Ye Chong's heart was overwhelmed, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, but he didn't dare to show it at all. Instead, he led the team and continued to move towards the place filled with snow and fog.

At the same time, he became more cautious and cautious in the process of moving forward, and even later he kept the team in a tighter forward formation.

"The case concerning the naming of Biyuan Community said that the marketing department of the developer took the lead in contacting an advertising company to jointly design the name.

After the name change, name change, and name change happened, many of the developer's marketing department left, and even later, the vice president in charge of marketing also chose to leave.

More than that.

The advertising company contacted by the marketing department also closed down for unknown reasons after half a year.

According to the case at that time, many people in Yangcheng City talked a lot, saying that this community is unlucky, and there may be unwarranted disasters if you live in it.

However, attracted by factors such as world-class developers, garden-style high-end communities, ultra-high greening rate, optimal floor area ratio, high-smart facilities and best property management, the price of Biyuan Community has risen again and again, and it is still a A room is hard to find.

Some case discussants even believe that the twists and turns in the name of Biyuan Community are the cleverness of the developer.

They firmly grasped the hotspot of name change, and quickly promoted the community to the whole country, and even attracted the attention of foreign buyers, resulting in a surge in demand and higher prices.


Later, when the off-plan houses were almost sold, problems began to appear continuously.

During the construction process, some workers were killed or injured, and even a lot of construction period was delayed because of this.

Developers have broken funds because of bank loan problems and mutual guarantee problems.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of new investors who injected a lot of money, the community would be unfinished.

Unexpectedly, after the main project of the community was completed, it was discovered that there was a discrepancy with the design.

As a result, under the coordination and rectification of various parties, the requirements for handing over the house were barely met.

However, there will be more things to come, and various accidents continue to happen in the community.

There is a problem with the water supply system and the unreasonable design of the sewer pipes, which leads to flooding when it rains.

There was a problem with the power supply system, and at least 50.00% of the households were short-circuited.

The key is that the leakage protector always trips, but I just can't find the reason.

There was a problem with the gas supply system, and the gas delivered by the gas supply company could not be used at all.

But the problem is that the gas delivered by the same pipeline to the nearby residential area will catch fire.

There was no reason for this problem. In the end, some experts said that the temperature in the community was low.

As a result, the owners of the community quit. How could this explanation be accepted by them?

It is not that there are no other communities around Biyuan Community, not only there are, but there are quite a lot of them.

Why is there no such thing as low temperature in other nearby communities, but Biyuan Community has it?

The key problems are not limited to these. Ground subsidence, inexplicable vibrations, abnormal noises, etc. occur from time to time.

The most unacceptable thing is that all kinds of small animals in the community are obviously more violent.

For example, a domestic cat is bigger than a dog, and it will pounce when it sees people who are not pleasing to the eye.

Let’s not talk about dogs, just don’t dare to keep them, how about it?As soon as it was raised, it became a big bad wolf.

Not to mention anything else, in Biyuan Community, even mice dare to dance in the square in the community.

Tube?What to do?A group of rats will swarm up, fearing that if they want to run, they will have no time to run.

But speaking of it, although there are many things about small animals in Biyuan Community, they are still easy to talk about.

As long as you don't provoke these guys, they generally won't take the initiative to attack the owners of the community.

But the problem is that since Biyuan Community officially moved in, there have been constant cases of residents disappearing.

And the most frightening thing is that no one is alive, no dead body is seen, and there is no clue at all.

Especially since the environment changed and the beginning of the new world, there are many problems in the community.

The most serious of them is that some weird mutant beasts come out of nowhere.

Not only are these guys not afraid of people, but they also brazenly break into the homes of residents and make trouble.

Many people chose to call the police, but it was useless, and the situation became more serious.

So that later, the residents of Biyuan Community became the first owners to move out in Yangcheng City.

All of these are the reasons why I don't want Lin Xiaomei and the others to come here alone.

Now it seems that there is nothing surprising about the phenomenon of snow, fog and light pillars in the northwest.

After all, where strange things happen frequently, it is normal to have strange things, and it is really strange if there are no strange things. "

Ye Chong smiled bitterly to himself and shook his head, watching the surroundings while walking.

However, what surprised him was that when he first entered the Biyuan community, there would be some noises everywhere, but now, except for the rustling of snowflakes and the sound of wind, everything around him was eerily quiet.

It was so quiet!


Ye Chong gave a soft drink and stopped in his tracks.

The others all looked over in surprise.

"We seem to be going around in circles." Ye Chong frowned, and squinted his eyes as he stared at the snowy mist beam to the northwest.

"How is this possible?" Yang Ying's eyes widened, "Captain, if we were going around in circles, we should be able to see the footprints we passed by."

"The snow is too heavy." Lin Xiaomei frowned slightly as she looked behind her. "It won't take long for the footprints to be completely covered."

Everyone turned their heads to look at the snow-covered ground, and couldn't help but change their expressions.

"The ice silk tree in front is where we weave the ice silk clothes." Ye Chong squinted his eyes and looked at the left front, only to see a big tree that obviously lacked part of the ice silk standing there. The ice silk swayed with the wind, as if laughing silently.

"What should we do, Captain?" Tao Xiangru looked around, "Shall we try in another direction?"

"If I'm not wrong, no matter which direction we go now, we will eventually come back here." Ye Chong looked up at the sky, letting countless snowflakes fall on his face, "The magnetic field here has changed, and these snowflakes ...leave us in a hallucination."

Lin Xiaonuan took a step forward, and when he was about to say something, Ye Chong suddenly raised his left hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "However, I don't think we need to worry, they are already here."

"What? Who is it?" Almost everyone at the scene was stunned, and they all looked around.

"They are the hosts who welcome us," Ye Chong's mouth slowly curled up, "At the same time, they are also the guests we should welcome.

However, they do not come from the ground, but...

Be careful! "

In Ye Chong's low growl, his body suddenly turned around like a spinning top like a spinning top. Amidst the chaotic snowflakes, he saw that the surrounding snow had been kicked away, forming a snow-free circle more than one meter wide. ring.

At the same time, the snow on the surrounding ground seems to come alive, Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka up, it seems that there are countless monsters running wildly under the snow.

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