Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 460 Dispatched

With a bit of satisfaction, a bit of doubt, and a bit of anticipation and fatigue, Ye Chong fell asleep as soon as he lay on the bed.

However, to his surprise, the phone in the living room rang suddenly, and the jingling sound brought him back to his senses.

"Xiaomei, it's your call," Tao Xiangru called softly, "It seems to be quite urgent."

After a while, Lin Xiaomei's voice came out quietly:


Yes, I am Lin Xiaomei.

Biyuan District?



Do it now!

Guaranteed to complete the mission! "

Lin Xiaomei's voice was very low, but for martial arts practitioners, she could hear it clearly, and Ye Chong was no exception.

He knew very well in his heart that Lin Xiaomei should have received a mission, and it was an urgent mission.

He had experienced this kind of thing once when he returned to school from the bar of Jiuwu Academy.

That mission was to go to Westtown to carry out the mission of searching for the old yellow-haired Walter White.

It was also during that emergency mission that two of his comrades left them forever.


Ye Chong opened the bedroom door and went out, only to see Lin Xiaomei looking over in astonishment.

"I'm sorry, Captain, it's interrupted your rest. The school has urgent tasks from time to time, so we can't delay. I'll leave a call here tonight."

"Well, I know," Ye Chong nodded, "Is it an urgent mission? How many of you are going?"

"I'm with Xiaonuan. We belong to a small team at Yangwu Academy." Lin Xiaomei smiled, then looked at Lin Xiaonuan again, "Are you ready? Let's go."

"You two drank a lot today, can you do it?" Ye Chong looked at them with a look of worry on his face, "What task? Is the level of secrecy high? How dangerous is it?"

"It's okay, captain, the level of confidentiality is the lowest, and the level of danger is average." Lin Xiaomei lightly brushed her hair, "Actually, it is a general search task. Well, there was an incident of people disappearing after entering the abandoned Biyuan community. Let's go Find out what's going on?"

"Huh? This is within the responsibility of the Public Security Bureau, right?" Ye Chong couldn't help but frowned, "Do students from the Martial Arts Academy need to come forward for this kind of thing?"

"Yes, captain, this is indeed the scope of the Public Security Bureau's responsibility. However, sometimes when the Public Security Bureau is understaffed and overwhelmed, it will request the students of Yangwu Academy to assist in handling the case by issuing tasks." Lin Xiaomei laughed Laughing, "Captain, don't worry, maybe we'll all be back by breakfast time."

"Xiaomei, Xiaonuan, don't take it lightly." Ye Chong frowned, with a look of worry in his eyes, "The mutant beasts are very intelligent and vicious.

When I came from Zhongdu this time, I was attacked on the wilderness platform.

It should be said that the more mutated beasts appear in densely populated areas, the more terrifying and cunning they will be.

Especially at night, no one knows what will happen?

The point is that you also drank a lot of alcohol, which is also a problem.

and so……

I suggest that if you can perform tasks during the day, don't go now. "

"It's okay, Captain, we will be careful." Lin Xiaonuan smiled, "The school has regulations, emergency tasks must be carried out in time, otherwise, it will affect our credits and future graduation, okay, Captain, you go first Rest, we have to go now."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I can't sleep anyway, so I just went out to relax."

"Captain, you..." Lin Xiaomei looked a little embarrassed, but hesitated to speak.

"No need, captain, we're fine." Lin Xiaonuan blinked and smiled.

"It's okay, you have to experience it to know." Ye Chong shook his head, "I know Biyuan Community, it covers a large area and has rich vegetation. It is a famous high-end community in Yangcheng. I didn't expect it to be abandoned now. People's area, I really want to go and have a look."

"Yes, Captain, Biyuan Community is a garden-style community with a high rate of greening. After the environment changes, the plants inside grow even more crazy." Tao Xiangru smiled and came forward, "There are a lot of various fruits and vegetables.

Especially peaches, apricots, figs and dog's head dates, etc., all grow big, plentiful and delicious, and they can't be picked all the time.

It also attracted a lot of small animals.

Later, some wounding incidents occurred in the community, so people gradually moved out of it for safety reasons.

However, until now, many people from nearby communities often go there to pick fruit to eat, or hunt game or something.

It is estimated that the mission of Xiaomei and Xiaonuan this time is that someone went in and disappeared, right? "

"Yes, what Xiangru said is correct," Lin Xiaomei nodded, "Our task this time is to cooperate with the Public Security Bureau to find three missing half-aged children. The family members suspect that they entered Biyuan Community early in the morning. But it hasn't come back until now."

"Well, if I remember correctly, Biyuan Community covers an area of ​​about ten square kilometers, right?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, and shook his head, "Such a large area, with abundant vegetation, is equivalent to It’s a small forest, and there are a lot of abandoned buildings inside, so the situation is very complicated, if you two go in alone to carry out the task, obviously there are not enough manpower, the effect may not be good.”

"There should be people from the Public Security Bureau on the search mission." Lin Xiaonuan smiled, "Captain, you've been tired all day and you're not in a good mood. We really don't want to cause trouble. You still... "

"Don't talk about it." Ye Chong waved his hand lightly, "Let's set off now, don't waste time, you also know that I am in a mess right now, I can't sleep even if I want to sleep, just go out to relax."

Actually, Ye Chong was right.

He is indeed in a mess right now, but it's not because of the annoyance and depression brought about by the animated commercials, and it's not because of the surprises brought about by the skyrocketing battle points, but because of the scenes that happened on the wilderness platform, which made him unable to let go of his mind at all. .

After all, if Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan hadn't experienced the horror, terror and shock brought by the mutant rats and mutant snakes on the wilderness platform, even if Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan took the initiative to invite him to go out to perform missions, he would not go, and would rather let them stay Get real exercise, improvement and progress in a dangerous environment.


If the situation in Biyuan community is really similar to what happened at the wilderness platform, it is just watching the two of them die.

Whether he was their captain during the trial in Ying Island, or as a friend who has a common pursuit on the road of martial arts, it is impossible for him to watch such a thing happen.

"I'll go as well."

"I'll go as well."

"Let's go to perform the mission together, hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Okay, let's go together."

"Our 00 team is dispatched collectively."

"Quack, you all go, of course you can't leave me behind, go together, go together."

All of a sudden, in the huge presidential suite, an inexplicably excited voice suddenly rang out.

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