Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 467 You Can't Die

"Huh?" Ye Chong suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked to the northwest, and then his face changed drastically, and then he suddenly looked at Du Nan, "The big beast is coming, I will leave this place to you, if I fight dead, you take them home."

Du Nan froze, and before he had time to speak, Ye Chong swayed and shot towards the northwest like a sharp arrow.


A mutated ice fox with the size of an adult elephant suddenly rose from the thick snow, and then its body shook, countless ice slag and snowflakes splashed in all directions, and the sound of swishing could be heard endlessly.

hoo hoo hoo!

Those low-level mutated ice foxes, mainly S1, who had been hiding in the snow, jumped out of the snow in an instant as if they had received an order, and started to attack the 00 team frantically.


All members of the 00 team, including Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan, changed their faces, and there was a hint of fear and determination in everyone's eyes.

They have been working hard to control their emotions, not wanting to be afraid, but there is no way, the swarm attack of the S1 mutant ice fox is simply an irresistible force for them.

At the moment of watching death come, don't be afraid, it is a kind of instinctive fear.

Ye Chong's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help but sighed.

He knew very well in his heart that the only thing he could do now was to rush forward to the SS1 mutant ice fox. If he let it get close to Team 00, the result would be terrible.

As for the situation where hundreds of low-level mutated ice foxes such as S1 besieged them, he was powerless and could not help at all. He could only resign himself to fate and hope for a miracle to happen.


Although I am not a passionate seed, I am by no means a lump of wood.

Each of them has deep affection for me, why can't I see it?

Whether that affection is friendship, or comrade-in-arms, or brother-sister relationship, or even love, I don't know, and I don't want to.

However, one thing is certain.

They all wish me well.

And why don't I hope they can get better and better, at least they can live now. "

Ye Chong thought wildly in his mind, but it took a very short time, but he rushed to the SS1-level mutant ice fox in the blink of an eye.


The SS1-level mutated ice fox instantly stood up and pounced on Ye Chong fiercely. From a distance, it looked like a wolf pounced on a kitten.

"Lao Ye, you can't die!" Dunan suddenly punched his chest like a hammer, and the sound was like a bell, shaking the surrounding trees with snow, "I won't let you die! Ahh!"

Then came the next moment.


Dunan grabbed an S1-level mutated ice fox that rushed towards him, and before the opponent could open its mouth to bite, he threw it out with a buzzing sound.




An S1-level mutated ice fox that was about to pounce on Yang Ying was smashed right on the ground. As a result, the two mutated ice foxes all wailed, and the blood rained and turned into mud, falling down.

Swish swish!

Du Nan's body turned around, imitating Ye Chong's appearance, and turned counterclockwise along the ring around the 00 team. From a faint look, the speed of his body was not much worse than Ye Chong's.

What's interesting is that Dunan ran wild all the way, but obviously he hasn't completely overcome the psychological barrier of fear of blood and killing. When he saw a mutated ice fox pounced on him, he grabbed it casually, and then threw it at others like a stone. The mutant ice fox.

All of a sudden, there were crackling, crackling, crackling sounds, and the screams and howls of the mutated ice fox.

The members of the 00 team, including Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, and Yang Ying, were all stunned, looking at Du Nan who was raging like a thug.

Whoosh whoosh!

Ye Chong was fighting with the SS1-level mutant ice fox in front of him, but he didn't want the air to explode, and then three snow-white objects flew past him, hitting the SS1-level mutant ice fox almost at the same time.

Puff puff!

Blood spattered, and the stench was tangy.

It looked like an egg hitting a rock, or a tomato falling on a statue.

The SS1-level mutated ice fox was stunned, and turned to look at Dunan, who was tens of meters away, as if he couldn't believe that the tall and fat guy had such great strength that he could use the S1-level mutated ice fox as a hidden weapon .


Ye Chong stepped on the ground with one foot, flew into the air, and hit the neck of the SS1-level mutant ice fox fiercely with both fists.

Among them, the left fist slammed upwards, and the right fist smashed downwards, forming a twisting force, and a light click came out.


The SS1-level mutated ice fox immediately stood up, a pair of front paws snapped forward, and went straight to grab Ye Chong's chest.

The latter turned around, and flashed to the side like a light and shadow.

The SS1-level mutated ice fox reacted extremely quickly, turning around and pounced fiercely again.

Just at this time.

Whoosh whoosh!

Another three mutated ice foxes flew towards them, and Boo Boo Boo hit the body of the SS1 level mutated ice fox again.


The SS1-level mutated ice fox with its head tilted, as if sleeping on a pillow, suddenly turned around in a rage, stared at Dunan, then roared, and rushed forward.


Also at this time.


With a shake of Ye Chong's body, he suddenly appeared in front of the SS1-level mutated ice fox, and then just as the opponent was taken aback, he punched him continuously with two left and right punches.




The tilted head of the SS1-level mutated ice fox reset instantly, and then tilted to the other side, and then fell to the ground with a groaning sound. Seeing that the neck was completely broken, only the body was trembling, and the limbs kicked. Pedal away, howling endlessly.

Ye Chong took a step forward, stomped down with his big foot, click, the neck of the SS1 mutant ice fox was completely separated, only the fur remained.

"Wow, Captain!"

"Excellent, Captain."

"Hee hee, the captain is really amazing."


"Okay, Captain, killing a mutant beast that big is just awesome."


Amidst the cheers of the 00 team members, the low-level mutated ice foxes in all directions immediately scattered and disappeared without a trace.

"Dunan, come here." Ye Chong waved to Du Nan, then pointed at the monster in the snow and smiled, "This is an SS1 mutant ice fox, which is of great value.

Its animal eyes, fur, sharp claws, and teeth are all materials that the Variant Biology Laboratory and its related organizations are competing to buy. As long as they find the right place, they will definitely sell for a good price.

Ha ha.

You, Dunan, deserve the most credit for killing this SS1 mutant ice fox this time.

Speaking of which, without your help, I wouldn't be able to hit the opponent easily.

So, Dunan, this SS1 mutant ice fox is yours, you deserve it. "


There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

"It's not so good, Lao Ye," Dunan grinned, "After all, you also contributed a little bit."


There was a burst of booing at the scene.

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