Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 466 The Thug Maker

"Everyone back to back, maintain a defensive formation!" Ye Chong shouted in a deep voice, "Dunan is ready to fight!"

Then at the next moment, countless snow-white things rushed out of the snow and rushed towards the crowd.

ice fox!

Mutated ice fox!

It is said that the place where the ice fox exists must be a place of icy snow and ice. I saw it today, as expected.

"Attention everyone, the mutated ice fox has great fighting power in the ice and snow, but without the help of the ice and snow, it is not a threat." Ye Chong walked around the circular zone while talking, and there was a mutated ice fox rushing up. , was also bombarded to the side by his gestures, "So, everyone, don't leave the circle, and clear the snow under your feet as soon as possible."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison.



hoo hoo hoo!

Most of the mutant ice foxes outside the circle are S1-level mutant beasts. Even with the help of ice and snow, they are basically not a big threat to Ye Chong.

The only regret is that there are no weapons.

If there was the Blade of the Starry Sky, he was confident that he could kill hundreds of mutated ice foxes by himself.

However, it is a pity that the blade of the starry sky is not there, and there are no other weapons, only a pair of fists and two feet can be used.

Ye Chong turned around, and knocked a mutated ice fox that was pounced on the ground with a bang. Seeing that the other party was submerged in the snow and was about to run, he couldn't help but curl his mouth, stretched out one hand, and grabbed the other party's hind leg , and then swung.



There was a sound of bone shattering, and the mutated ice fox swung in his hand ruthlessly hit the mutated ice fox that was rushing over from the other end. Under the collision of the two, both bones shattered, and screams arose.

not bad!

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth slowly curled up, and his eyes radiated with brilliance.

If we don't have weapons, let's make our own.

Anything is a weapon if it is used well.

The body of the mutated ice fox is of course no exception.




Ye Chong turned around in circles, knocking the mutated ice fox that was rushing madly to the ground.

Occasionally, a few mutated ice foxes broke through the line of defense, but they were gang-beaten by Lin Xiaomei and the others in an instant, and they were brutally killed on the spot.

Ye Chong knew very well that the members of the 00 team are all quasi-warriors now, and have not yet become warriors. It is very dangerous to fight alone in front of the S1-level mutant ice fox, which is equivalent to the junior martial arts fighter of the human race. is the best way.

Therefore, if more mutated ice foxes were accidentally allowed to attack, it would very likely bring them great confusion and even casualties.

Of course he didn't want to see this kind of thing.

"Dunan, what's the matter with you?" While Ye Chong was fighting, he also observed the surrounding situation, "Everyone is fighting, what are you doing holding your head?!"

"I'm afraid..." Dunan wailed, "I'm afraid of blood, I will faint."

"Oh, are you afraid?" Ye Chong waved the corpse of the mutated ice fox with his right hand, and knocked over the other mutated ice fox that was flying towards him. Plasma splashed, and the air was filled with blood, "Afraid of blood? Still dizzy with blood, right?" ?good very good!"

At the next moment, he swung his right hand, and as a result, the tattered, blood-drenched mutated ice fox corpse flew towards Dunan with a whoosh.

The latter was murmuring with his head in his arms, when he heard the voice he subconsciously raised his head, but didn't want to make a snap, the mutated ice fox corpse happened to come into close contact with his big face.


Dunan was stunned.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Even the mutated ice foxes that came besieging were stunned and stood on the spot.


A strange howl like a wild boar suddenly rang out, scaring those mutated ice foxes into the thick snow, only daring to expose their small heads to observe the outside situation.

"That's right!" Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Du Nan, "You can scare off the mutant beast with a howl, which is considered a skill."


With a swing of his left hand, Ye Chong threw the corpse of another mutated ice fox towards Dunan.

The latter was trembling all over and was about to speak, but he didn't expect another bloody mass to fly in front of his eyes, and he squatted on the ground in fright with a howl.

At the same time, the mutated ice foxes who were poking their heads out to observe quietly just now shrank their heads in shock and completely disappeared into the snow.

"Lao Ye, what are you doing...what are you doing?" Du Nan wiped his face with his hands, and couldn't help howling, "I'm afraid of blood, I will faint."

"Okay, you have the ability, are you still afraid of blood? Okay, you are covered in blood now, try to faint?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, but his voice was icy cold, "As long as you faint, I promise you will be killed." The mutated ice fox is torn into pieces."

What's interesting is that at the right time, whoosh whoosh, those mutated ice foxes that were submerged in the snow just now poked their heads out almost at the same time, and all stared viciously at Dunan.

"Fuck! Lao Ye, do you ever bully people like this?" Dunan raised his chest and raised his voice, "The matter of borrowing money has already been turned over. Why are you so narrow-minded? Not only do you not borrow money, but you also take revenge like this People?!"

"Hehe, who said you don't want to borrow money?" Ye Chong smiled, "Of course I have to borrow money."

"What did you say?!" Dunan couldn't help being stunned, "You really agree to borrow money?"

"Of course I agree, and I need to borrow a lot of money." Ye Chong looked around, looked at the mutated ice foxes who were still tilting their heads to observe Dunan, and then said: "It's just that it's not you who borrowed money from me, but me. to borrow money from you.

Dunan, you'd better get ready to make more money now, not only will your Little Red Club need it, but I also need help.

So, what are you waiting for?


As far as I know, these mutated ice foxes are rare ice and snow spirit beasts, full of treasures.

Not only the fur is valuable, but also many parts can be used as medicine.

Especially their blood, which is sweet, tastes better than Haagen-Dazs, and it nourishes yin and strengthens yang, and tastes good.

Since you're a foodie, don't you really want to try it? "


Dunan blinked, as if his head had been broken, and stood there in a daze.

Speaking of it, Ye Chong really didn't intend to play tricks on Dunan, but he had to do some things.

Lin Xiaomei and the others have not yet broken through to become warriors. With their current abilities and without weapons, any S1 mutant ice fox will pose a serious threat to their lives.

Dunant was different.

After he learned the "Whale Swallowing Technique", although the body data displayed on the physical examination machine was still that of a quasi-martial artist, which looked very ordinary, in fact, his body structure had undergone an incomprehensible evolution.

It can even be said that it is a change that is not human.

Dunan's strength, reaction, speed, agility, and defensiveness have all been unimaginably improved, and his combat background is very solid.

However, although this guy has amazing advantages that ordinary people can't match, he has a knot in his heart that cannot be untied, so that he has no courage to fight.

What Ye Chong wants to do is to get rid of Dunan's psychological barrier as soon as possible, otherwise, this guy will really be useless.

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