldn’t, no matter how I transferred, I couldn’t get out.

After that, I fell asleep in a daze until my uncles and aunts woke us up. "

"Wake you up?" Lin Xiaonuan frowned slightly, "What else happened? You don't remember?"

"Auntie, I had a dream." The little girl in her early ten years raised her hand, as if answering a question in class, "I seemed to be walking in a world of ice and snow, it was very cold, and then I was floating in the sky. It’s super fun and it’s not too cold.”

"..." Lin Xiaonuan glanced at Ye Chong, then looked at the tall little boy with a smile, "What about you? Could it be the same?"

"I...have been sleeping rather dead, as if I had a dream, but I didn't seem to have a dream," the tall little boy scratched his head, "Anyway, I also feel quite cold, as if... there are monsters watching us secretly .”

"Monster?" Dunan grinned and patted his stomach, "What monster? Scary?"

"Scary." The tall boy subconsciously took half a step back, looking at Dunan with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, "It seems...several, all of them look like people, and one of them is tall and fat Yes, it looks the scariest, as soon as you pat your stomach...just...just...just bang bang bang bang bang."


There was a burst of laughter like silver bells at the scene.

"You little bastard!" Du Nan raised his hand as if to hit him, "How dare you call us monsters?!"

"No, uncle, aunt, I seem to have dreamed like this in my dream." The tall little boy shrank his neck in fright, his face extremely nervous.

"Dunan, don't be like this." Lin Xiaonuan protected the tall little boy, "He must have been half awake and half confused at the time."

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